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Chapter 2042 Rescue Sigurn

Loki looked at Cai Gen and felt confused.

"Brother, should I say no?"

Cai Gen was thinking about how to spend the 100,000 Dao Le in his hand.

So he didn't care what Loki said.

"Second brother, you are free to say whatever you want, whatever is convenient for you to say.

I can do it, it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, the fruit of life has been obtained, and the rest depends on the conscience of you, the screenwriter."

Luo Ji stood up and pulled Cai Gen out of the fun house.

With a casual move, the originally splendid Happy House disappeared, and even the orioles inside disappeared.

Cai Gen was stunned.

"Second brother, was that all fake just now?"

Loki unfolded a small black box in his hand. He didn't know what it was made of. It looked a bit like a powder box used by girls.

"Of course it's not fake, they are all here.

I promised the light elves to always protect them, so I must carry them with me to stay safe.

These are small details and not important.

Brother, you may have misunderstood me.

I'm really not a screenwriter.

Whether it is in the human world or the spirit world, it seems that I control it all with one hand.

In fact, I only dare to come to these two worlds.

I don't dare to go any further.

The real danger starts from the next level.

I don’t know which floor Odin is on the street. If I meet him, I will be dead."

Cai Gen followed Rocky towards the lake. In fact, he didn't pay attention to those small details.

Just treat it like watching a movie and now it’s over.

In addition to being still immersed in the plot just now, there is actually nothing left.

"Ah, you only made two layers.

So tell me, why do you add so many scenes?"

Loki tried to keep his tone as calm as possible, as if he was saying something very ordinary.

"Brother, it's actually nothing, I just want to give you a good impression.

It’s a little something, I need your help.”

If it was really a trivial matter, would you change your story?

Cai Gen didn't believe it. He listened silently and motioned for Loki to continue.

"Brother, although things did not develop according to the original plot, I think there is no need to be so troublesome.

After a brief contact, I found that my eldest brother is a kind and generous person.

Since you call me second brother, you will be your brother for life.

Whatever happens to me, you will do your best for me.


It seems like such a big deal.

Otherwise, Loki wouldn't have put so much effort into adding so many scenes.

Cai Gen did not express his position and walked silently, waiting for Loki to continue.

"Brother, I have been waiting for you for so many years, but actually it was only for one thing.

That is, resurrecting my wife, Sigyn.

She is my only concern in life now.

I feel sorry for her, I have implicated her, and I must resurrect her.

Even if she cannot be resurrected, she must be rescued.

I can't do it, I can only rely on you."

Could Loki be an infatuated person?

Cai Gen asked himself and gave a negative answer.

Such a cunning and cunning person who plays with human nature and wants to save his wife wholeheartedly. No one can believe it. It's too simple.

The reason why it is simple is that in this complicated matter, it is a bit unreasonable to support Loki from such a simple starting point.

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I’ve known for ten years! It’s so easy to use. I rely on it to pass the time while driving and before going to bed by reading and listening to books. You can download it here ]

"Brother, I actually got the fruit of life a long time ago.

It's just that my wife Sigyn's soul is in the hands of Odin's grandson, and I can't get it back.

So, I gave all the fruits of life to you just now, you just need to leave one for me."

Cai Gen stopped and looked at Loki.

"Isn't Odin your brother?

Why do you want to arrest your wife?

Don’t bring harm to your wife and children, don’t you have this point?”

Loki's eyes were full of hatred, and he was really angry when he mentioned this matter.

“Odin’s grandson, what’s the point? He’s not particular about anything.

He is just a beast, a beast without humanity.

I had exhausted all my mechanisms and thought it was bad enough.

However, it still hasn't broken Odin.

That grandson has long planned to kill me.

I tried my best to help him conquer the nine worlds. I originally wanted to evolve peacefully and achieve the goal of the God of Pain.

However, before I could take action, he took action first.

Moreover, the method was extremely cruel. He first killed my two sons and then hung me in a cave.

I have snake venom dripping on my head every day, causing me to suffer day and night.

When I first met Pro, I told him about this past incident and he felt the same way.

We also accepted the punishment from the God King. The only difference was that he had his liver picked out and pecked out day and night by Laoleng, while I was constantly being corroded by snakes. Both were inhuman tortures.

My wife Sigyn felt sorry for me, so she helped me pick up a bowl to catch the snake venom regardless of past grievances. As a result, Odin beat her to death on the spot and harvested Sigyn's soul so that she could not go to the underworld."

Cai Gen couldn't help but chatter.

It seems that the first quality of being a god king is ruthlessness.

The other way around is right. If he wasn't so cunning, wouldn't Loki be allowed to die?

One word attracted Cai Gen's attention, regardless of past suspicions.

"Second brother, have you ever done anything to feel sorry for your wife?

Why do you say you don't care about past grievances?"

Loki was stunned.

Isn’t the point of what I said so much about is my hatred for Odin?

There is also condemnation of what Odin has done.

Isn’t this Cai Gen’s search for the key point a bit biased?

"Um, brother, um, I did do things that were sorry for Sigyn.

However, that is also to promote the Twilight of the Gods and complete the mission assigned by the God of Bitterness.

I once had a lover named Angelberda, and we gave birth to two sons and a daughter.

But, that's all preparation for Ragnarok.

In fact, the one I love most in my heart is Sigyn, you have to believe me."

I trust you, you big daddy.

You can be a horse and Odin's mount, what are you talking about with me?

This relationship has long been a mess, so stop pretending to be innocent.

After Cai Gen complained in his heart, he couldn't say it clearly.

So, I found another more biased entry point.

“Second brother, since you are completing the mission of the God of Pain, then you are being tortured by Odin and the God of Pain doesn’t care about you?

This job is so dangerous, doesn’t it have any labor protection?”

Loki was stunned again, he was really fascinated by this.

Wouldn't a normal person be moved by the love between me and Sigyn?

Who cares about labor protection?

"Brother, if you mention this, in fact, what I am begging you for now is something you, the God of Bitterness, owe me.

I worked hard for you, but in the end I suffered, and the god of suffering did not come.

In other words, he came late.

By the time he came, I had lost my wife and my family.

The explanation he gave me was that he was delayed by something and couldn't get out."

"Didn't you ask the God of Suffering what happened?"

It seemed that Cai Gen had asked an idiot question and he looked at Cai Gen with contempt.

"Brother, are you kidding me?

He is the God of Pain. It would be a great honor to give me an explanation.

Even if he doesn't say anything, do I dare to fart?

Do you have any misunderstandings about the identity, status and behavior of God of Ku?

That is the existence that makes Odin's legs weak and scared to pee, what else do you dare to ask for?"

The image of the God of Bitterness in Cai Gen's mind has never been positive, but it's not scary at all.

Are you really one-sided?

Chapter 2042 Saving Sigyn

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