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Chapter 1240 The Wine Bureau

"Speaking of which, I think about those days.

I didn't know the smelly beggar, I had heard of him, but we didn't have much contact with him.

Those who hang out with us are not in the same circle.

By the way, do you have a basic understanding of the circle we hang out in?

If you have any misunderstandings, wouldn’t it be in vain?”

Cai Gen was not surprised that Gong Kanghui kept pace with the times. The Ma Jia family must have made a lot of efforts over the years. They were afraid that their ancestors would be derailed by the world. They were really well-intentioned.

The reason for such a straightforward explanation is that Gong Kanghui may also hope that Cai Gen can understand it more easily.

"Actually, how should I put it, I have been a materialist fighter since I was a child.

If you talk about joining the circle, it only took more than half a year, and I really don’t know much about it.

I have some superficial understanding from the picture books I read when I was a kid and the novels I read when I grew up.

What about Pangu opening up the heaven and earth, the Three Sovereigns and the Five Emperors and Nuwa patching up the sky?

I always feel it’s a bit chaotic, not very systematic, and I don’t have a systematic understanding.”

Gong Kanghui was not surprised. He had probably seen what Cai Gen had seen.

"Bah, that idiot Pangu, what a fart world he opened up?

Will the world be opened with him?

How could Fuxi open the sky with just one painting?

Not to mention that Da Siming also served as the God of Creation?

How can there be so much space for them to open?

How can there be so many worlds for them to create?

Create a space, create a new world, and brag about it.

It's just the beginning of a space, and it happens to be connected to our side.

Your pet is also on the same level as Pangu, right?

Don't blame me for discriminating against outsiders, they are not natives.

We are not in the same circle, and if we insist on integrating into it, no one can stand it.

That is to say, in these years, I have liberated my mind and feel that it makes sense to tolerate the world.

If it had been in the past, I would have taken action long ago with my little temper.

As a clan of ancestral witches, we try to stay outside the mainstream circles.

I don’t want to get involved in all the noise, and I always want to be alone.”

The amount of information is a bit large. Are these mythical characters divided into inner and outer circles?

Fuxi is really promising, how can he open up the sky with just one stroke?

The person in front of him was a living book of myths and history. Cai Gen decided that he must revise his worldview and ask questions.

"Brother Hui, what are the mainstream circles of immortals that you know about?"

"In the mainstream circles, there are many.

I have never seen it in ancient times, so I don’t dare to say it is true, so I won’t mention it.

In the era I live in, those who are relatively powerful are divided into four groups.

To the north is the Yanhuang deity.

There is the Taiyi divine system in the south.

There is the Dijun deity in the East.

There is the Kunlun God System in the West.

There are also many side-effects and extended forces that are being pulled together.

These are just immortals who have established a foothold and have their own territory. If you include the outsiders and wanderers, they are too numerous to count.

It can be said that gods are everywhere, and immortals are not as good as dogs.

If these were spelled out in detail, you wouldn't be able to understand them, and it would be really confusing.

The main reason is that many things are concealed and full of misleading.

Let me tell you this, the three emperors and the five emperors are not in the same circle. I, my son, and my grandson are all divided into several groups. If they are grouped together, isn't it nonsense?

It was an era when you sang, I came on stage, the emperor took turns, and the banker changed every year.

Internal fighting, external fighting, fighting between gods and demons, battles between humans and gods, battles between humans and beasts, and battles between gods and beasts. Every day is idle and idle, just all kinds of battles.

I don’t know why I am so addicted and want to be the protagonist of the world.

A group of people stepped onto the stage of history, gained power, and began to write history according to their own wishes.

Selfishness is inevitable, and everyone wants to pass on the good side of themselves and hide the dark side.

It is human nature and no one is exempt from vulgarity, especially those in the circle.

If you don’t understand, just don’t understand, just beat the drum again and start a new business.

It's not a bad choice to start a new chapter with you.

Anyway, just remember that most of what has been passed down is just fabrication."

This is indeed the truth. Cai Gen remembered that he had heard before that the ancestral witch was the incarnation of Pangu. Seeing Gong Kanghui's disrespectful look, it probably doesn't matter much.

"Then what is the truth of history?"

"As I said, everything that has been handed down has been falsified.

What I know is also processed. Who the hell knows what the truth is?

I only dare to say what I saw with my own eyes, heard with my own ears, and participated in it personally.

For other things, if I am responsible, I can’t just talk nonsense.”

There are only two possibilities for going around and around, he really doesn't know, or he really doesn't want to say it.

Cai Gen was about to break the casserole and ask the question, but he finally encountered someone who was talking nonsense.

But Gong Kanghui didn't give Cai Gen a chance.

"Why are you so persistent?

It's all fake. What's the use of asking?

It has no positive meaning other than disturbing your mind."

Cai Gen looked at XiaoTianmao in the distance. How great would it be if he could be here and ask questions along with him?

I am so ignorant that I don’t even know how to ask the question.

Forget it, I'll listen to what you say, and don't argue with me.

"Well, Brother Hui, what have you experienced?

Why are these ancestral souls so depressed?

I can’t give away my kindness, so what should I do next?”

It seemed that he finally got to the point. Gong Kanghui started to light up his cigarette again. It would be better to talk about the matter from the beginning. He hadn't chatted with anyone for a long time.

"Originally, your ex and I are not in the same circle.

The first time I met him was at a wine shop.

Hey, I was just greedy for drinking at the beginning. How great would it have been if I hadn't met him?

I remember it was winter, and Zhu Laoliu suddenly gave me news.

He said he was inviting me to drink to celebrate his apprenticeship.

Originally, I was unwilling to change in the winter, but he called me angrily and refused to go without giving him face. This was a major event in his life.

I am also a scene person, so I went.

When I got there, I saw a lot of acquaintances, but the only one I didn't meet was your ex.

After asking around, I found out that Zhu Laoliu actually wanted to become a chef.

A member of the ancestral shaman lineage actually wants to learn how to cook, and is a serious apprentice.

I was so angry that I almost lifted the table.

Let’s just say that Zhu Laoliu has been idle and has made no achievements, so he won’t abuse himself like this. It will also embarrass me, right?”

Speaking of this, Gong Kanghui stopped and took a few puffs of cigarette, as if deeply immersed in memories, searching for the state at that time.

Cai Gen finally figured it out. What a bullshit ancient myth.

It's nothing more than trivial things, money, rice, oil and salt.

In particular, Gong Kanghui's expressive ability is quite strong, and his sense of empathy is overwhelming. What he depicts is like a family feud that happened in the next village.

"Seeing that I was about to get angry, the old girl stopped me.

Let me calm down and talk about it after dinner.

Well, my old sister is thick-soiled, so she is considered Lao Gada.

We are usually very doting on her, and she treats me like crazy.

When I thought about it, I felt the same way. I still have the strength to fall out after eating.

It’s not easy to eat Zhu Lao Liu for so many years.

You don’t know, then Zhu Laoliu is just idle all day long, and his days can’t go on any time soon. In addition to rubbing against us, he is simply the reincarnation of an iron rooster.”

Well, Cai Gen further confirmed his thinking. It was really just a matter of shortcomings.


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