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Chapter 1990 Upside-down tree roots

Naqi seemed to only answer one question.

In fact, it made Cai Gen's half-hour questions seem meaningless.

Now that we have traveled to other dimensions, isn't it time to think about practical issues again?

Everything must be based on the actual situation of this space. Any speculation and common sense is considered self-righteous.

It's not as big as the world below, and it's bigger than the one created by Golden Apple. Cai Gen silently weighed it in his mind, and it was actually not that small.:.

Or, measuring it in units of size also has cognitive limitations.

How big is considered big, how small is considered small, it's just a matter of different reference points.

Cai Gen stopped his brain twitching in time and pointed in the direction of the castle.

"Naqi, go over there and see what happens."

Na Qi had no objection and quickly reached the shore, but had no intention of going ashore.

"Let's go, Naqi, Uncle Naqi, aren't you amphibious?"

"Cai Gen, when did you become blind?

Is there a way? Just let me go?

Do you want me to fly over?"

Is there no road?

Cai Gen got out of the car first and landed on the shore. After taking a few steps, he was stopped by a huge pillar.

The pillars were pitch black, and I didn’t know what kind of material they were made of. They were very dense, and I could barely pass people, but it was really not easy to think about driving.

"Uncle Na, can't you just crash out of the way like a tank?"

"Cai Gen, my mother has told me since I was a child not to let me play with fools.

Just go ahead and do whatever you need to do, and don't talk to me. What if you infect it to me?"

Although Na Qi didn't sound nice, he made it clear that he couldn't do it.

Cai Gen took Xiao Tmall's flare and shot another one.

Anyway, he got a lot in Lang Jiahao's warehouse and took them all.

Looking at these pillars up close, Cai Gen noticed something was wrong.

It is quite irregular and twisted, and looks very ferocious.

It looks a bit like growing naturally, but it's also different from all the plants Cai Gen has ever seen.

When Xiao Sun saw Cai Gen studying the pillar, he took out his mace and hit it.

There was a loud noise, sparks flew everywhere, and the pillar did not leave even a trace, it was quite tough.

"Third uncle, this pillar should be bumped constantly, it's very strong.

It's comparable to metal, I can't even break it, it might be some kind of alien plant."

Cai Gen agreed with Xiao Sun's statement. Why didn't he think of extraterrestrial plants?

Shi Huozhu did not touch those pillars, but stood by the lake, tried to choose the farthest angle of view, then bent down and observed from between his legs upside down.


What skill is this?

Cai Gen suddenly slapped his head and remembered something.

In some supernatural novels, there is a description that if you look upside down from your crotch, you can see the truth of another world.

This stone fire bead is indeed knowledgeable!

Cai Gen came to Shi Huozhu and saw that his face was so congested that he kept watching carefully.

"Azhu, what did you see?

Are there many hidden things that are completely exposed under your coquettish posture?"

Shi Huozhu stood up, straightened his waist, and waited for a while before speaking.

"Boss Cai, there is nothing to hide, I just changed my perspective.

If you look at it upside down, these pillars look a bit like tree roots?

If you don’t believe me, take a look.”


The reason why tree roots are called tree roots is that they should be rooted underground.

Can something that grows out of the ground still be called a tree root?

Cai Gen followed Shi Huozhu's example, bent down and looked between his legs.

Not to mention, the twisted and exaggerated shape really looks like a tree root.

“Holy shit, how big is this tree?

Such a large area of ​​tree roots.

Why does it grow upside down?

Wait, could this be the Tree of the Ancestral God?

Have any of you seen it?"

Cai Gen looked around and finally focused on Emperor Shaktian's face.

The teddy bear jumped up and slapped Sakyamuni on the head.

"Boss Cai is asking you, is this the ancestral tree of the Asura world?"

After being beaten, Emperor Shitian touched the back of his head and replied cutely.

"That should be the case. It is said that the tree of the ancestral gods in the Asura world has a ring structure.

It is different from the trees that everyone usually understands.

It's not the kind of structure with roots, trunks, and crowns.

Rather, every part is a root, and every part is a trunk.

I've never seen the real thing.

When we first arrived in the world of Asura, the tree of the ancestral gods had already been taken away.

There are also large pillars like this left all over the ground, which is similar to the situation now."

Ring structure?

That means no distinction between head and tail?

Sure enough, it is more reliable to think from the perspective of alien plants.

According to common sense, there is no room for imagination.

"Forget it, don't worry about these details.

Let's first see who is playing the drum.

It must be a bit of a joke to bring us here."

Everyone sighed at the same time. Obviously it was you, Cai Gen, who was struggling with the details. On the other hand, it seemed like everyone else was always looking for trouble.

"Uncle Na, just wait for us here.

Everyone else, follow me, and we'll meet the drummer.

Xiaotian, come out with the miner's lamp on the hour. Don't shoot flares all the time. Just save as much as you can.

It is said that this thing is quite expensive."

Xiao Tmall handed out a head-mounted miner's lamp to each person, and each person had a flashlight, so he finally didn't have to smear himself while walking.

Everyone found the direction of the drum sound and started moving forward.

The columns are not only tall, but also very dense. In many places, only one person can pass.

As a result, Cai Gen's team was stretched into a long line.

Xiao Tianmao led the way at the front, followed by Xiao Sun, and then Cai Gen.

How the remaining personnel were arranged, Cai Gen did not look back.

From the sound, it should be Stone Fire Beads.

I don’t know if he is in chatterbox mode or if he just wants to talk to relieve his boredom.

"Boss Cai, wait a minute, why are the roots of this tree so dense?

Logically speaking, the most important thing in the Nordic world is the World Tree.

The source of all magical power is the World Tree.

But now when I see part of the World Tree, it seems like it has died. There is no magic energy at all, and there is a deep dark aura.

Boss Cai, do I have an unknown premonition?"

If someone else had said this, Cai Gen would definitely not take it seriously.

After all, wherever I have been, where has everything been auspicious and everything goes well?

Aren't they all full of death, evil, and ominous atmosphere?

However, when these words came out of Shi Huozhu's mouth, it was different.

After all, Shi Huozhu is very sensitive to luck.

Cai Gen didn't stop, didn't look back, and started guiding directly.

"Azhu, if you want to say anything, just say it directly."

"Boss Cai, although I have no evidence, but intuitively, these tree roots seem to be contaminated or poisoned.

It is recorded in the history books that the biggest reason why Odin was defeated in Ragnarok was that the death of the World Tree could no longer provide the power of magic to the nine worlds.

It seems that what the history books say is true, this World Tree is really dead."


Is it this section again?

Cai Gen is not anxious at all, if Ragnarok is so important.

You will know sooner or later, there is no point in being anxious.

"Oh, Boss Cai, you"


Shi Huozhu behind him suddenly shouted, and Cai Gen was stunned.

"What happened, Azhu, what happened to you?"

Shi Huozhu answered quickly with his usual voice.

"Ah, it's okay. I stung my foot just now. It's okay, it's okay."

Cai Gen is so depressed, your feet are stinging, why are you calling me? To provide you with the fastest update of suffering in the world, Chapter 1990 The Falling Roots is free to read.:.

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