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Chapter 2002 Dad loves you the most

During the entire Spring Joy period, Xia Qi had the upper hand.

It captivated Aji's mind and made him dance gracefully, immersed in nine songs and unable to extricate himself.

Cai Gen had more ideas at this time. Should he take advantage of Aki's confusion to launch a small sneak attack?

Holding the bone-cutting knife, he slowly walked towards Aji, thinking whether to stab his chest directly or chop his head?

But just when Cai Gen was about to take action, Jiu Ge ended.

Aji regained consciousness in an instant. Although his eyes were still a little confused, he also regained his senses. He looked at Cai Gen who was approaching and smiled jokingly.

Cai Gen felt so panicked when he laughed at him.

He quickly put the bone-cutting knife behind his back, smiled honestly, and took a few steps back.

He said that he was harmless to humans and animals and had no bad intentions.

Aji no longer looked at Cai Gen, but looked at Xia Qi curiously.

I don't understand why his singing voice is so powerful.

As a native local god, one can imagine his toughness of mind. How could he be controlled so quickly?

Could it be that the other party is also a local god?

Raise your hands high, making a pause gesture.

"Hello, I am the son of the giant Fabuti and the giant Laufey.

The husband of the goddess Sigyn and the ally of the god-king Odin.

The father of Fenrir the Wolf.

The father of the world serpent Jörmungandr.

The father of Hela, the god of death.

The creator, guardian and destroyer of the nine worlds.

The god of lies and deceit, Loki.

Who are you please?"

The education Xia Qi received since childhood forced him to stop singing and answer politely.

"Hello, my name is Xia Qi, son of Dayu, from the Xia Dynasty."

Loki suddenly put on a surprised expression and interrupted Xia Qi's self-introduction with a loud shout.

"Ah, are you the son of Dayu?

Are you really the son of Dayu?"

Xia Qi was very unhappy when he was interrupted.

When you, Loki, introduced yourself, you talked so much nonsense that I didn't even interrupt you.

I just said a sentence and didn't even finish it. It was really rude.

However, out of special emotions, curiosity and admiration for his father Dayu, Xia Qi still nodded.

"Yes, I am the only son of Dayu, Emperor Xia Qi.

The Great Xia Dynasty"

Loki interrupted Xia Qi again.

"How can you be so sure that you are an only child?

Did Dayu tell you, or was it your mother?"

With that said, Loki directly turned into the Tushan clan's darling.

Graceful and noble, with a kind face.

"Qiqi, you are actually not your father's only son.

He hasn't come back for so many years. It's not because he has something important to do.

But he has someone outside.

He dislikes us two."

Xia Qi was so excited when he saw his mother suddenly that he fell into a trance.

Especially when it comes to matters involving his father, Dayu. His mother, Nvjiao, has said very little since he was a child. Today, shocking news has been revealed. How can he still hold back?


Mother, why?

Is there really someone outside my father?

Who is it?

Why does father dislike us two?"

Cai Gen was dumbfounded. How could this Loki dare to say anything?

This nonsense is almost catching up with me.

The girl seemed to have reached a point where she was sad, she burst into tears, and continued to cheat with a sobbing voice.

"Qiqi, originally you shouldn't know about these matters between adults.

But you have grown up and I have to tell you the truth.

The first time he passed through the house three times without entering, it was because he had changed his mind.

My child, I have caused trouble to you, causing you to lose your father's love since you were a child.

Let your father, who has disliked you since childhood, feel that you are a shame to him."

This blow was not a big one. Xia Qi seemed to have lost his faith and his eyes were dull.

It turns out that his father left home when he was a child because he didn't like him?

All the reasons, all the sins, turned out to be because of myself.

"Mother, why?

What did I do wrong?"

Nvjiao looked at Xia Qi's panic lovingly and said leisurely.

"No, kid, it's not your fault, it's all a trick of fate.

It's not because you have the blood of the Tushan family that makes your father feel ashamed.

It's all due to people's deep-rooted species prejudice, thinking that you are not a pure-blooded human being, so they regard you as the shame of his life and a stain on his glorious life.

It's all my fault, it's all our Tushan clan's fault.

My child, you are not wrong. You are excellent. In my heart, you are the best.

But, in your father's eyes, you are nothing but shit.

No, you are worse than shit.

So he left home.

To favor your half-brothers."

These blows one after another destroyed Xia Qi's outlook on life at a glance.

Do you actually have so many brothers?

To be honest, in that era, it was normal to have three wives and four concubines.

However, it must be his own fault that his father stayed out and did not come home because he hated himself.

Xia Qi unconsciously began to blame himself, but where did he go wrong?

Xia Qi never imagined that the bloodline he had always been proud of would become his father's greatest shame.

A wave of confused emotions came to his mind. Xia Qi was like a helpless child, wanting to run into his mother's arms, cry bitterly, and talk about his grievances, feeling that something was wrong.

Cai Gen really couldn't stand listening anymore. If he let Loki continue to fool him, Xia Qi would be lame.

If it ends with hatred, it will become a big joke.

"Qiqi, Xia Qi, don't listen to his nonsense.

Your father is not a pure-blood human. There is no such thing as a pure-blood human.

In the human world, all living beings are equal. All lives and all existences are precious treasures in the human world. What is the distinction between high and low?

Dayu was dragged into adulthood by the God of Misery, so he did not return home.

It’s not that there’s someone out there, or that I dislike you.

Dayu has entrusted me with dreams many times.

He said that you are his favorite. Not being by your side and watching you grow up is his lifelong regret. The one he feels most guilty about is you.

Otherwise, how could he, under tremendous pressure, prefer to be condemned by the world and pass on the position of the Nine-Nine Human Emperor to you?

That is the greatest compensation for my debt to you.

Will you take the risk of being criticized by thousands of people, the risk of ruining your reputation, and turn the public world into the family world, just for the son you dislike the most?

Think about it, is this logical?

Because I hate you, I give you the highest power in the world?

Even a fool can figure out how much Dayu loves you, right? Isn’t it enough to make you stinky?”

Cai Gen deceived and lied, talking nonsense, and finally refuted all of Loki's claims.

As for the truth of the matter, who cares whether it's like Loki said?

As long as Xia Qi believes it, that's fine.

Nvjiao glanced at Cai Gen in surprise, and she didn't expect to meet a master who was full of gunfire.

Sure enough, Xia Qi believed it, re-established his confidence, and his eyes were no longer confused.

Staring at the beautiful girl in front of him, he felt angry because he had been fooled.

"Loki, you are so clever, I almost got fooled by you.

Volume 2 of Tiange, Nine Debates, The Wrath of Xia."

After the song started, Loki immediately lost his feminine appearance, returned to his original appearance, and was directly controlled by Xia Qi's Jiubian.

銆愯铌湡攛屾渶杩戜竴鐩ancun椤鍜霜阒呰鍤湅涔﹁毴町鎹㈡簮鍒囨崲锛屾湕璇wedding煶鑹insert pan纴瀹夊崜鑻gui牉鍧囧彽umbrella

With eyes full of anger, he lost his mind and started banging his head against the surrounding cylinders.

The originally rock-solid cylinders exploded under Loki's collision.

Loki's head was also bruised and bloody, it was too horrible to look at.

Cai Gen nodded. It seemed that last time Xia Qiu performed Jiu Bian, he sang with his arms around him.

When Xia Qizhen gets angry, his power is amazing.

This chapter has been completed!
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