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Chapter 1650 seems to have expired

Balon was thinking about the wages and felt very happy.

If there were another thousand and eight hundred pieces of Gonggong's bones like last time, he would be able to regain his strength.

When the time comes, return to your mother's side and accompany her to rescue those brothers.

Wait, wouldn't it be time to fight day and night again?

What a hassle.

And I’m so tired.

I still dare not paddle in front of my mother, which makes me very distressed.

Otherwise, let's restore half of our strength.

I am relatively useless and my strength is not good, so I save my time and work.

However, my mother will be very disappointed.

Oops, I’m so confused.

Baron, who was born lazy and had terminal cancer, was extremely upset.

I originally worked part-time at Cai Gen, which gave me hope of regaining my strength.

But as my strength improves, it is destined to never stop. I really don’t want to think about it.

Balon's mind was a little confused and he immediately left.

It hit Hydera's snake and stopped.

"Are you so blind? You bumped into me, do you understand?

Uncle Baron is here, don't you know how to kill yourself quickly and die happily?

Why are you so blind?"

Hydra is truly gifted. Even though she is eroded by darkness and severely demonized, she still retains a trace of sanity.

With his little sense, he was generous enough not to argue with Balon.

After all, the difference in body size is a bit big, and it would be difficult for Hydra to make eye contact with Baron.

It's like staring into the eyes of a mosquito, it's very difficult.

A direct mouthful of venom was sprayed in the direction of Baron, a saturation blow that left no room for dodge.

From a distance, it looks like a downpour, but to Balon it looks like a flood.

Whether it was poisonous or not was secondary. With this sticky mass, Baron was rushed to the ground and made a big hole.

Even if it is a venom attack, its power is not bad at all.

He struggled to get out of the thick venom, his body unscathed.

It seemed like the poison that corroded the ground until blue smoke came out, but it didn't do any harm.

Balon was a little unhappy when he flew in front of Hydera's snake head again.

"Are you stupid?

Are you kidding me about playing poison with Baron?

Besides, it's wrong for you to spit everywhere.

My mother has taught me since I was a child that I should not spit anywhere and should be well-educated.

I hope you have a mother too."

Hydera was a little surprised that Baron, who was like a small bug in front of him, was not poisoned to death.

Hearing the other party scolding herself as an orphan in disguise, Hydera suddenly thought too much.


Yes, I have a mother myself.

But my mother never educated herself.

Why do you feel a little envious of this little flying insect?


The remaining sanity made Hydera very unhappy.

This time, nine heads spit out venom at the same time, and the nine times attack caused Baron to sink deep into the ground again. It took a lot of effort before he climbed out.

Xiao Tianmao watched from a distance, feeling hurt for Balon.

Even if you have high poison resistance, you don't care about other people's venom.

But it's a bit disgusting to be spit on.

"Baron, what's wrong with you?

If you don't do this job well, your wages will be deducted."

In fact, Balon's inner struggle was not over yet. When he heard about the deduction of wages, he immediately became serious.

Put aside the matter of helping your mother to fight for now, that is a topic for later, focus on the present first.

Being spat on one after another without showing your face.

"Brother Tian, ​​this is a tactical consumption.

Generally, the venom of items that cannot be put on the market is limited.

After he had spit out the poison, he was done with it.

I'm fine, don't worry about me, the poison resistance is enough."

Xiao Tianmao didn't expect that Baron could still deal with it even if he was paddling.

"I'm not worried about you.

Whatever you do, it can only be counted as battle damage, not even work-related injuries.

You are a temporary employee of Lingzi Mother Mortgage and do not have any guaranteed benefits.

All good treatment, salary bonuses and year-end bonuses must be earned by yourself.

Cai Gen evaluates me, and I evaluate you, it's up to you."

Baron spit on the ground, and the venom that corroded Hydera was not a biochemical weapon of the same level at all.

"Brother Tian, ​​you're good, it's like you have a year-end bonus.

For a player like Cai Gen, if you can just eat and drink, you are considered a master.

Fortunately, the benefits and treatment are good, let’s just keep dreaming.”

Oops, these few words are really heartbreaking, and Xiao Tmall is a little secretly sad.

There is no difference between me and Baron, a temporary worker.

It's the same as having an establishment or not. So what does establishment count?

If there are really welfare benefits, why should I keep guarding and stealing?

"Baron, I don't need you anymore.

Come back, this job is not suitable for you.

When I go out to work, I don’t have the consciousness to work as a worker.

Jijiwaiwai, what kind of benefits are you talking to me about?

Do you have to worry about whether I am well treated or not?

Who paid you, have you forgotten?

Do I know you well?

Have you forgotten what you do?"

Xiao Tianmao has finally positioned himself correctly. No matter how he is with Cai Gen, when facing Baron, he is the boss.

Balon was trained like the third grandson, but he endured it for the sake of Gonggong's remains and to regain his strength as soon as possible.

Who hasn’t been angry yet?

When I was a Buddhist disciple of the West, I was even worse than a dog.

If you have a dog, you have to give it injections, medicine, bathing and feed it dog food.

It is enough to raise a Buddhist disciple and brainwash him all day long, which is quite without status.

"Brother Tian, ​​I was wrong, I have also found my place.

Just wait and see, I will try to resolve it quickly."

Balon seemed to have really made up his mind. He directly changed from the form of a macaw to his true form, drilled out the thick venom, and began to grow in size.

The giant green dragon with wings is about the same size as Hydra standing on the ground.

The last piece of Gonggong's remains restored Balon's strength to a large extent.

At least in terms of body shape, it is more controllable.

In the past, keeping cats and dogs the same size was just to save effort.

Now in this independent space, there is no need to consider the pressure of the world, and I can be more unscrupulous.

When he was a Buddhist disciple of the West and fought in all directions, Balon once became as huge as a planet and poisoned all living creatures in the world in one bite.

Therefore, based on a simple comparison of size, Balon is not timid at all.

Only the beer belly that should have been swollen was a little shriveled and not so round after Naqi's flying kick last time.

Once you have the advantage in size, the rest is easy.

When wild beasts meet wild beasts, they don't just eat each other.

Even poisonous beasts are still beasts.

Hydra's nine heads bit Baron at the same time, constantly injecting venom into his body.

Staying true to your duty as a poison and poisoning your opponent is victory.

Balon cooperated very well with Hydra and did not attack his snake head. Instead, he bit his body and began to suck out the venom, as if he was afraid that Hydra would not be efficient enough.

After all, Baron's poison resistance is better than Hydra's venom.

When Hydra realized that something was wrong, it was no longer under his control.

With the joint efforts of both parties, Hydra became a specimen and lost all moisture in its body, whether it was venom or blood.

Easily crushing Hydra's nine crispy noodle-like heads, Baron spit out them viciously.

"Damn, it seems to have expired."

This chapter has been completed!
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