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Chapter 1728 What is the picture?

"Of course I don't feel good about it.

No, how do I know if I taste good or not?

No, is it a question of whether it tastes good or not?

Cai Gen, do you of the Kushen lineage think this way?

I don’t blame you for your lack of population. It took so long for someone to awaken the God of Pain.

Is it true that a freak like you is rare to see in a million years?

Do you know that we have waited so long that all the flowers have faded?

Ah, why are you quarreling with me?"

Cai Gen took action without any warning and struck Zeus with a pestle.

No scruples, just like Duan Xiaohong fighting against Shihuozhu.

"Lao Zhou, we haven't gotten to know each other that well yet.

Don't question my character.

You are the freak, your whole family is freaks."

Zeus was suddenly startled.

"How do you know?

Did Pro tell you that?"

This rhetorical question directly killed Cai Gengan.

Do you admit it so shamelessly?

Is being called a freak a compliment in the Rashi world?

"I just found out, there is no hope at all?

Haven't you tried to find a doctor?"

Puro seemed to have heard Zeus mention him, but he didn't dare to think about it, so he could only circle around in small steps.

After hearing Cai Gen's words, he felt that an opportunity had come.

"Why didn't you look at it? I brought it from the bloodline, and no one can do anything about it.

Isn’t that right, cousin?

Didn't you consult the three goddesses of destiny?

Later, not only did you not pay them, you also disposed of them.

I also heard what others said, but I don’t know whether it’s true or not.”

Zeus was very dissatisfied with Puro's intrusion.

It seems that the original people in Laxi's world are very dissatisfied with Puo.

"Grandson, get away from me.

Why were you so determined when you ran away?

What are you doing back now?

What's wrong, can't you survive outside?

You are a disgrace, and you are a nuisance wherever you go."

Puro's face was red, and he answered this question head-on for the first time in front of Zeus.

"Cousin, if others misunderstand me, I will admit it.

As the wisest, wisest and greatest god-king in the world of Rashi, you cannot say that to me.

Didn't you know why I ran away?

It's so unfair for you to say this to me even though you clearly know that I have endured everything on my own.

Who didn’t sacrifice, and who did it for our Rashi Protoss?

Besides, when the smelly cook asked me to leave, you were with me.

You won't forget, right?

Or do you choose to forget?

It’s okay not to explain to me, but to join them in throwing dirty water on me. Isn’t it a bit too much?

Although I can't beat you, I believe it.

The justice of fate is never late or absent.

Sooner or later, I will be redressed one day.

Yes, Cai Gen, you happen to be here.

Wait until you fully awaken and become the God of Pain.

You must give me an explanation and help me clear my name."

Cai Gen had no interest at all in whether Puo had any grievances.

"Lao Pu, either you shut up or you go and cool off.

Your god king is here, why don’t you have plastic surgery?

Xiong, keep an eye on him, if he interrupts you again, I'll cut him."

The teddy bear appeared quietly behind Prolo, waiting for Pro to open his mouth, and then cut him off in a legitimate manner.

Suddenly I discovered that there are many benefits to doing Cai Gen's dirty work.

Most of the dirty work can make him feel happy physically and mentally after doing it.

Of course, including Zipuluo, it is entirely because the gods despise each other.

You are all gods, you are just pretending.

Puro seemed to have read through the teddy bear's mind and shut his mouth firmly, never giving him a chance.

Without any interference, Cai Gen thought for a long time before he remembered what he had just said.

"By the way, let's continue the topic just now, are you really delicious?

No, why did your father do such a tragic thing?"

"Because of my grandfather's curse, my father was cursed to be replaced by an heir in the future.

My father is rather greedy for the throne of the God-King, but he cannot resist performing the duties of the God-King and procreating future generations.

Therefore, he chose a more environmentally friendly and energy-saving method."

Oh, the curse of the God-King.

Cai Gen already had a general understanding of this knowledge point when he was in a ditch.

It was still a bit new at the time, and I thought their dynasty change was a bit barbaric and backward.

"Well, Lao Pu said, can't the golden apple solve the curse of the God King?

So in the end, why is Lashi World still unplayable?

What happened next?”

Zeus spat in Pro's face, which was quite uncivilized and even more unfriendly.

"He can put some good farts in his mouth.

Do you believe what he says?

Does he understand six?"

Puro originally wanted to hide, but in the end he endured everything silently.

I wanted to explain, but I was afraid that the teddy bear would make a move, so my face turned red.

"The golden apple is a cancer.

That's the bait thrown by the smelly cook.

Everyone fought for it to the end, but it turned out that there was no life in the golden apple. Do you think it is funny or not?

The point is not Wu Sheng, but the cute little one in Wu Sheng’s belly.

If I had known that Xiang Cook was so ruthless, I should have promised him the first time he found me.

Maybe a lot less people will die, and the world of Laxi will not be riddled with holes, and finally have to join the world of Shenzhou.

This is all destiny.

It's all my fault for messing with the three goddesses of destiny, so they took revenge on me like this.

If I had known this would happen, I should have done it more often.

Hey, the reason for taking revenge on me is probably because I did not do enough, maybe?"

What Zeus said was completely out of order.

Cai Gen just listened in a daze as he said whatever came to his mind.

It's a bit difficult to grasp the key points, as there are always some more attractive information interfering with it.

Especially the three goddesses of fate, are they the same existence as Po Meng?

Can the revenge of the goddess of fate be equivalent to adding water to Po Meng's soup?

"So, how many times have you done it?

No, you have led me astray.

Lao Zhou, can we tell according to the timeline?

Or follow the outline?

How many times has the God of Bitterness come to you?

What do I want from you?"

Zeus clicked his lips and lit another cigarette.

He stood up and gestured at the surrounding ruins with his hands.

It was immediately restored to its original state, magnificent and magnificent.

He stood on a wall and pointed at the empty marble wall.

"Cai Gen, if you want to understand this matter, you need to expand your knowledge first.

I remember there was a madman in the Lashi world, named Tetu or something.

It seems that he is still Puo's illegitimate son.

Every day I clamor that I have seen the truth of the world.

I immediately became angry. As the King of God, I didn’t even see it. Why was he pretending?

Once I had sex after drinking, I had convulsions and was beaten to death.

Now that I think about it, drinking really delays things.

If you keep him, let's have a good discussion.

The results may not change, but the process will be much less painful.

Let me tell you first, what is the truth that you see in that picture."

Puo was nearby and didn't dare to speak, but he was really anxious.

I could only put my mouth in motion and tell Cai Gen silently, over and over again.

"Plato, my son, Plato, my son"

Cai Gen could see Pu Pu's mouth movements, but there was no tacit understanding.

Don't understand what the picture is?

I can only feel that foreigners have really long names, comparable to Chun Ho.

This chapter has been completed!
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