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Chapter 1631 Our world

Take advantage of your own innate advantages and guard gossip as your destiny.

Cai Gen really doesn’t know what to think of Prometheus.

Suddenly something felt wrong.

I have heard the legend of the creation of human beings since I was a child. Isn’t it the Empress Nuwa?

Why did Prometheus create humans?

Could it be that when humans were first created, they were also divided into areas?

"By the way, Lao Pu, let's not talk about the theory of evolution.

Simply speaking in terms of myths and legends.

Are you and Nuwa colleagues?

Are they all affiliated with the human-creation department?”

Puro's eyes were a little confused, as if he was trying to remember what department he was in.

He looked at the sky and then at Cai Gen.

"I have heard of Nuwa, but I have never seen her.

For creating people, we are peers, not colleagues.

She created people from the Shenzhou world, and I created people from the Lashi world.

They are not from the same world and are not considered the same department."

Once again involved in the world, Cai Gen became confused again.

"Then why don't you stay in your world?

What are you doing in our world?


Puro didn't expect Cai Gen to ask such an idiotic question.

Look carefully into Cai Gen's eyes to tell if he is joking.

As a result, it can be confirmed that Cai Gen is also very serious.

"Hey, it seems you have really forgotten everything.

This is my world.

More than just your world.

This world belongs to us now."

Feeling that Cai Gen didn't understand at all, Pu Luo stretched out a hand.

"Cai Gen, take a look, this hand is the world of Lashi where I was born and raised."

Then he stretched out his other hand.

"This is the Chinese world where Nuwa created humans."

The two hands were clasped together tightly, their fingers intertwined, regardless of each other.

"After the two worlds merged, it became our current human world.

do you understand?

This world is yours and mine, and to be honest, it is ours."

This explanation is quite easy to understand, and Cai Gen understood it completely.

Then new problems arose.

"Your world is so good, why do you have to make do with it?"

"It wasn't your idea, but you came to ask me.

Ah, no, it's the god of suffering's idea, you don't know anything.

Hey, don't get hung up on the details.

Sooner or later you will understand and it will be fine if you restore your memory.

Don't be anxious, there is no rush."

Although Puuo was confused for a moment, Cai Gen kept echoing five words in his mind.

The project of the god of suffering.

The fusion of the two worlds must be related to the project of the God of Bitterness.

I'll go. Thinking of this, Cai Gen was startled by his own thoughts.

Even though this project is huge, I didn't expect it to be this big.

It's a bit of a challenge to Cai Gen's cognition, and his understanding ability is really not up to par.

"Okay, if you don't want to say it, forget it.

Then what are you doing here?

Are you having trouble getting through life?

Let’s talk in the car first, since we are not enemies, there is no need to stay here.”

With that said, Cai Gen led everyone into the RV.

The RV, which was originally relatively spacious, seemed a bit crowded after everyone got on board.

The sofa booths were reserved only for Cai Gen and Puo, while the others went to bed voluntarily.

Xiao Sun felt Cai Gen's good attitude and treated him as a regular guest, including tea.

Pu Luo didn't seem to be in a hurry at all. He drank half a cup of tea before speaking, and he really looked like he couldn't make it through life.

"Cai Gen, I'm here to find my relative.

After the two worlds merged, all my relatives and friends were gone.

I am wandering alone in this world, so lonely, lonely, and cold.

After years of searching, I finally found traces of my tribe in this snow city.

However, they isolated me and refused to contact me.

I don’t know what I did wrong, and I feel so uncomfortable.”

This behavior really makes him look like a twilight old man, he looks so helpless.

Cai Gen drank tea for a while and automatically ignored Puo's performance.

Cai Gen has seen many old guys like this who have lived for who knows how many years.

Listen to what they say, and you must discount, discount, and discount again.

If there are even a few pieces of truth, you have to distinguish them carefully, otherwise you won't even know they were sold.

"So, have you found it?"

Pu Luo was suddenly surprised and tried too hard.

"I found it. The old lady who ran over just now has the aura of my tribe on her.

It’s just that he doesn’t recognize me, I don’t know why.”

"Maybe it's because you're not popular.

Otherwise, they are all together, but they don’t take you to play?"

Naqi's mouth is always so poisonous.

As soon as these words came out, Prozac frowned.

Immediately I felt relieved. Is it possible for me to compete with an RV?

"What Naqi said makes sense.

Have you never reflected on your own behavior?

Is there any flaw that made him isolated?"

Xiao Tmall also stepped forward to finish the attack, which was steady and ruthless.

Puro frowned again and kept explaining himself.

Is it worth competing with a pet?

“There is something wrong with me and I don’t know how to repent.

Is it disgusting to pretend to be pitiful and hypocritical at such an old age?

I'm sure I'm not holding anything back deep down.

Third uncle, let’s torture him to extract a confession, he’s not good at talking to him.” Recommended reading TV//

Xiao Sun always follows his feelings when looking at problems and is always very direct.

Pu Pu looked at Xiao Sun who was eager to try, and wondered what kind of temper this was.

It's obviously fine, but he smokes and drinks water, so why does he involve torture to extract a confession?

What kind of rhythm is this?

Forget it, there's no need to compete with Cai Gen's guys, it's Cai Gen who has to make the decision.

Although Cai Gen didn't understand the reason, he still expressed his views in a timely manner.

"Although what they said is a bit direct, it makes sense.

Lao Pu, when you can't sleep at night, have you really never thought about why?

Judging from your age, you shouldn't be unable to figure it out.

When you encounter something you can't understand, look for the reason within yourself.

Don't close yourself off, then when can you make progress?

Live and learn until you are old, and you must always maintain a pursuit of progress.

Being so willing to degenerate and follow the crowd is a shame for the lost youth."

Prolo was really hit hard this time.

Obviously Cai Gen doesn't know anything and doesn't understand the situation at all.

Why do you say so arbitrarily that it is your fault?

My youth has something to do with your Cai Genyoumao.

I put on this look obviously just to seek comfort and understanding.

Why did it go astray?

So what should we do next?

Puro, who was confused for a moment, lowered his head and started drinking water to hide his inner panic.

Xiong Haizi joined the team relatively late and has not yet changed his thinking.

He looked at the problem from a relatively normal perspective and gave a serious response.

"If you were Prometheus.

So your people are the gods of the Laxi world?

So it was the Rashi gods who helped the missing old man hide from evil spirits?

Are they helping shamanism solve the troubles caused by the gods?

From this, it can be concluded that the Rashi clan and shamanism are in the same group?

You and Lang Jiahao already know each other, so why are you pretending to be strangers here?"

It's very unfriendly to say that.

It directly changes the nature.

This chapter has been completed!
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