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Chapter 2429

The direction of Cai Gen's thoughts was never in the normal baseline direction.

"Lao He, can you tell me.

How could an all-seeing eye make you turn the tables?

Is it more awesome than those super-era relics?

It is unconvincing to base a world-related war on a treasure."

The All-Seeing Eye is a well-known treasure in the myths and legends of various worlds, but its specific magical powers are unknown.

Since Blind He said that all success and failure were all due to the all-seeing eye,

Then, they are also curious about what kind of power it has that can reach heaven and earth.

Blind He rubbed his eye sockets with his hands, but couldn't touch his eyeballs, which made him feel very lonely.

"The All-Seeing Eye is quite useless to you.

It can neither destroy heaven and earth nor overturn mountains and seas.

However, I got the all-seeing eye.

In the Egyptian world, it can be said that one person is inferior to ten thousand people.

Because the all-seeing eye was dug out of the eye of the God of Pain."


Is it necessary for the god of suffering to spend such a huge sum of money?

Cai Gen was a little afraid to accept it for a while.

Loki and Pro also had the same idea.

At the beginning, Kushen's support for them was not small, but he definitely did not support them to the point of self-harm.

It seems that the god of suffering is really determined to obtain the Egyptian world.

"The eyes of the God of Bitterness are the all-seeing eyes?

To be honest, I was really surprised.

You go on to say, how come you are above ten thousand people?

Do he have double eyelids?"

Regarding this issue, Cai Gen even joked. Blind He didn't like it and was not happy either.

"Don't show off your sense of humor when you're talking serious business.

You don’t know how I was so moved that I cried when the God of Bitterness dug out his eyeballs with his own hands in front of me.

Because of his actions, I am even more convinced that what he is about to do is so great.

If you don’t understand, just listen patiently and don’t interrupt.”

He Xiazi only condemned Cai Gen verbally, but Hou Tu really took action.

Hold out a finger and tap Cai Gen.

"No, it's disrespectful to the god of suffering.

It doesn’t match your identity, and I don’t like it either.”

Cai Gen quickly blocked Hou Tu's finger, feeling mentally disturbed.

"Okay, okay, I get it.

So what’s so special about the eyes of the God of Bitterness?”

"With the all-seeing eye, you can see the true name of the Egyptian god system.

I want to explain this to you.

The original gods of the Egyptian pantheon, the source of all power, are the super-era relics, which are the foundation of their existence.

It can be said that relying on super-era relics, one can remain invincible forever.

As a third generation god, I have no such support, so I have no chance of winning the war against Set.

But it relied on deceiving the people and won some people's support, so it struggled to support it.

But if one day the sun no longer rises and La shows up to explain, I will be completely defeated.

And every super-era relic has a real name.

It's like a computer password or a password for a lockbox.

Once you master the true name, you gain access to super-era relics.

Therefore, the nine-pillar gods in the Egyptian world all have a hidden true name, and all their power is contained in the true name.

The power of the all-seeing eye is that it can see the true names of Seth and other gods, including the sun god Ra.

Do you think it's great?"

This is a bit awesome.

It's like you hold the mushroom egg, but I know the launch code.

I'll hit wherever I want, no matter what you say, even if the egg is in your hand.

"Then, you relied on your all-seeing eye to defeat them all?

Then why are there still these Luo chaos?

Why did you lose your eyes?"

Blind He was really annoyed by Cai Gen's interruption. He had never found gossiping so annoying.

My narration is already very concise and there is no nonsense.

Why can't you just listen to what someone has to say?

"Cai Gen, can't you think about things a little more complicatedly?

Everything must be treated in a straight line.

The actual complexity of many things is beyond your imagination.”

Cai Gen didn't think it was that complicated, but he could tell that Blind He was trying to convince himself that he couldn't use his brain.

I wanted to vent my little temper, but I was afraid that the Hou Tu next to me would not tolerate me, so I immediately wrote down a black account for He Xiazi and settled it later.

"Well, I do want to keep it simple.

Tell me, where is the complexity?"

Blind He was very satisfied with Cai Gen's submission and continued.

"I just said that in order to resurrect Punt, the sun god Ra established a system that uses souls as food and operates in a positive direction.

Relying on the Egyptian world as a great cycle, it gradually increases Apep's power and its own strength, slowly restoring Ponte's soul.

If I completely destroy this system all at once, it will break the balance in which Ra, the sun god, has a slight advantage.

When the time comes, if Apep runs out, who can fix him?

I can't do it, neither can the God of Pain, nor can Ra, the sun god.

That is, the chicken has flown, the eggs have been beaten, and no hair is left.

Completely contrary to the demands of the God of Pain.

So, even if I have the upper hand, I still need a slow transition.

And it cannot shake the foundation of the great system of the Egyptian world."

