Turn off the lights
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Chapter 1993 The judge wins

After turning off the lights this time, Cai Gen was more mentally prepared.

He stretched out his hand to pull out the bone-cutting knife, but it came to nothing.

Then I remembered that the bone-cutting knife was slashing at Shi Huozhu's neck.

When did you run out of your own bone-cutting knife?

Why don't you feel anything?

He had no choice but to slap his chest suddenly and transform into Nunu form. Cai Gen turned into a little giant and looked warily at the darkness around him.

"Caibangzi, don't come over."

Duan Xiaohong's screams did not stop because of Cai Gen's vigilance.

It seems that I can't remove my own shit pot.

It's just that it's a bit boring to do it again and again.

Deep down in Cai Gen's heart, he couldn't accept that these people simply died.

However, the reality forced Cai Gen to accept it.

My small team is constantly reducing its members, but I can't do anything.

The hardest part is that everyone seems to die by their own hands.

A terrible speculation came to Cai Gen's mind.

Maybe, these people really killed themselves.

In other words, he was tortured to death by his other self.

After all, there are quite a few tenants in my body.

If a lunatic, or a few lunatics, jump out and kill people without their permission, I really can't stop it.

If you think about it more deeply, maybe things in Iceland are a bit sensitive.

The God of Pain doesn't want too many people to know, so he wants to get rid of everyone around him?

Kushen's way of dealing with the world is quite rational and cold-blooded. He will never consider Cai Gen's emotional appeal and do whatever he wants to do.

Thinking of this, Cai Gen felt that he should be more proactive and the light turned on.

Duan Xiaohong was pulled in half by a huge force and lay on the ground, with parts scattered all over the ground. It was very miserable.

Combined with Cai Gen's current giant form, it fits the situation quite well, just like Cai Gen's hand.

The survivors looked at Duan Xiaohong and Cai Gen, their eyes were full of fear.

Xiao Sun was trembling and hesitating.

"Third uncle, what's wrong with you?

Are you fascinated?"

Yang San hid behind Xiao Sun with a look of fear on his face.

"Father-in-law, is Cai Gen crazy?

Let’s run.”

Unexpectedly, Xiao Sun hit Yang San in the face.

"It's a waste of money. Whoever Third Uncle wants to die must die. How can there be any room for bargaining?"

Yang San covered his face and his hair suddenly exploded.

"Baby monkey, please give me some face.

When I call you father-in-law, it's just for my wife's sake.

Do you really think of yourself as your elder?

If you don't want to run, don't run, why are you hitting me?"

Xiao Sun gave Yang San another slap in the face and said viciously.

"Three eyes, I have long disliked you.

How can I hit you? How can I hit you?"

Yang San was really furious this time and punched Xiao Sun in the face.

"Monkey boy, what the hell?

I’m going to fight you so hard, I’m going to let you pretend.”

Not to be outdone, Xiao Sun directly fought with Yang San with fists and kicks.

Cai Gen ignored Xiao Sun and the others. He looked at his enlarged hand and made gestures on Duan Xiaohong's body. The size was just right.

It was really like I was pulling Duan Xiaohong's head and ankles, pulling hard and breaking her waist.

No matter who did it, it is definitely inseparable from Cai Gen.:.

Cai Gen awkwardly shrugged towards Wang Gou Sheng and waved his hand, indicating that he was innocent.

Wang Gou Sheng was so frightened that his face turned white. In less than half an hour, several people died. Who could react?

Especially, looking at Cai Gen's current situation, he is no longer in a hurry.

"Boss Cai, please, let me go.

Please, please let me go, okay?"

A pink beam of light suddenly shot over and aimed at Wang Gou Sheng's head.

Wang Goosheng's body erupted with a burst of bright light, and the shadow of a turtle appeared instantly, trying to block the pink light beam, but failed.

A red dot appeared on Wang Goosheng's forehead, and the beam penetrated his head directly, and the dead body fell to the ground.

Oops, it’s not dark this time, have people already started dying?

Cai Gen felt dumbfounded.

Turning his head to look in the direction of the beam, Yang San had already opened his cute eyes, and his neck was trapped by Xiao Sun's arm.

Is this considered an accidental injury?

Yang San wanted to kill Xiao Sun, but Xiao Sun was already prepared, so did his shot miss?

Just as Cai Gen was about to speak, Xiao Sun used a fierce force to snap Yang San's neck and cut off his cute eyes.

As if he was afraid that Yang San would not die, Xiao Sun used his hand as a knife and stabbed Yang San several times in the back. His hands were covered with blood.

Throwing away the dead bodies of Yang San, Xiao Sun licked the blood on his hands with bloodthirsty and said in a cold tone.

"Third uncle, all the troubles have been solved.

No one will know your secret anymore.

This is all I can do."

Halo, what line is this?

Could it be that you tortured Yang San to death all because of me?

So what secret is being kept?

There is no logic at all.

It is neither in line with the development trajectory of things nor in line with public order and good customs. It is not an expression language for the world at all.

After Xiao Sun finished speaking, he licked his hand greedily for a while, and then his eyes widened in anger.

"Ah, this guy is poisonous."

Then, Xiao Sun's face turned green, his orifices were bleeding, he fell to the ground, twitched a few times, and died.

Cai Gen looked at the dead bodies on the ground, including his teammates who were still alive and kicking just now.

I couldn't hold it back anymore and burst out laughing.

Is this a thunderstorm or Hamlet?

What the hell is going on?

Did you get the wrong script?

Besides, who wrote this script?

Can't there be something new?

The conflict is cliche, the lines are cliché, and the theme is unclear.

What exactly is it trying to express in such a performance?

Are you trying to explain that even those who follow you will not end well?

Or does it mean that as the awakened God of Pain, I am full of desire for destruction, and both those around me and myself will eventually be destroyed?

No matter what the theme is, the expression is a bit too superficial.

It's not profound at all.

Cai Gen suddenly started to have a brain twitch.

If I were allowed to lead this scene, I would definitely not be in such a hurry.

It's too sloppy to move on to the next conflict before the emotions are expressed.

For example, after Xiao Tmall died, everyone needed to be given enough time to express their feelings.

Normally, everyone should be surprised at first, then confused, finally panicked, and finally suspicious of each other.

There must always be time to transition.

The result was handled very poorly, and the teddy bear died immediately afterwards.

There is absolutely no blank space for everyone, and no space and time for everyone to express themselves.

Overall, it feels very frivolous and eager for quick success.

It's like I don't care what you do, as long as I'm happy.

Cai Gen didn't pay attention to the dead bodies around him and walked to the dull Emperor Shaktian.

"Did you write the script?

Or are you causing trouble?

If not, how are you going to die?

Or is it that your mind is completely blank and there is really nothing I can do for you?"

Under Cai Gen's gaze, Emperor Shakten looked like a child caught stealing candy.

In panic, he turned around and ran away. As a result, his feet stumbled and he fell to the ground. He hit a sharp stone and his brain was shattered, very finely.


What else could Cai Gen do besides shake his head and smile bitterly?

Is it too far-fetched?

Even if you are playing Werewolf, please close your eyes when it gets dark.

There must also be basic rules of the game.

All the civilians were dead, and so were all the killers.

There is only one judge left, what kind of trouble is going to happen?

Who won?

Did the judge win? Provide you with the fastest update of human suffering, Chapter 1993 The judge won. Read it for free.:.

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