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Chapter 18 Nunu Comes Out

At this time, the bell rang again, crisp and sweet, which also reminded Cai Gen that someone was coming.

Looking past the woman in white, I saw two more people walking into the store, an adult in a suit holding a child.

Are you here to pick up your kids from school and have a late night snack?

I seem to be a little inconvenient here. This beautiful woman in front of me is stabbing my heart, Cai Gen thought.

But my professional habits defeated my fear, so I asked out of my mind,

"What to eat?"

After saying this, I regretted it. The current situation is very dangerous, and what is in front of me is the spirit.

Whether I die or not depends on my own fate. I cannot harm innocent people. I quickly added,

"It's closed. We're not open for business. You can go."

Xie An'an and Xiao Qi were obviously stunned by Cai Gen's words, and then they missed the biggest opportunity in their life, no, several lives.

A sharp voice sounded,

"Aren't you dead yet? You have a strong desire to live. This flesh-and-blood person is very mature. Xiao Qi, dad will not let you suffer this time."

When Cai Gen heard this, he felt that his heart no longer hurt, and his heart seemed to have stopped beating.

The moment his heart stopped, the pain disappeared. He stared at the three people in front of him, all of them silent, as if they were waiting for something.

Since they didn't speak, Cai Gen didn't speak either.

Xiao Xiao put his hand on Cai Gen's heart. Xie Annan held Xiao Qi's hand and stared at Cai Gen's heart. Xiao Qi also wanted to see Cai Gen's chest, but the bar was too high, so he could only look at the bar.

The quartz clock on the door kept ticking second by second, regardless of the feelings of everyone present. It kept ticking. When it reached the 9th 59th second, it naughtily jumped to 1 second. 10 minutes had passed. Everyone

They are still in a stalemate.

Xie An'an was the first to break the calm,

"Xiao Xiao, is he dead?"

Xiao Xiao raised his arms so much that they were sore. By keeping this posture for so long, he was sensing Cai Gen's heartbeat. Yes, it hadn't been beating for a long time.

"Master Xie, he should be dead. His heart stopped beating 10 minutes ago."

Xiao Qi jumped twice while listening to the conversation between the two adults.

I wanted to see Cai Gen from the bar counter, but happened to see Cai Gen blinking.

He spat on the ground with a sound, looked at Xie Anxie like a fool, moved the hand he was holding,

"Are you a fool? Can you blink even if you're dead?"

Xie An'an and Xiao Xiao also saw Cai Gen blinking and were very surprised. Logically speaking, if vaginal objects enter the body, it should trigger myocardial infarction.

My heart is not beating, so why can I still blink?

Worthy of living for hundreds of years, Xie An faced the essence of the problem head-on.

"Cai Gen, your heart has stopped beating, why are you blinking? This is unscientific."

After Cai Gen heard this question, he agreed deeply. Yes, his heart stopped beating after the severe pain.

Why do I still have consciousness, control my body, and blink my eyes?

Since people have asked, let me give a relatively scientific answer.

"Blinking is to give the retina and eye muscles a short rest to prevent dry eyes. How unscientific is it to blink several times after staring for so long?"

After hearing Cai Gen's scientific explanation, Xie An'an and Xiao Xiao both nodded, indicating that they agreed with this explanation.

Immediately, my mentality became bad. Is now the time to consider whether science is scientific or not?

Why aren't you dead? Even if you blink, you can still talk?

Xiao Xiao reacted and immediately withdrew his hand, standing next to Xie An and Xiao Qi, staring at Cai Gen in horror, as if the other party was the source of terror.

When Xiao Xiao pulled out his hand, Cai Gen looked down at his chest. His clothes were not torn, and there was no blood flowing out. He started breathing again.

Nothing seemed to have changed, the heart had started to beat again, but there seemed to be some changes.

It's like a toilet that has been blocked for a long time and becomes unblocked by the twitching of the leather plug.

It's like a tomb that has been stuffed for thousands of years, and a tomb robber has opened up the passage to the world with a Luoyang shovel.

Xiao Xiao stretched out his hand to poke the thing blocking his chest and opened it.

Once it is opened, it cannot be closed again. If there is something inside, it will naturally come out.

Then, a stream of black smoke emerged from Cai Gen's chest and slowly solidified around him.

A sturdy creature with a height of 1.6 meters stood next to Cai Gen.

Cai Gen kept staring at the black smoke on his body. Did the cigarette butt fall into his clothes?

No, the cigarette butt is in my hand, and now there is only a filter left. Being stabbed just now was so shocking that I even forgot to smoke.

When the black smoke turned into living things, Cai Gen's world view was completely overturned.

I'm not tall, my hair is messy, and it's all in clumps. It seems I've never washed my hair, but I don't have dandruff.

The mouth protrudes forward, the eyes are small, and the bridge of the nose is flat, a bit like a Yuanmou man who has not yet fully evolved.

There is still a visible layer of down on his naked body, with only a strip of fur around his waist. His arms are very long and very strong, with thick bones covered with well-developed muscles.

Is this a savage? Cai Gen made a judgment immediately.

After the savage's body solidified, he looked around cautiously. After discovering Cai Gen, the caution on his face disappeared. He was very happy and excited. He reached out and touched Cai Gen's face, and then touched Cai Gen's with his feet.

His head looked very close, and he made strange sounds from his mouth.


Cai Gen subconsciously made the same sound with his mouth,


Hearing Cai Gen speak, the savage became even more excited and started to grin, revealing his unevolved canine teeth. They were very sharp and matched with the smile, which was very scary.

When Cai Gen said the word Nunu, a memory appeared in Cai Gen's mind. He knew the savage in front of him. This savage was called Nunu.

He also knew that Nunu was his first friend. At that time, he lived in a large tribe and had very little food. He worked hard to survive every day just for a bite to eat.

Later, Nunu died. During a collective hunting activity, in order to save Cai Gen, Nunu was penetrated by a mammoth's tusks through his abdominal cavity. The 5-meter white tusks of the mammoth were dyed red and his intestines were drained.

come out.

Everyone ran away in fear, except Cai Gen. After chasing for a long time, they found the seriously injured Nunu and brought him back to the tribe. After two days of hard work, Nunu finally died.

During these two days, Nunu was in great pain. Cai Gen carefully stuffed Nunu's intestines back in, but was unable to prevent the wound from becoming inflamed and festering.

As long as he was awake, Nunu would groan in pain and keep saying Nunu, Nunu.

Compared with the mammoth, it is safer to eat the injured Nunu. During these two days, Cai Gen did not dare to sleep and kept guarding Nunu, killing 6 people who wanted to eat Nunu.

Even so, Nunu only lasted two days.

That was the first time Cai Gen began to think about why he still lives when it is so difficult to live.

This chapter has been completed!
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