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Chapter 2029 what a night wind

Cai Gen felt that laughing like this was a bit unserious, so he forced himself to find another topic.

"Second brother, who is riding on your grandson?

Isn't he also a relative of yours?

Ha ha ha ha..."

At the end of the sentence, Cai Gen couldn't help it anymore and laughed wildly.

Loki didn't blame Cai Gen, and actually laughed along with him.

"Brother is joking, how come I have so many relatives.

I'm not that old gangster like Apu.

However, although this man is not related to me by blood, he is my favorite godson."

I was so dizzy that Cai Gen couldn't laugh straight away.

Are they really relatives?

Relatives are also relatives.

Cai basically wanted to rank him, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it.

Too messy.

It's unacceptable for an uncle to ride his niece or an uncle to ride his niece.

"Second brother, how many godsons do you have?

Why do you like this one the most?

Nothing special, no face to see anyone.

Generally faceless, no big shot.


Loki continued to laugh, not knowing what he was laughing at.

“Brother, you’ll know if it’s right or not in a moment.

Those guys of yours are all useless.

I don't have much appeal now, and my godson can't listen to me.

After a while, he chopped your man into pieces, so don’t blame me."

Cai Gen stopped laughing instantly.

After looking carefully at Xiao Sun and his group, I realized something was wrong.

Damn it, isn't this petrified?

Last time I was in Badaohao, I was petrified once, so I was quite experienced.

What did you see? Why was it petrified?

Could it be that Loki, the godson, also has the blood of Medusa?

That's so unexpected.

"Second brother, don't scare me, what's going on?

Does your godson have the power of petrification?

Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

Loki's smile at this moment was a bit irritating.

"Brother, why are you so serious?

Keep laughing.

I haven't laughed enough yet.

My godson's name is Sigmaris, Ogutlenbasa, and Night Breeze.

The dark elves are divided into eight legions, and he is the commander of the eighth legion.

I was raised by me since I was a child, and I should have been able to be the commander of the first army.

But he is too brave, and his hatred for Odin is as high as the sky.

I felt sorry for him and was afraid that he would die as soon as I met him, so I arranged for him to be at the back.

Sure enough, he really survived Ragnarok, the sky has eyes."

What, what, what, night breeze?

Cai Gen did not remember the full name, only the last two words.

Loki was talking eloquently here. It is estimated that this level is not easy, and it will not be completed so quickly.

Cai Gen forced himself and giggled twice.

"Hehe, hehe, your godson is so promising.

Why does this Night Breeze hate Odin so much?

Logically speaking, Odin is the God King and rules the nine worlds, so he shouldn't be so hated."

Loki saw that Cai Gen remained calm even in the face of danger, and saw that his companion was petrified and remained calm, which can be regarded as a bit of a general's demeanor.

If you have the leisure to talk nonsense to yourself, then just do it.

There was wine on the table anyway, and there was no shortage of stories in my belly.

"Brother, don't be anxious. This matter must be discussed from the beginning."

Start from the beginning?

Where do you start from?

Should I start talking about it from the beginning of the world, or should I start talking about it from last night’s dinner?

Cai Gen glanced at the screen. If after finishing talking, all of his group were really dead, how could he still be talking about Mao?

Fortunately, Ye Feng seemed to have stopped in order to cooperate with his godfather Loki.

He didn't dismount, nor did he charge and attack. He just stared with blood-red eyes, looking at the people in front of him who had no power to fight back, as if he had seen the enemy who killed his father, and he didn't know what complicated emotions he had.

"Second brother, I am a person with poor understanding ability.

Just say it simply, I can't understand it if it's too complicated.

The best thing is to tell him all the advantages and disadvantages of your godson."

Loki lit a cigarette and looked at the night breeze on the screen.

Under the cover of cigarettes, his eyes gradually became cold.

"Brother, let me remind you beforehand.

Don't try to measure me with morality, let alone kidnap me with morality.

There is no word morality in my dictionary, only success or failure, and the command of the god of suffering."

Loki didn't smile when he said this, he said it quite seriously.

Moreover, the sensitive Cai Gen felt a little sadness in Loki's tone.

"Second brother, you are overthinking. We are not from the same world. We must have different world views and values.

I'm not that idiotic, I have the brains to distinguish it myself, so feel free to say it.

I didn't originally think you were a moral person.

In my heart, you can do anything, even do anything."

Loki looked at Cai Gen seriously and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a hint of mockery.

"Brother, if we want to talk about Night Breeze, we must first talk about the eight legions of the dark elves.

Every legion commander is a talent that I personally raised, personally trained, and carefully selected.

The reason why he calls me godfather is because other relationships are not strong enough.

I am the faith in their hearts, their hope for survival, and their world."

To put it bluntly, it’s just a matter of washing my hands and clearing my mind.

Cai Gen once watched a movie called Soldier.

All the warriors inside have been trained since childhood and are born to kill.

Isolated space, training in life and death, and elimination of only the best.

Cai Gen can fully understand it with just a little immersion.

"With eight godsons, as the commander of the dark elves' legion, I can safely let them fight against Odin's Hall of Valor.

As for Ye Feng’s past and why he hates God King Odin so much.

In fact, this is not an isolated case, but each of the eight godsons hate the God King Odin.

I wish I could eat Odin alive, I hate him to the core of my bones.

Only overwhelming hatred can overcome the fear of the God King raising his sword.

At this point, I am actually very helpless and have no choice."

Cai Gen puts it in a little bit, it’s true.

The God King of the Nine Worlds, for everyone in the Nine Worlds, it takes great courage to be an enemy of him.

Hatred can indeed overcome fear, and there is nothing wrong with Loki's thinking.

"What's left is how to create hatred.

In fact, it's not complicated. I turned into Odin and slaughtered everyone in their village, leaving only an orphan.

You cannot be too old. If you are too old, your plasticity will be reduced and your potential will be limited.

You can't be too young. If you are too young, you won't be able to remember Odin's face and will have no hatred value.

Following the same pattern dozens or hundreds of times, I have a group of godson candidates.

Well, do you still want to hear the details? Brother?"

What is this called?

Do you consider a thief your father?

Cai Gen really didn't want to despise Loki's behavior, but this was not something a human could do.

Even if Loki is of giant descent, that's a bit much.

Suddenly remembering what Loki said just now, he only had success or failure in his mind.

Only those who regard success or failure as their highest creed would do such a thing.

This chapter has been completed!
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