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Chapter 1104 Dana vs Dana

He Naizi's knife was dark and dark, and as it traveled, it also gave off a little bit of cold light, all indicating the sharpness of the knife.

With her speed and strength, she would definitely be dead if she stabbed her in.

However, just when it was about to touch her heart, He Naizi held up a hand flower, which was very beautiful, just like the hand flowers waved by society, but there was no music to back it up, otherwise everyone would definitely join in the fun.

After performing the handwork, He Naizi stood up with a different look.

It seems to be speaking to Tong Aiguo, and it seems to be speaking to the ancestors who are everywhere.

"I am of the Nimacha lineage, with a humble bloodline and not welcome in shamanism. In order to revitalize the family, I had no choice but to leave this land nine hundred years ago and went into exile overseas. I thought about changing the world and revitalizing the family.


For more than 900 years, the Nimacha family has been passed down for twenty-four generations, with a total of 135,791 direct clan members. When it came to my generation, the number of people was not strong, so I was appointed as the clan leader.


In these more than nine hundred years, none of the more than 100,000 clan members have ever invited the first-generation grandpa. Maybe the first-generation grandpa just doesn't care about my family and has never looked at us in the eyes.

Today, I grabbed your neck collar and you asked me to die to apologize. Isn’t that a bit bullying?

If we get to the bottom of it, we are all descendants of the shaman lineage. Isn't it a bit too much for you to ask me to die as an apology for such a big deal?"

Tong Aiguo was questioned by He Naizi, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer.

Today's matter, according to common sense, is definitely not a matter of life or death, but it was Cai Gen's idea to make you commit suicide, not me.

However, although the Nimacha lineage is not ranked in the first echelon of shamanism, no family should give away the surnames passed down from ancient times in vain, otherwise they will all be drowned in the long river of history.

I remember reading in my grandfather's memory that there were over ten thousand shamanistic families in their heyday, but now there are no more than twenty families in existence, which shows that the Nimacha family is also working very hard.

As the patriarch of the Ma Jia family, it is indeed a bit wrong and unreasonable to ask the patriarch of the Nimacha family to die as an apology as soon as they meet.

Besides, in the past, eldest brother Tong Aiguo was responsible for handling outfield matters like this. Tong Aiguo really didn't have much experience.

After He Naizi showed the majesty of the patriarch, his speaking temperament became different. Looking at the speechless Tong Aiguo, he continued his own rhythm.

"Even if you want me to die, even if you don't understand the rules, even if you're old enough to live like a dog, at least sign up.

Do you want to live without showing your face, and sign up to disgrace your last name?

Or is your last name invisible and you are too embarrassed to say it?"

Tong Aiguo couldn't bear it if his surname was mentioned. This was a matter of principle and should not be taken carelessly.

"Nimacha family, you can do it, you will be forced to do it to no end.

The main reason why I don’t sign up with you is because I think you are not qualified, and you are just making fun of me.

The first generation grandfather is in me, and he is very interested in our family. Don't pretend like you don't know.

I am the eldest son of the Ma Jia family, Ma Jia family. Tong Aiguo, what's going on? What can you do?"

When he saw the first-generation grandpa, He Naizi had already guessed that the ancestors and gods were relatively rare to these big families, but he didn't expect to meet the descendants of the Ma Jia family.

He Naizi didn't care much about whether she was a great master or not. She was still Nimacha's great master. From the day she poisoned her grandfather to death, she was a great master. It was just an honorary title.

Just mentioning Ma Jiashi, hey, I am so envious.

The top family in the first echelon has surpassed the Nimacha family for centuries.

As for the criteria for judging the shaman family, it is actually not complicated at all. It is based on strength.

Whichever family invites powerful ancestors will be noble, there is no other reason.

There are many gods worshiped by shamanism, thousands of them, but the top ones only have about thirty or so.

There is one national god, six ancestor gods, and twenty-three natural gods. There are also many other gods, but they cannot be named.

Whether the Nyimacha family has been reproducing in the ancestral land or has been exiled overseas, the best thing they have invited over the years is the natural god. The ancestor gods have never been invited, let alone the national god.

As for Tong Aiguo's eldest father-in-law, he was the number one in the ancestral gods, the perfect number two figure, and would definitely make any shaman family envious and jealous.

However, no one was able to do anything. The first generation prince was very interested in Ma Jia's bloodline. Even though there was no reason to explain, he had to endure his jealousy.

He Naizi felt uncomfortable in his heart, but on the surface he had to hold on. At this time, it was a conversation between Dada. The reason why he acted so coquettishly just now was because he was considering the attitude of Tong Aiguo, the leader of the family.

Shamanism doesn't say that they are a group of people, but at least they are a group. After all, there is ancestral bond. She just wants to see if Tong Aiguo cares about this bond.

Practice has proven that people do not take the Nimacha family seriously at all.

What else is there to say? You don’t care, so why should I care?

"Tong Aiguo, you Ma Jia family have fallen to such an extent that you are attached to the official family. It is really an embarrassment to our ancestors. I can't even blame you."

This is said as if the Shinto religion established by the Nimacha family is not an official representative. It is an absolute double standard.

Tong Aiguo had little experience in handling foreign affairs, and he was even less willing to talk to a woman here. He was not very good at it, and his eldest brother didn't know when it would be finished, so he could only look at Cai Gen for help.

Cai Gen felt that other people's shamans were interfering with each other, and it would not be good for him to get involved. Who knows which relative would be mentioned and have a happy ending, and how embarrassing it would be then.

Deliberately avoiding Tong Aiguo's gaze, he lowered his head and whispered to Xiao Sun.

"Xiao Sun, have you ever encountered shamanism before?

It seems that this system is quite complicated.

Why hasn’t it been involved in film and television works before?”

"Third uncle, didn't I tell you before?

This shamanism is not easy to promote. It is a blood circle thing, and it is difficult for outsiders to understand and integrate into it.

Unlike Taoism and Buddhism, the threshold for recruiting disciples is relatively low, so it spreads widely.

Besides, these shamans don’t want to be famous. They are more like otakus, just guarding their own one-third of an acre of land and tinkering with their own things.

Upgrade the SS to fight monsters and keep waves, and you don’t form a team. You just play by yourself. Who knows whether your skills are good or not, and whether the equipment is strong or not.

Very alternative and low-key.”

Well, the description is more appropriate, Cai Genshen agreed,

Tong Aijia, who was detoxifying and rejuvenating her beauty, had come into contact with him more than once or twice. They had meals together, bathed and spanked, which was not unfamiliar, but they had never mentioned Taiqinggou.

If it hadn't been for the accident in Taiqinggou today, who would have known that this place is the territory of shamanism, it's really well hidden.

It is indeed an organization that has been handed down from ancient times, and it is really low-key.

This chapter has been completed!
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