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Chapter 1195 Heaven's Beizi

"Young Master Long, don't be impulsive."

Cai Gen was surprised by Young Master Long's tenacity, and even more annoyed by his own incompetence. It seemed that his ability to control the field was not as powerful as he thought.

"Disciple, wait a moment, you don't have to die."

Seeing that Young Master Long was about to be knocked to death in front of him, Tong Ai's family couldn't accept it, especially his younger brother Tong Aiguo was still nagging in his heart, so he made up his mind to help Young Master Long fight, and if he allowed this apprentice to do whatever he wanted, who would be the one to do it?

What about people.

"Xiao Longlong, please don't do it."

Although He Naizi was about to be caught and killed by the big bird, she was more concerned about Young Master Long's safety. Seeing that Young Master Long wanted to die, she was also in a mess.

Proud, satisfied, unwilling, and more importantly reluctant to give up.

At the moment when Mr. Long wanted to die, he was too nervous and was in a rush, so he didn't hear anyone's words and entered a state of selflessness.

He hit the wooden stubble on the elder's leg, and the brain burst he imagined did not appear.

Because he was so afraid of death, Mr. Long kept his eyes closed during the collision.

As a result, there was no feeling of collision. Mr. Long opened his eyes, and the sharp wood stubble disappeared.

Could it be that Master felt sorry for him and saved his life?

However, what happened next completely negated Mr. Long's guess.

Because, a cicada pupa appeared in front of his eyes, chewing on the senior grandfather's thigh one after another.

Cicada pupa?

Yes, it’s a cicada pupa.

Mr. Long will never admit his mistake, that is, the dried cicada pupae he likes to eat the most is the grilled cicada pupae that costs six yuan per skewer at the barbecue restaurant.

Looking at the cicada chrysalis in front of me, it seemed as if it was electrified. It gnawed quickly. In the blink of an eye, one of the first generation's legs was eaten away.

When the cicada pupa took its first bite, no one could move, as if time had stopped at this moment.

Then, before anyone could react, the cicada pupa grew.

Yes, it grew up like it was blown by the air, five meters, ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters

After expanding to the limit, it suddenly cracked.

A big butterfly emerged from its cocoon.

Cai Gen was dumbfounded during the narration.

what is this?

A moth?

No, this is Mothra, right?

Why is it so big?

Moreover, it was so beautiful. Cai Gen didn’t know how to describe these colorful big wings.

After the big butterfly came out, its seemingly weak wings actually had amazing destructive power. With a slight flutter, the first generation master flew out on one leg.

With the second flutter, the big bird above He Naizi also flew out.

Halfway through the third blow, he stopped, as if he couldn't bear to attack anyone else again.

"The great national god, Abkar Nduli, the son of heaven."

The moment Tong Aijia saw the big butterfly, she burst into tears. Suddenly she found that she could move. She knelt on the ground with a bang, her forehead pressed against the ice, and she paid her highest respect.

Following Tong Aijia's movements, all the shamans, as well as the group of birds and beasts, all knelt on the ice, not even daring to raise their heads, showing deep awe.

Young Master Long actually didn't understand what was going on. Seeing that the crisis was over, He Naizi knelt there with them and kowtowed. He thought to himself, these silly girls, how long have they been, do they still have the heart to kowtow?

He ran over and pulled He Naizi up, standing behind Big Butterfly.

He Naizi was like a little sheep at this time, not even caring about the blood on his arms. He hugged Master Long's arm tightly, his eyes were filled with little stars, and his admiration reached the sky.

"Xiao Longlong, you have the treasure of heaven in you, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Tianwei quilt?

Is it the same as silk quilt?

Young Master Long looked confused, but the situation in front of him did not allow him to ask questions. Anyway, it should be beneficial to him.

Now that this group of people have put on a good show, if you don’t put on a show, who will you be worthy of?

"Hey, you don't give me a chance to keep a low profile, so why do you have to force me?"

As he spoke, Young Master Long extended his index finger, showing off his arrogance.

However, just after posing, the big butterfly seemed to have exhausted its energy and turned into colorful light spots, imprinted on Mr. Long's forehead.

It looks better now.

From then on, there was a big butterfly on Mr. Long’s forehead.

Feeling the disappearance of the big butterfly, Tong Aijia and others stood up. The tears on their faces were still there, but they were smiling.

He happily ran to Mr. Long and carefully looked at the pattern on his forehead.

"Xiao Long, that's great, Heaven's Beizi, I haven't shown my face for more than two thousand years.

When I came out today, it actually fell on my head, Ma Jia, hahaha."

At this time, the first-generation master jumped back on one leg without any resentment, as if it was an honor for him to have his leg chewed. He also chuckled a few times at the big butterfly on Young Master Long's head.

The expressions of other shamans could not be seen due to their masks, but the envy, jealousy and hatred in their eyes were too obvious.

Since Mr. Long is a white man, he doesn't understand what the shell of heaven represents. But judging from Tong Aijia's attitude, it should be regarded as a rare item, something that can help him improve his status.

"Well, Master, He Naizi is her"

"Xiaolong, don't worry, I will make the decision for you."

Oh, let me go. Cai Gen was licking his teeth when he heard this.

Shamanism, heaven, and the Pure Land of Western Bliss all have the same flavor.

Sure enough, you can talk about anything, it just depends on whether you are qualified to talk about it.

It seems that what Young Master Long showed just now means that his status is really high in shamanism. Even Tong Aijia doesn't care about his old face.

Even if it's a little more tactful, it's too incompetent.

Cai Gen looked around at his companions and found that they all had the same look on their faces. Maybe they all felt this and sighed at the invincible warmth and warmth of human kindness.

After Tong Ai's family took care of everything, he looked at the other shamans, smiled meaninglessly for a while, and then started all kinds of heart-breaking attacks.

"Today, I, the Ma Jia family, have accepted a disciple, and the first generation's Xianggen has an heir.

Moreover, the appearance of the Beizi of Heaven is a sign of the resurgence of my shamanism.

This is a double blessing. When you leave soon, don’t forget to give double gifts.”

"Boss Tong, isn't this bad?"

"He Naizi committed a big taboo after all"

"Yeah, it's not appropriate to marry Ma Jia's family."

"Shut up!"

Someone wanted to speak, but was rudely interrupted by Tong Aijia.

In the past, he was already a stinker when he was carried by the senior master. Now that his apprentice has been favored by the Beizi of Heaven, he has directly ascended to heaven.

"If you have the final say, then you have the final say.

Come on, come on, in front of Tianzhi Beizi, you can torture his woman to death.

I'm just watching, who of you is coming?"

Other shaman masters felt a little unbalanced because Tong Aijia stood up for all the benefits.

In such a situation, if you still find trouble with He Naizi, you would be a fool.

After being called out by Tong Aijia, no one dared to speak.

This chapter has been completed!
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