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Chapter 1550 Perfect plan

Looking at Cai Gen, drinking an ice drink and eating potato chips in front of him.

The teddy bear really doesn't know how to tell his story.

Which tone should I choose?

Indignant or self-pitying?

Forget it, let’s take the path of tragedy, after all, Cai Gen has prepared tissues.

"By the way, Pangu opened the sky..."

"Stop it, there's no need to start from the beginning.

Let’s just say why you send signals, they are still signals in the human world.

Who ordered it, what was the purpose, where did something go wrong, where was he wronged."

Cai Gen directly gave specific directions.

The teddy bear adjusted his mood and reorganized his language.

"Boss Cai, if we get to the root of this matter, it actually has a lot to do with you."

Cai Gen doesn't like this interactive communication method.

If I ask you to say it, just say it freely. It has to be pretentious and interactive. Isn't it annoying?

Teddy Bear saw Cai Gen being indifferent and felt that he had used the wrong trick.

Quickly change the method to cater to Cai Gen's preferences.

"Boss Cai, you went downstairs last time.

Summoning great power, he cut off the space passage that entangled the underworld.

Let Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's ten thousand years of management be ruined in one day.

Can he be willing to do so?

Can he really let it go gently?

No, he can't. He has gone to the point of becoming crazy in order to become a Buddha.

So, the whole thing was planned.”

It seems that the teddy bear really doesn't dare to show up during this period, so the information is very limited.

He had no idea that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva had become the Buddha of Anxin.

Cai Gen decided to wait until he finished speaking and surprise him.

Now let's talk about it, it will affect the rhythm of the teddy bear.

"The plan I know is divided into two steps.

The first step is to let the heavens meet and resurrect the Bull Demon King.

In the end, the job fell into the hands of our buddies.

Thinking back to the beginning, we were also confused.

I always feel that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is unique.

There is also no shortage of status, backers and connections.

He is a big man worth relying on.

So I grabbed this job abruptly.

If you want to show off well, be a candidate.

Alas, now it seems that we did it ourselves, unwilling to be alone.

Isn’t it good to just eat and wait to die?

Why should we be motivated?

It's all my fault.

It's my fault for the three stupid brothers who got involved.

It's my fault..."

As he spoke, the teddy bear began to beat his heart.

I don't know if I tried hard or not, but there was no sound.

"O King Dhritarashtra, please restrain yourself.

Can we talk about self-reflection at the end?

The story is inconsistent and difficult to understand."

The teddy bear stopped, wiped his tears and continued.

"Yes, the first step is for us to resurrect the Bull Demon King.

The second part is about letting the money-losing boy come forward and give instructions to the Bull Demon King.

After all, they are father and son, so communication is easier.

As for the content of the instruction.

Just let the Bull Demon King give you the coordinate information of the human world.

It is emitted and directed to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Then, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva gets the coordinates.

Connect those severed space channels to the human world.

Transport all the alien species from those three thousand small worlds directly to the human world, skipping the life wheel link.

To say that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is crazy is just my subjective contempt.

But if the plan really comes true.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is definitely a great achievement in the west.

After all, in those three thousand small worlds, the only belief is the west.

So many believers suddenly increased, and they were still in the basic human world of the Three Realms.

The west side will definitely take the lead and overwhelm the heaven.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva can also rely on this merit to obtain the status of Buddha."

When Cai Gen heard this, he suddenly thought of a dream he had had.

It seems that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was doing something bad and he caught him.

He was holding a lot of silk thread in his hand, doing some delicate work.

Now combine it with the narration of Teddy Bear.

It seems that at that time, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva wanted to connect the space channel to the human world.

Cai Gen himself did not know that his dream had broken through Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's conspiracy.

The warning of that dream was really in vain, Cai Gen felt deeply ashamed.

Who would have thought it could be so complicated.

There are so many plans behind it.

If Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva really succeeds, then the world will be filled with demons.

Fortunately, something went wrong and the plan was shelved.

It seems that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's obsession with becoming a Buddha is really serious, and he does not hesitate to risk everyone in the world.

From this point of view, isn’t it a bit hasty to turn him into an Anxin Buddha yourself?

Hey, what are you doing with that useless thing?

Anyway, it was not my own subjective will, it was completely accidental.

Cai Gen directly resolved the knot in his heart.

"Then something went wrong.

The Bull Demon King directly transmitted the coordinates of the human world through all channels.

Not only Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has received it, but everyone who wants to receive it can receive it.

This is a huge disaster.

Expose the human world completely undefended to all the worlds in space.

Then something big is going to happen.

The heaven was unexpected, the west was unexpected, and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was even more surprised.

He was the one who facilitated the plan, and there is no way to wash it off.

We can only put the blame on our brothers and the Bull Demon King.

But what bad intentions can our brothers have?

The Bull Demon King also transmits signals according to the channel given by his son.

But, we can't tell clearly.

Just like Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, it is unclear."

Cai Gen knew about this a long time ago.

But, after all this time, nothing happened.

Except for meeting Dujian at Blue Rose, it's not like the end of the world as they said.

Maybe, the time scale is different, Cai Gen was looking for reasons on his own.

For example, those dimensions are too far away and will come to the human world in 200 million years and destroy the world.

Is it a crisis?


Is it important?

Very important.

so what should I do now?

Just do whatever you have to do.

Two hundred million years later, all the bones and residue will be gone.

When dug out, they are treated the same as dinosaur fossils.

"Later, our brothers analyzed that there were only three links that could go wrong.

That is the person who handles Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s fixed channel.

We took the message from the avatar of the Bodhisattva Spreading Wealth to see the Bull Demon King.

We are brothers, the Bodhisattva Dispersing Wealth, and the Bull Demon King.

We know that we are innocent, so the problem must lie with them.

With the bearish look of the Bull Demon King, he wouldn't even dare to scare him to death, so only the money-losing boy would be left.

The money-spreading boy said that the channel information was sent by a senior clerk named Xie An'an sent by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva refused to acknowledge it, saying that the message was delivered by him personally, and the boy who spread wealth received it personally.

Both sides are very sure and blame each other."

The teddy bear suddenly lowered his head and whispered softly, as if he was afraid of being heard.

"When all reasonable explanations fail.

Then the most unreasonable explanation must be the answer.

Someone deceived Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and Spreading Wealth Bodhisattva at the same time, causing both parties to have an illusion.

I feel that this person is just worried.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva makes plans.

The Wealth-Spreading Bodhisattva makes wedding clothes.

Xie Annan achieved his goal.

Then let our brothers and the Bull Demon King take the blame."

Cai Gen’s applause rang out.

Such a plan is perfect.

This chapter has been completed!
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