Apep, according to Blind He, is a native cutie.

And it’s Ponte, a cutie with a special and delicate body.

It is definitely much more advanced than the one Cai Gen saw on the top of Badaohao Mountain.

I just don’t know if Hou Tu can handle it after paying the price.

In the past, when facing big events, Cai Gen would have a dream, and the god of suffering would give him some hints, or at least give him a direction.

This time, why is the amount of information so small?

Are things happening here beyond the reach of God of Misery?

Cai Gen started to whisper as he listened, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became.

If for his own reasons, the balance here was broken and Apep was released, it would directly penetrate the Life Wheel defense system.

Didn’t Cai Gen become a sinner for the ages? Not to mention that all his relatives and friends around him would suffer, and the destruction of the world would be unbearable.

He blind man is still talking.

"I worked hard, performed diligently, and defeated Set with a weak game, and obtained the position of God King and leadership of the Egyptian world.

The sun god Ra is not that sensitive to the replacement of the god-king. There is nothing wrong with Seth stepping down and going all out to keep the system running.

So, after I gained a certain amount of power, I began to deliberately destroy the system operation of the Egyptian world, reduce the efficiency of soul use, and even opened up the people's wisdom and shook the foundation of faith.

Due to the accumulation of various small actions, the system of the Egyptian world is on the verge of collapse.

At this time, the God of Bitterness came to the Egyptian world for the third time and decided to have a showdown with the Sun God Ra.

On the basis of retaining the super-era relics, liberate the Egyptian world and ensure that the super-era relics can continue to support the sun god Ra and resist Apep.

However, the sun god Ra put forward conditions, asking me to hand over the all-seeing eye, and expelled me. They continued to maintain the status quo.

After all, with the all-seeing eye, the sun god Ra has full control over the super-era relics, and there is still hope in the future.

I originally thought that the God of Pain would reject the proposal of the Sun God Ra because he felt sorry for me. Anyway, we were already at odds with each other, so I would just fight to the end.

Who would have thought that the God of Bitterness stabbed me in the back, took away my eyes, and pledged them to the Sun God.

In the end, I endured everything silently and became great.

The God of Bitterness took me and the world of Egypt.

At the same time, this small space was opened up in the human world, allowing the sun god Ra and the Egyptian god system to be preserved, maintaining a fragile balance with Apep."

When Cai Gen heard this, he immediately felt that something was wrong.

"Wait a minute, Lao He.

What you just said means...

Are super-era relics the key to resisting Apep?

Then I have already taken away three pieces, wouldn’t it be..."

Before Cai Gen could finish speaking, Blind He began to nod.

"You have destroyed the balance of the defense and there is no way out.

Otherwise I wouldn't be able to tell these things.

There is only one way now.

Get all the super-era relics, kill the sun god Ra, and take back the All-Seeing Eye.

Kill Apep by the way.

Come on, I'm optimistic about you."

Cai Gen couldn't hold it back anymore and directly put the ashtray on Blind Man He's head.

"Look at Mao, do you have the eyes to see?

How do you know that I can win Apep?

What if I can't take it?

When the time comes, who will be responsible?


Blind He took off the cigarette butt from his head and was also very excited.

"What virtues and abilities I have, it is not my turn to take responsibility.

But, I don't want to wait any longer.

I don't want to be blind anymore.

I want to restore my light. This is the promise made to me by the God of Suffering.

I paid so much for him, I deserve it.

As for the outcome, I can't control it."

Cai Gen's eyes were red. It was a mistake to meet such a madman.

"Then just tell me directly.

It's okay if I make more preparations.

At least maintain a superficial balance and don't take away relics from the super era.

Do you know that you deceived me like this and made me passive?

In my life, I hate people lying to me the most.

Are you mentally prepared to bear my anger?"

Blind He became even more excited and stood up violently.

"To be honest with you, do you dare to come?

Don’t you know what’s wrong with you?

Besides, I didn’t expect you to have access to super-era relics.

Originally, I thought that you would defeat the Rain God and the others and just pass.

I was also surprised that this happened.

If you want to blame me, I can only blame you for being short handed and greedy for petty gains."

Cai Gen lost his temper instantly.

Who can resist the temptation of super-era relics?

There is a laboratory, a folding space, and even a god from the Egyptian god system as a tool spirit.

If you can resist taking action, you are a fool.

Cai Gen was not a fool, so he made irreparable mistakes.

"Then it's still too late for me to put it back now?"

Blind He smiled.

"What do you think?"

Cai Gen lost his temper and was very depressed.

After all, I still stepped into a trap.

It's definitely not possible to put it back.

Once balance is broken, it will cause systemic damage.

Not even the god of suffering can bear it, let alone myself.

There is only one way left, and there is no slowdown.

This chapter has been completed!
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