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Chapter 421 Entering the Spirit Gate Pass

Naqi's shout made everyone look at the gate of Lingmen Pass.

The gate is built into the mountain, pitch black, and hung with dust and cobwebs.

I don’t know that it hasn’t been opened for many years. It seems to be connected to the mountain all around.

Viewed from a distance, Lingmen Pass is not very big, with a height of more than ten meters, and it is not very impressive, which is a bit disappointing to Cai Gen.

Cai Gen's disappointment soon disappeared because he was kicked in the butt by a huge force.

Flying directly to the gate of Lingmen Pass, the opportunity to observe up close suddenly came.

Looking at Lingmen Pass from a close distance, it's different. A gloomy and ancient aura surrounds the area near the gate, making people become serious unconsciously.

Cai Gen felt that he had just started to be serious when he bumped into the door. There was no expected collision, but he entered the spatial barrier as if he had entered the horizontal plane.

Naqi kicked Cai Gen out with a series of kicks. Xiaosun and Xiaoshui followed closely and flew towards Lingmen Pass.

Seeing that the three people had already gone out, Naqi jumped up and rushed towards Lingmen Pass.

There will be some weak intersections between the two worlds. Although they are weak, they are relatively speaking, just like wormholes.

Then there is only one way to enter the relatively weak space barrier, which is strength. As long as you are strong enough, you can pass through. If you are not strong enough, you will not be able to get through.

It's simple, clear, fair and reasonable. Whoever is stronger can enter at will.

Originally Naqi wanted to choose a gentler approach, but Cai Gen's ink marks made him choose a more violent and extreme approach.

The methods are different, but the result is the same. Cai Gen and the others have entered the intersection of two spaces.

It is a kind of viscous channel, in which the concepts of time and space are a bit blurry.

At this second, you feel like you are moving very fast, thousands of miles in an instant,

The next second, you feel like you are still, for an eternity.

Cai Gen looked at the colorful space around him and felt nauseous. Could it be that he was motion sick?

Besides, was he kicked in by Na Qi just now?

Can't this donkey be gentler?

When he turned around and saw Xiao Sun and the others following closely behind him, Cai Gen was stunned for a moment.

This space channel seems to have some kind of traceability function. The Xiao Sun Cai Gen saw at this time was still Xiao Sun, but there was a phantom like a Dharmakaya behind Xiao Sun.

This phantom is not real, but it is very clear. It is a huge ape as big as a mountain, with black hair like steel needles, and red eyes full of violence. At this time, it opens its big mouth full of fangs and howls silently into the sky.

Could this be Xiao Sun's true form, or his former true form? It's so fierce. Sure enough, the bigger it gets, the more powerful it is.

Looking at Xiao Sun's cute bald head and clear big eyes, and then looking at the shadow behind him, Cai Gen was a little confused. The contrast was too great.

Deliberately looking away, Cai Gen saw Zhen Shuiyin, and his eyes suddenly became round.

What is this? The Mongolian Death Worm?

The shadow behind Zhen Shuiyin turned out to be a big insect, with no limbs or facial features, only a body as huge as a mountain, and three layers of fangs on the head.

The only thing that slightly fits Cai Gen's aesthetics is the retro pattern on the insect, which is a bit like a charm, a bit like a cloud pattern. It's not just colorful and beautiful, but it makes the insect stand out.

Silently closing his eyes, Cai Gen recalled the entire process of his interactions with these two people. Each scene was frightening.

Cai Gen thought of Xiao Sun's repeated beatings, especially being slapped in the face. If it were that phantom, let alone being slapped in the face, he would crush everyone to death with just one toe.

Cai Gen also thought about Zhen Shuiyin's appetite, such a big mouth, and such a huge body. She could eat a mountain.

After quietly giving himself some psychological counseling, Cai Gen opened his eyes again and saw Na Qi this time.

Unconsciously, Cai Gen couldn't help but laugh, and he couldn't hold it back no matter what.

The shadow behind Na Qi is still Na Qi, but his body is not that big, and he still looks like a donkey.

It's just that the donkey has a lot of tails, nine in total, and each tail carries a snake head, and the eyes of each snake head are ruthless and cold.

On the contrary, the phantom's donkey head has dull eyes, looking very cute and silly.

The only special thing is that the donkey's belly is actually a rotating black hole, which is pitch black, mysterious and weird.

Is this Naqi really a nine-tailed donkey? A nine-tailed donkey? This is too unserious.

And the snake head on the tail, does it represent Naqi's IQ? Now Naqi's IQ is missing nine-tenths?

After Cai Gen removed his eyes, he still laughed for a long time. He unconsciously wondered if there was a shadow behind him? Did he have a real body or something?

When I turned around and looked back, I could see nothing in the vast yellow field, so I gave up decisively.

I breathed a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, I didn't see anything. What if it was some kind of monster? How would I face myself in the future?

Cai Gen didn't see it because the distance was relatively close and he didn't see the whole shadow behind him, but Xiao Sun and the others saw it.

The shadow behind Cai Gen at this moment is like a small world, with a vast sea and towering mountains, and no end in sight.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are countless souls floating with the waves in the sea, and there is an unexpected tree stump among the countless souls.

Colorless flames are burning blazingly on a mountain peak. There is a small grave on the top of the mountain, as well as the space distortion caused by the temperature difference.

Xiaosun and the others can't understand, so what's the point?

It is said that there was a small world in the magic weapon Hetu Luoshu in the past. Is there a small world in the body of the god of suffering?

Could it be that the god of suffering is a treasure?

There is no way to communicate in the space channel,

Xiaosun and Xiaoshui silently wrote down the questions in their minds, and they will eventually figure them out in the future.

It's very fast, very slow, because there is no time dimension to measure it. Anyway, Cai Gen and the others passed through the passage and came to the other side of Lingmen Pass.

Cai Gen stood with his feet on the ground, still feeling a little unreal. Did he finally reach the bottom?

After all the hard work, have you finally reached the bottom?

I looked up at my surroundings and was dumbfounded.

Eyes full of red light flashing, accompanied by this piercing alarm sound,

"If strangers cross the border illegally, all departments should pay attention. If strangers cross the border illegally, all departments should pay attention."

Is it so modern? Is it the same system as the skill tree in the human world? There is also an alarm system?

Looking back at the Lingmen Pass behind me, it was just a large door, standing abruptly on the ground, with no mountains around it and no door frame.

The surrounding environment is not in the wild, it seems to be a large warehouse, is it a pass?

If it is a border crossing, then there must be personnel guarding it, otherwise what is the use of this alarm?

After waiting for a long time, no one moved. Cai Gen was a little disappointed. This was too lax. There were strangers smuggling across the border, and no one was taking care of it?

"Hey, is there anyone alive?"

After calling out, Cai Gen regretted it. No strangers should be allowed in here. How could there be anyone alive? He was very stupid for asking, so he immediately changed his mind.

"Hey, is there anyone dead?"

This chapter has been completed!
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