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Chapter 1721 Uncle's Note

What Cai Gen cared about wasn't what Yang San said about the charger or running out of power.

What he really cares about is where the Olympus gods went after they were beaten.

In fact, Cai Gen didn't care that much about where they went.

The focus is still on the old people.

Not caring about Zeus's attack or anything, Cai Gen quickly greeted everyone and helped the missing old man who was still trapped in the car to the car.

With no other choice, Naqi became the last barrier to reassure Cai Gen.

After all, there is no life on the head, so it should be fine.

"Erlang, no way, are you already out of strength?"

"Erlang, all my savings over the past twenty years have been given to you."

"Erlang, can't you save some money?"

"Erlang, if you had defeated them one by one just now, there would definitely be some left."

"Erlang, you only care about being handsome and are not frugal at all?"

"Erlang, why don't you check and see if the tank has been lost."

Yang San missed the sun god Apollo who was slumped on the ground, so he really had to let him go.

This may be the sympathy between beautiful men.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up, there must be something private.

The goods I ordered just now are gone."

Kang Xiaosheng is like a leader, always the first to propose solutions.

"Erlang, how about you contribute some effort yourself and go up there and try?

I think the old man is old and frail, so it's not that difficult to deal with.

It’s not like you’ve never beaten an old man before, so you don’t need to have any mental barriers.”

The others nodded at the same time, strongly agreeing with Kang Xiaosheng's proposal.

Yang San did not object and happily accepted the treatment team's proposal.

"Okay, just give it a try. Keep an eye on me and don't let me lie down."

With a flash of the three-pointed two-edged spear, he jumped up high and slashed at Zeus who was still in the sky.

No matter what angle you look at, you can't tell that Zeus is old and frail.

Being described like this made him doubt himself.

Are they so unfriendly to the elderly?

Originally, I saw Yang San defeating the Olympus gods with one move, which really attracted the attention of Zeus.

It's just that the strength of the three Yangs fluctuates up and down, making it hard to figure out.

Just like in front of me, it's obvious that he's here to kill someone.

A bolt of lightning struck Yang San casually, as casually as ever.

However, this time Yang San was not so vulnerable.

The three-pointed two-edged gun and the throwing knife are not the same level of items.

Especially the original treasures smuggled from heaven, their own grade is already top-notch.

Like a lightning rod, it easily attracted the lightning and dissolved it invisible, without bringing any resistance to Yang San.

Yang San was overjoyed. It felt really good to rely on the equipment. All that was left was for these country bumpkins to truly understand the style of True Lord Erlang.

Then, Zeus ushered in a slightly serious attack. Hundreds of lightning struck down, overwhelming the three-pointed two-edged spear.

Turning Yang San into a lone boat in the storm, swaying up and down and capsized at any time.

Seeing that Yang San could still hold on, Zeus finally became serious.

Thousands of lightnings converged into a pillar of light connecting heaven and earth, shrouding Yang San within it, leaving no room for support.

After the lightning, the ground around Yang San was melted into magma by the high temperature.

After landing, although the Yang San did not turn into the same black and gray color as last time, and their equipment did not suffer any damage, there was only green smoke rising from their bodies, like a red-hot iron.

Seeing the lava under their feet, Yang San jumped up and down instinctively, as if her feet were burning.

After jumping around a few times, I realized that it wasn't hot at all, and then I remembered that I was no longer the good-for-nothing little ruffian Yang San, and the clothes I was wearing were not the work clothes I had returned home from.

"Brothers, you have seen it too.

Even if Lao Bideng is resurrected from his dead body, he still has the strength of Daluo Jinxian.

Even if I didn’t cast the fortune wheel, it would still be a bit difficult.”

In fact, Cai Gen was very satisfied that Yang San was able to face off against Zeus and still rely on his equipment to avoid being completely defeated.

In other words, it has greatly exceeded psychological expectations.

The combat effectiveness displayed at this time, in Cai Gen's opinion, can definitely be placed in the same echelon as Tamamo Harutei.

He can even stand together with the first master of the spirit child mother and the like.

Thinking about it from this, how powerful it must have been when Xiao Sun and Yang San were on equal footing.

I just don’t know that Xiao Sun will be able to regain some of his original strength after being reborn as a water monkey.

Along the way, there really wasn't much room for Xiao Sun to show off. The two rolls that Puo carried on his back were just a joke.

"Axiong, put the stone down, it's almost done."

The teddy bear was already tired from lifting it. Since Cai Gen was satisfied, what else could he do?

He put down the stone and stood behind Cai Gen, showing his attitude that everything was Cai Gen's idea.

"Yang San, come back.

Let’s find a way together and act within our capabilities.”

Yang San began to examine Cai Gen from Yang Jian's perspective.

What kind of product is this?

In Yang San's eyes, Cai Gen has transformed from a middle-aged bald boss into the successor of the legendary God of Bitterness.

Yang Jian's memory awakened in Yang San's mind, and more information about the God of Pain made it impossible for him to simply view Cai Gen.

Remember, when I was a kid.

The limited time your family spends together.

From the mouths of my uncle and aunt, I often heard the name of the god of suffering.

However, in formal occasions, the name of the God of Bitterness was like some kind of taboo, so they never mentioned it.

In particular, my uncle intentionally or unintentionally lamented the spring and autumn, lamenting the fate of people.

In the end, the culprits all pointed to the legendary God of Pain.

Although Yang Jian was young at that time, the God of Bitterness left an indelible impression on his young mind.

That was a person who was more powerful than my uncle, a person who made my uncle willing to be put on the chessboard of fate.

Now, after casting the Wheel of Life, he could actually meet the successor of the God of Bitterness, which made Yang Jian think a lot, but the more he thought about it, the more he went off the rails.

Did Cai Gen make this fuss to test himself?

So what is the test?

Definitely not a fighting ability, the god of pain looks down upon his own fighting ability.

Could it be his feelings for Shi Leile?

Let’s see how much of the emotion that an ordinary person still has after returning to his original position and retrieving his past life memories?

Or, simply put, how much more human is there?

It is said that the god of suffering will never become a god and will always be in the human world.

From any angle, we can see the importance that the God of Misery attaches to ordinary people.

If this is really a test from the god of suffering, have you met the standard?

Tell yourself to go back and do what you can.

Does it mean that you are already so unbearable that there is no need for further testing?

Yang San was panicked by Cai Gen's suddenly softened tone.

After all, the little note that his uncle gave him before he cast his fortune wheel really made Yang Jian very worried, otherwise Xiao Tmall wouldn't be by Cai Gen's side.

After Yang San thought too much, he felt that what he did was not good enough.

No matter as Yang San or Yang Jian, there is more room for expression.

"Cai Gen, no, Brother Cai.

For the big head.

For the dignity of heaven.

For your good mood.

For your care of Xiaotian.

I must win this level.

Brothers, don’t worry about the west, we have to stand firm.”

Yang San suddenly expressed his determination, leaving Cai Gen stunned.

This chapter has been completed!
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