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Chapter 2136 no life to recognize relatives

Before Cai Gen could turn around and shout silently, the RV had already driven over.

Others say that this little hoverboard is really well modified. It is basically in all-terrain mode, and it is as easy as walking on flat ground when going up a hill.

"Wusheng, why are you so awesome?

You even started a cute little business, how did you sell it?

How much does it cost per pound?”

There was silence in the RV, and a solemn look on his face.

In fact, he just gave Cai Gen the impression of a solemn look on his face.

To be honest, Cai Gen couldn't even tell where his face was and where his butt was, so how could he show dignity?

"Cai Gen, what you said is that I am not a dragon or a phoenix among men, I am a leader in the world, is there anything I can't do?

However, I felt a particularly evil aura.

Very kind, yet very strange.

It seems like it's just me. There's still a gap between me.

No matter how I communicate, there is no answer, which is very strange.

I guess there is only one possibility."

Cai Gen thought along the lines of his words.

"Is it because you absorbed too many cuties and were controlled and lost your mind?"

He silently shook his head or his butt, denying Cai Gen'er's guess.

"I think there is only one possibility, probably 80% chance, that I should have fallen asleep."

Oh, I'll go. If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't be beaten to death, Cai Gen would really want to kill him.

Originally, Naqi's mouth was quite mean, but now compared with Wusheng, Naqi is more like a good donkey.

"No, Wu Sheng, are you kidding me?

So what happened?

Aren’t you thinking that so many of your clones have been chopped into pieces by the God of Pain?

Now I give you a chance, it depends on whether you can use it or not.

Go ahead and take back your body and make your personality complete."

Wu Sheng really didn't say anything and immediately issued the clarion call to charge.

"Qi Qi, let's go, this is a good opportunity for Chong Chong to complete himself.

Don’t you know how much that Kushen guy chopped Chongchong into pieces?

Not only was the body chopped into pieces, but the IQ was also divided into many segments.

Chongchong can merge with himself and increase his IQ."

Wu Sheng's reasons were very good, and the slogans were shouted loudly, but the RV did not move.

Maybe he's more sensitive to danger, or he's just lazy and doesn't want to move. Anyway, Naqi isn't that active.

"Chongchong, I think this is your internal matter and it's a bit inconvenient for me to interfere.

But I will always support you mentally. No matter what you do, I will be your strong backing.

If you win, I will go crazy with you.

If you lose, you must carry it on your own.

Go ahead, come on Chongchong."

Cai Gen immediately grinned after hearing this. Na Qi's cheap words were even cheaper than what he said.

But I was so moved that I almost cried.

"Qiqi, I knew you would always be so kind to me.

Just wait for me and I'll come as soon as I go."

With that said, he jumped out of the RV silently, and started running with his short legs.

Although he feels that he moves very quickly, his physical structure does not give him the upper hand.

Like a corgi, the chassis is too low. Even though it works hard, it can't run very fast.

Although he doesn't run fast, he runs silently, with great momentum and confidence.

He kept shouting along the way.

"My dear little baby, Chongchong is here.

Do you miss me?

How long has it been since we were last separated?

That tortured god who suffered a thousand cuts is really annoying.

Chong Chong never thought that he would meet you again in this life.

I am so happy.

Dude, wake up and give me some feedback.

Aren't you happy to see Chong Chong?

Go to sleep, sleep, wake up and be happy!"

Cai Gen felt that this level was basically over when he encountered the silent clone.

After all, it is your own body, even though it has been separated by the God of Pain.

Reintegration, isn’t that a matter of taking control?

He sat firmly in the audience, watching silently, performing there.

After waiting for about 40 minutes, almost an hour, I saw Wu Sheng running to the side of the dark lake.

Maybe I was too excited and tripped over a stone.

Taking advantage of the situation, Wu Sheng jumped up high, hoping to wake up the sleeping poisonous dragon Nidhogg with a beautiful diving move.

Before Wu Sheng could enter the water, a dark faucet poked its head out of the lake.

There was no unexpected warm scene of meeting relatives.

There are no touching scenes of meeting each other too late.

The poisonous dragon Nidhogg gently opened his dragon's mouth, and then fell in silently, and then nothing happened.

Longtou glanced at Cai Gen and the others, but there was no excitement in his eyes. Maybe he wasn't awake, or maybe he was short-sighted and couldn't see clearly.

After sinking into the lake again, everything seemed very natural.

It's like going to Ocean Park and buying a fish for twenty yuan.

Throwing it in, there was nothing left except some ripples on the water. Those twenty yuan died unjustly.

Cai Gen'er felt this funny at this time.

Where did Wusheng go to recognize his relatives? Didn't he just go to feed her?

After waiting for a long time, there was no ripple on the black lake surface.

Even the rippling ripples just now had disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

Cai Gen asked tentatively.

"Uncle Na, what is going on?"

The front cover of the RV suddenly opened.

A little green donkey jumped out.

He walked up to Cai Gen, took out his cigarette, lit it, and took a long puff.

After thinking for a while, he said.

"Cai Gen, the current situation is based on my analysis of past experience.

Wu Sheng seems to have been eaten, yes, he should have been eaten."

Cai Gen raised his hand, wanting to slap Na Qi, but he still held back.

Anyone who is not blind can see that Wu Sheng must have been eaten.

Do you need to think about something so obvious for so long?

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Cai Gen put on Na Qi's cigarette.

This product hasn't been released for a long time, and I don't know how to solve the smoking addiction.

"Uncle Na, did Wu Sheng get eaten on purpose?

Did he tell you that after he entered the body of the poisonous dragon Nidhogg?

How long does it take to fuse?”

Naqi took several puffs of cigarette and pondered for a while.

"Cai Gen, your question is quite unintelligent and lacks common sense.

As for how long it takes to fuse, it depends on his digestion ability.

If your digestion ability is strong, the time will be shorter.

If your digestion ability is weak, it will take longer.

But the reptile has been sleeping, in hibernation.

I guess it was instinctive to open my mouth just now. I probably haven't woken up yet, so I had a dream to eat at the last minute.

I think his digestion ability should not be very fast.

Generally, when reptiles are dormant, their digestive systems do not work.

No, Cai Gen, you never took a biology class when you were in school. Why are you so illiterate?

Cai Gen clenched his fists tightly. His toes couldn't help tightening in his shoes, and he scratched the insoles vigorously.

Whose biology class will talk about the digestive system of the poisonous dragon Nidhogg during his dormant period?

It's not mentioned in any book.

"Uncle Na, what happens after digestion?"

Na Qi threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stepped on it hard, walked slowly to the RV, and dropped a sentence.

"If you don't talk nonsense, it seems to be uncomfortable. After digestion, of course you will become a daddy.

I advise you to think of something else.

Don't be a stupid wife waiting to pinch a man.

It's definitely hopeless to expect silence.

Alas, Chongchong is gone, life is really lonely.

There’s not even anyone left who can talk seriously.”

After saying that, Naqi seemed to have finished his cigarette cravings and went straight back to the RV.

Cai Gen was left where he was, looking confused.

This chapter has been completed!
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