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Chapter 1908 Odin's road to becoming a god

Cai Gen was a little dazzled by the statues in the square.

Perhaps because of preconceived notions, Kushen and Shuangqing mentioned the crazy one-eyed dragon in their previous chat.

He would rather destroy everything than cause trouble to the God of Pain, and in the end he had to rely on self-mutilation to solve the problem.

Therefore, Cai Gen had a very bad impression of this one-eyed dragon, even disgusted.

I had long wanted to interrupt Shi Huozhu, but he spoke too fast and never found the chance.

Finally, the habitual voice came out.

"Damn fat pig, he is not your grandfather, nor is he your ancestor.

There is no need to talk about unnecessary things, and there is no need to praise him.

What's so great about the God King?

I heard that old madman Pu Luo say that I will also be a god king in the future.

Just say, Odin is so awesome.

How did someone poke your eyes out?

How was your leg broken?

It’s unreasonable and pure nonsense.”

At some point, Duan Xiaohong also squeezed under the car, roughly pushed Shi Huozhu aside, and lay down next to Cai Gen.

Cai Gen was stunned, why doesn't this guy obey me?

Carefully, thinking evilly, I came to a conclusion.

"Duan Tudou, are you short and fat, so you can't get on the roof?"

Duan Xiaohong took out a cup of Sanbai from her pocket and took a sip through a straw.

I don’t know how much of Cai Gen’s wine she stole and how much she drank without losing it.

"Caibangzi, with my skills, I can go to heaven, not to mention the house.

But it’s cold at high places.

Do you think I'm stupid?

Why are you standing so high if you don't want to wait in the leeward place?"

Hey, that makes sense.

Cai Gen felt that the grouping he just made was nonsense.

No one took it seriously, they were all so opinionated.

No longer entangled with Duan Xiaohong, continue to ask Shi Huozhu.

"Azhu, Duan Tudou's words are rough but his reasoning is not rough.

What you said is unreasonable."

When Shi Huozhu saw Duan Xiaohong coming, she became even more cautious.

This Jiu Mengzi, who was not Athena before, often bullied herself.

Now that he holds the title of God King, he is even more unscrupulous.

O God King, O King of Gods in a world.

In terms of level, he is at the same level as the Jade Emperor.

Shi Huozhu spoke as softly as possible, maintaining his unique humility.

"That's right, Odin isn't that awesome, it's just what's written in the book.

After the creation of the world, Odin wanted to be the king of gods.

It’s just that there are too many gods who are more powerful than him.

There are so many uncles, uncles, grandparents, and grandparents, but it’s never his turn.

As a result, he made a dirty move.

Didn’t I just say that he deceived his grandfather Ymir into sacrificing himself and obtained the conditions for the creation of the world?

When his grandfather Ymir died, he deceived all the elders and drowned in Ymir's blood, thus ending his life once and for all.

The possible starting point is that Odin may not be the strongest, but if he kills all those stronger than Odin, Odin will be able to win.

Do you think this old boy is cruel?"

When Cai Gen and the others heard this, they nodded in agreement.

Odin, this old boy, is really ruthless, a ruthless person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

Shi Huozhu was recognized and his mentality relaxed immediately. His performance was like walking on the tip of a knife. If he said anything wrong, he would be doomed.

"But, Odin's elders are not dead either. Although there are not many who are stronger than him, they still exist.

Odin didn't do anything but sacrificed himself directly and gained the basic ability to become the God King.

Guess, as a god king, what kind of ability is the most important?"

Look, the stone fire beads really started to float.

They all started to interact with each other, it’s so damn expressive.

Before Cai Gen could say anything, Duan Xiaohong hit Shi Huozhu on the ribs with a pestle.

The strength was still so powerful that Shi Huozhu didn't dare to shout loudly, and his distorted fat face immediately turned red.

"You fat pig, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will beat you to death.

Everyone is waiting to hear the results. What are you doing?

Why are you so obvious?

Don’t you feel comfortable not having sex?”

Shi Huozhu endured the pain and kept nodding, but he stopped again.

Why can't you help it?

There is only one person here, but how can anyone be reasonable?

You are at the bottom of the food chain, how long will this situation last?

With tears in his eyes, he looked at Xiao Sun, who was lying on the other side of Cai Gen.

In the hope that Xiao Sun can give him a status, at least he can come out and say something.

Xiao Sun accepted Shi Huozhu's plea, but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

The meaning is obvious, you deserve it, who made you wasteful.

Alas, this is the result after all, and Shi Huozhu has accepted his fate.

Holding back the pain, he took a long breath.

"Odin, that old boy.

In order to become the God King, he sacrificed one of his eyeballs and gained wisdom.

Yes, wisdom, arm your brain first, then you can come up with more bad ideas.

Odin, who gained wisdom, carefully analyzed the situation in front of him.

Wisdom alone is far from enough if you want to be the king of gods.

Many times, many people cannot rely on wisdom and reasoning to get things done.

Therefore, Odin set his sights on the World Tree, which runs through the nine worlds and is the basis of all magical elements.

Odin was indeed ruthless and sacrificed himself, hanging upside down from the World Tree for nine days and nine nights.

That was nine days and nine nights of extreme pain.

It's so hot during the day that it's like being roasted on a fire.

It was so cold at night that it felt like it was frozen on ice.

Nine days and nine nights without eating or drinking, without water or rice."

Duan Xiaohong said disdainfully.

"Nine days are not long, why are you saying so evil things?

It seems like it lasted ninety thousand years, is that true?"

Shi Huozhu did not give in this time because he was still very paranoid because he insisted on the facts.

"Sister, the nine days and nine nights I'm talking about here are the nine days and nine nights in the European and Northern world.

The time flow rate is different, how to convert it specifically?

If I explain it in detail, you will not be happy.

In fact, the point is not nine days and nine nights.

The point is, Odin doesn't know whether he will succeed.

The high probability is that he hanged himself and World Tree did not recognize him, so he died in vain.

How much courage it takes to live towards death and sacrifice oneself without any certainty.

Odin would not have done that without a heart that would lead to success or failure."

Well, Cai Gen quite agrees with this.

When the odds of winning are unclear, he bets all his wealth and life on it. He is indeed a ruthless and determined ruthless person.

From this we can imagine that Odin gained supreme wisdom by sacrificing an eyeball, which was also an accidental event.

If one eyeball couldn't be exchanged, he would probably sacrifice the second one.

Shi Huozhu saw that everyone was no longer angry. It felt so good to convince people with reason.

"Finally, the second before Odin was about to die.

His sacrifice was responded to and recognized by the World Tree.

The World Tree gives back to Odin the rune character that represents all the power rules of the Nordic world.

From then on, Odin truly grasped the source of power in the Nordic world. He could rely on rune characters to create all kinds of great magic and master powerful power.

This rune character is also known as the divine pattern of the Nordic world."

This is considered an absolute core technology.

No rebuttal will be accepted.

This chapter has been completed!
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