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Chapter 1567 Sudden Interview

The RV was back on the road, and Cai Gen gave Xiong Haizi the small compartment in the car.

After all, this is a girl's house and needs some privacy.

Cai Gen and Xiao Sun took turns acting as drivers, and it was enough to sleep on a small bed.

The expected scene of Xiong Haizi handing over the gold bricks did not appear.

Cai Gen didn't have the thick skin to ask for it directly, so he could only endure it.

However, Cai Gen already understood the meaning of the Xiong family's Taoism.

According to Xiao Tmall's analysis, it may be that Zhang Mozi returned to Heaven and was reinstated, which stimulated the Taoist sect. Laojun was really anxious, so he was so direct.

Thinking back carefully, according to the Taoist style of conduct, everyone is aloof and cold, and it is really difficult to get close to Cai Gen and seek some benefits.

Xiong Chumo must have chosen carefully and made the most helpless choice.

No matter what, establishing contact with Cai Gen as quickly as possible is a good start. If we are really related, wouldn't it be better?

Xiong Chumo may have seen this clearly, so he took advantage of the situation to make money and improve his status. After all, being a chess piece also requires wages.

As for what Xiong Haizi thinks, it is still unclear.

Anyway, she doesn’t really want to be Cai Gentong’s bride.

Cai Gen is very clear about this and will never be deceived.

Now that the tone of mutual help and mutual benefit has been set, what else can Cai Gen have to be polite about.

There are two things at hand. One is whether the care staff issue can be implemented.

There is also the issue of realizing the gold brick.

How to make Xiong Haizi willingly take it out in a decent manner is a technical job.

So, after getting in the car.

Cai Gen gave Xiong Haizi a blank piece of paper.

He didn't tell her what to write.

Xiong Haizi didn't ask what he meant.

He happily accepted it and returned to his cubicle.

Cai Gen was sitting in the passenger seat and sent a message to Marsala.

I haven't waited for a reply for a long time, and I don't know what Marsala is up to.

I feel a little sleepy after eating. Without other things to interfere, I guess I can have dinner at Changbai San.

The plan is to stay one night and go to Syracuse, Dahei Province the next day.

As soon as he fell asleep, Xiong Haizi came out with the piece of paper.

I just happened to see Xiaoling Cat and Teddy Bear playing chess.

I was stunned at first, then relieved.

Pets can talk, and playing chess is a routine operation.

Since pets are not normal, what's so strange about hats turning into spirits?

Xiong Haizi came near the cab and saw Cai Gen already asleep.

He turned around to leave, but Cai Gen spoke.

"Read it."

Xiong Haizi heard that Cai Gen was clearly snoring, but he was still able to speak.

Is it really the idea of ​​​​A Thousand Autumn Dreams?

It really caught people off guard.

"I will call you Uncle Cai in private.

When there are outsiders, I’ll call you father-in-law, that’s okay.”


It sounds like a profession, not like a title.

Cai Gen doesn't like it.

"Everyone in front of me and behind me is called Boss Cai. I like the sense of boundaries.


Xiong Haizi was stunned, Cai Gen's face changed so quickly.

Just now he looked like a friendly uncle, but now he is as cold as ice.

"Okay, Boss Cai.

First of all, Taomen has only one goal.

Establish a stable and long-term connection with you.

After Laojun's dream, everyone in these orthodox Taoist sects was very uncomfortable.

People are roughly divided into two groups.

Some people don't dare to eat your meal.

I feel that my blessings are shallow and I am afraid that I will lose my soul.

Others don't want to go back at all.

I am quite obsessed with this rolling world of mortals, and I have already integrated myself into this world.

Generally speaking, those who are qualified have no ambition.

Those who are motivated are not qualified, which is quite embarrassing.

Therefore, their appeal is not to achieve a certain result immediately.

Keep in touch for a long time, act like you're working hard, and let everything go.

To prevent Laojun from always being disappointed in his dreams.

After all, it would be uncomfortable for everyone to be pointed in the nose and scolded by the founder for failing to live up to expectations."

Transparent, what Xiong Haizi said was quite transparent.

Whether it is an overview of the Taoist situation or the addition of her own analysis results, it all makes people feel reasonable.

It is estimated that the real situation is close to ten.

It has been so long since Cai Gen's suffering god has awakened, and no serious Taoist disciples have come to join in the fun. The case is solved today.


Xiong Haizi took the paper and continued to read it.

"We, the Xiong family, have a cooperative relationship with Daomen, and we use each other.

On the one hand, they had no opportunity, and on the other hand, my grandfather volunteered himself.

The circle is so big that no one can completely stay out of it.

Our family is a small family, and we have always wanted to find a big tree to lean against.

Unfortunately, all big trees are very picky, and our bear family is not qualified.

By some strange combination of circumstances, I met Boss Cai in Taiqinggou.

My grandfather felt that the opportunity had come and he must seize it.

Of course, unilateral efforts without rewards will never last long.

Therefore, grandpa was rather cunning in this matter, and he also set his position very correctly.

You can take the lead, you can sacrifice, but you can protect the interests of the Taoist sect, but the benefits should not be careless, no matter which party it is.

In fact, this is where Grandpa is smart. He won't get any respect even if he treats the Taoists like a dog, and having a plan can make them feel more at ease.

After all, people who have no desires or demands are definitely not worthy of trust.

Hey, it’s quite difficult for an old man. It’s hard to start a business, and it’s even harder to keep a business.

It is not easy to raise a tall building, and the house will collapse in an instant.

Anyway, what bad intentions can such an old man have?

There is no threat to you, Boss Cai, and there is even less equality in status.

I just want to feel at ease and be a safe and glorious chess piece."

Well, Cai Gen opened his eyes and lit a cigarette.

He took a sip and nodded.

There are no flaws, and Cai Gen can't find fault.


"I'm relatively simple.

For nineteen years, it has been mediocre and boring.

I didn't get the true skills from my grandfather. It must be said that my talent is too high. Learning these tricks to fool people is a waste of my talent. There will be a path I should take in the future.

I didn’t know which way I should take, no one told me.

This time, I will tell the truth and follow you voluntarily.

I didn't want to sacrifice for my family.

I don’t want to be a child bride for you either.

Not for your meal.

Just out of curiosity to see if this is the path I should take.

As long as a person lives, so will the vegetation.

This sentence may not be a big deal in the paranormal circle, but I agree with it.

Living a wonderful life is all I want to do.

When it's my turn to take the stage, I have to shine.

Even if it’s not my turn to be on stage, I won’t feel sorry for myself.

Believe it or not, this is what I think.

If I continue to fool you, I guess you won't be able to keep me.

I understand this clearly."

After saying that, Xiong Haizi threw the white paper on the sofa.

"Am I qualified? Boss Cai."

Cai Gen did not look back or hesitate.

"Starting today, you will be responsible for the care worker business."

Xiong Haizi breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had gone through a difficult interview.

Xiao Sun, who was pretending to drive, suddenly turned and smiled at her.

"Actually, it doesn't matter to my third uncle what you think or say.

As time goes by, you will understand."

Is it unimportant or does it not matter?

Xiong Haizi started to think too much.

This chapter has been completed!
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