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Chapter 1954 Up and Down

"Fart, why am I not worthy? Who doesn't treat them as human beings?

My father, my grandfather, my great-great-grandfather, and my great-grandfather didn’t all end up like that.

If I were not a great master and needed to continue the legacy, I would have been gone long ago.

If that were the case, I wouldn't even blink an eye.

You loser, don’t you know?

How many brothers and sisters do you have, don’t you know?

Didn’t I just watch them die?

You are just too weak and too afraid of death."

Guan Shanle and Guan Tata roared at each other, as if they were competing to see who had more relatives dead.

Guantata's eyes turned red.

"I'm not afraid of death. Guan Tata is also a shaman and a member of the Gualja family.

I'm not afraid of death, but I can't let Cha Cha die, he is my only son."

When Cai Gen heard this, although he did not fully understand the specific details, judging from both the starting point and the result, Guenta Tower failed.

Moreover, it is really possible that Cai Gen failed.

If Guan Tata wants to save his son, Chat, the price he must pay may be Chat.

What kind of bullshit is this?

Cai Gen was thinking about this when he suddenly heard Xiao Sun yelling.

"Third uncle, it's not good, this boy's body is going bad.

It shouldn't be, why did it break so quickly?

I used to feel so depressed that I survived for a month."

Xiao Tmall took over Xiao Sun's words.

"Smelly monkey, you know nothing, last time Goddess Wang helped protect me.

However, this does go bad a bit quickly.

Look, there are corpse spots all over that face.

If you don't get your soul back quickly, this body will be useless.

Then there is nothing we can do to save it.”

Guantata staggered, rolled and crawled towards Chicha.

He was stopped by Cai Gen on the way.

The closer to such a critical moment, the calmer Cai Gen becomes. His mentality used to be quite stable, but his heart has changed and he is even more stable.

"Guantata, please calm down.

If your son's life is in the hands of King Asura, wouldn't it be better if we find them quickly and kill them?

I remember they were clones just now, where are their true bodies?"

Guan Tata was stunned for a moment, and when he mentioned the identity of King Asura, it was of great importance.

He couldn't help but be a little vague, which made Cai Gen angry.

While saying that he couldn't bear to leave his son, and at the same time looking forward and backward like this, what kind of person is Guan Tata?

With such a mentality, what big things can be done?

He raised his hand and gave Guan Tata a slap. It felt good.

It was already swollen from being kicked by Guan Shanle, and the hand was so soft that it didn't hurt at all.

"Stop being so ink-stained, I'll help you carry this big thing.

Where is the true form of King Asura?"

Guantata was beaten by Cai Gen, his head was buzzing, and he was instantly confused.

He pointed to the ground unconsciously, and then quickly took it back as if the underground direction was too hot for his hands.

"Ah, um, you can't, I don't know, you can't implicate the clan members, Cha Cha, Cai Gen."

At this time, Guan Tata was in such a state that it was difficult to speak continuously and completely, and his mentality was completely broken.

Even in this state, he was still so afraid of the underground, which caught Cai Gen's attention.

What secrets are there underground that make Guan Tata fear deep into his bones?

Will it even involve their Guarjia clan members?

Cai Gen shook off the tower. Since he already knew where the enemy was, why should he hesitate?

I walked to the elevator with ease. After all, the decoration and layout were the same when I got back.

In the provincial capital, the underground space is a large white steel bed.

When I return home, there is a safe that cannot be opened.

Back in Xuecheng, Cai Gen didn't have time to look at it yet, so there must be something in stock.

The elevator is not small and everyone can fit in it.

Even the chattering body didn’t forget to take them all to the elevator.

After everyone was gone, Cai Gen looked at the elevator button and felt a little confused.

There are only floors one to eighteen, and there are no underground floors.

Do I need to take the stairs to get down?

It shouldn’t be, how unscientific is that?

"Guanta Tower, how do we get down there?" Gu

Cai Gen frowned when he didn't hear the answer immediately.

Unexpectedly, Shi Huozhu squeezed from the back to the front and directly pressed the eighteenth floor.

"Boss Cai, I looked at it when I came in.

This building has seventeen floors in total.

Those eighteen floors must be underground.

I firmly believe it.”

What he said was reasonable, Cai Gen patted Shi Huozhu on the shoulder.

The chief of his own think tank is indeed not simple.

At critical moments, you need to use your brain, and you must be the first to do so.

"Azhu, this is amazing.

Why are you observing so carefully?"

Before he finished speaking, the elevator moved.

However, the elevator did not go down to the ground as Shi Huozhu said, but went up.


Ah Zhu, why do I feel that the elevator is going up?"

Shi Huozhu started to sweat on his forehead and quickly explained.

"Well, this is an illusion.

It seems that this elevator is also a magic item.

It feels like we are going up, but actually we are going down.

I just want this effect to disrupt our perception.”

Has your perception been disrupted?

Cai Gen's intuition has always been very accurate.

"Then, Azhu, what's the point of disrupting our perception?

Will it hurt anything if I turn it upside down?"

Shi Huozhu's sweat just started flowing down. What should I do next?

"Well, Boss Cai, you may not know.

The average master attaches great importance to his own perception.

If you find that your perception is confused, it will directly affect the master's mentality.

Moreover, perceived confusion can also affect the performance of strength.

You can imagine, the habit of up becomes down, the habit of left becomes right, the habit of front becomes back. How serious is that?

How terrible was it that he originally wanted to attack the enemy, but ended up attacking himself?

Therefore, the magic in this elevator is very high-end and disrupts our..."

Before Shi Huozhu finished speaking, the elevator door opened.

A blast of cold air blew in, making everyone shiver.

Cai Gen looked at the scene in front of him and was shocked.

There are exhaust holes all over the floor, air conditioning units, and bright sunshine.

He grabbed the fat on the back of Shi Huozhu's neck.

"Azhu, look at it.

This doesn't seem to be underground.

Is that the sun in the sky?

Does this look like a rooftop?

Is my perception affecting my vision?”

Shi Huozhu was pinched by Cai Gen, which made her cry in pain.

"Boss Cai, I was wrong, who would have thought that the 18th floor is a rooftop.

Whose elevator can reach the rooftop? This is unscientific.

It must be to deliberately confuse us, and the enemy is playing psychological warfare against us.

Hope it passes”

Cai Gen directly pressed Shi Huozhu's head against the elevator wall to stop him from continuing to make up nonsense.

"Shut up.

It’s no use that I believe you so much, you only talk nonsense and don’t say anything serious.”

As he said that he wanted to press the button for the first floor, who would have thought that Guenta Tower actually walked out of the elevator.

"Come with me. Now that we're here, we can't hide it anymore."

As soon as I turned a corner, I didn't go far and opened the elevator next to me.

Is this called a hit by accident?

To go underground, do I have to transfer to the rooftop first?

Who designed the route? It’s really a bit anti-intellectual.

Cai Gen and others followed Guanta Tower into another elevator.

Sure enough, the buttons of this elevator have a negative level.

This chapter has been completed!
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