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Chapter 426

Looking at the empty river, Cai Gen lit a cigarette, then lit another cigarette.

When I lit my third cigarette, I finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Well, when will the boat be available?"

Obviously he was asking Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi quickly said,

"Sometimes there are many ships, and sometimes there are few ships. The wheel of fate does not turn here.

The overall business situation is not good either, there are very few freight or tourists.

If it’s fast, it’ll be a few months; if it’s slow, it’ll be a few years.”

Well, Cai Gen decided not to smoke anymore. He didn’t bring much with him, but Na Qi also stole a lot.

I don't know how long it will take depending on the situation, so save yourself some time.

Pinch off the cigarette you just took two puffs on and put the butt back into the cigarette case.

"Xiao Sun, is the concept of time here the same as ours?

The months that Xiao Qi mentioned are the kind that have thirty days in a month and twelve hours in a day?"

Xiao Sun had originally taken out all the cigarettes, but seeing that Cai Gen was reluctant to smoke them, he silently put them back.

"Third uncle, the concept of time here is the same, but we live according to the lunar calendar, that is, the lunar calendar.

He said a few months, which is about thirty days."

With a long sigh, Cai Gen decided to find another way.

"Well, what does Xiao Qi say just now, swoosh, mean? Which of you knows?"

Everyone shook their heads in unison, Zhen Shuiyin said,

"If we come after death, relying on the power of our souls, we can swish,

We want to go wherever we want, but we are here alive and can't do it."

This may be because the rules of each world are different, so the display of strength is limited, Cai Gen explained to himself,

"Then give me one, and quickly find a way to listen. Any way will do."

Xiao Qi hesitated to speak for a long time, but finally gritted his teeth and said it,

"Uncle Cai, if you don't want to wait for the boat, there is another way, but it's just more troublesome."

Trouble? Cai Gen thought to himself, am I someone who is afraid of trouble?

Besides, is the trouble not coming because you are afraid?

"We are short on time and have heavy tasks. Let's just talk about the key points. Don't worry about the trouble."

Xiao Qi has nothing to worry about this time,

"There is a taboo on living people. There is a sky-high reward here. If you catch a living person, you will be directly promoted to the third level.

As long as people know that a living person has come in, many people will take the initiative to send ships."

Well, the person who took the initiative to send the ship would not have any good intentions. Xiaoqi didn't say anything, so it is estimated that the trouble will be serious.

"Then we've been here for a long time and no one has come to see us."

Xiao Qi smelled the smell in the air,

"It can't spread very far just by relying on living people. It's a vast place with few people, so you need to rely on luck.

There is a more extreme method, but it will be more troublesome."

Xiao Qi suddenly stopped talking and wanted to think about whether it was appropriate. Xiao Sun glared at him and quickly continued,

"Living human blood, if you drop living human blood into the River Styx, there will probably be a lot of noise, a big one."

As soon as Xiao Qi finished speaking, Xiao Sun walked to the river nonchalantly, trampled many other shore flowers and didn't care, and muttered,

"It's still big. How big is it? Hey, let me see how big it can be. I'll go for it!"

As he spoke, he put his hand into his mouth and took a hard bite.

A big hole appeared on the index finger, and big drops of bright red blood dripped into the River Styx.

Like a drop of water entering a hot oil pan, the entire Styx boiled and spread rapidly.

Xiao Sun quickly left the edge of the Styx River and retreated to Cai Gen.

"Does the movement have to be so loud? It's just a few drops of blood."

Zhen Shuiyin seemed to know more and speculated,

"The River Styx seems to be formed by the gathering of all the darkest things in the world.

The yin things and evil spirits inside are extremely bloodthirsty, especially blood with yang energy."

Saying this, Cai Gen understood that Xiaosun and eldest young men have the strongest masculinity, so every drop of blood is the most masculine and yang.

However, this reaction is indeed a bit big. Is it necessary for all the river surfaces to boil?

And what are the shadows in the river? Are they boiling fish? Why do they still look human? If you look closely, they turn out to be extremely violent and greedy?

Such a big reaction should attract attention, right?

Cai Gen suddenly thought of another question,

"Xiao Sun, what if we can't defeat the people we attract?"

Everyone looked at Cai Gen with confusion in their eyes. Everyone was shocked that Cai Gen could ask this question at this time.

"Um, third uncle, weren't you mentally prepared before coming to the underworld?"

What does this mean? Cai Gen nodded hard,

"I'm done, I must take Tuantuan back."

Zhen Shuiyin touched her forehead and said helplessly,

"Brother Cai, do you know who you want to snatch Tuantuan from?"

Cai Gen still nodded hard,

"I know, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's pet, the whistling cat's old friend, the big white dog that listens."

This time it was Xiao Qi’s turn to guide,

"Uncle Cai, you know who is the biggest and most powerful here, right?"

At this point, Cai Gen didn't understand how naive his question just now was.

You already want to steal people from Ksitigarbha, but do you still care about whether the people who come here are great?

Just like you are ready to dominate the Milky Way, will you still consider whether the earth's gravity is strong?

You are putting the cart before the horse and your mentality is not right. If you can't even overcome the gravity of the earth, how can you talk about conquering the Milky Way?

"Oh, I just want to liven up the atmosphere. It doesn't matter who comes, just handle them."

This sentence was said very carelessly, and no one took it seriously.

Cai Gen looked at the Styx in the frying pan. The effect of Xiao Sun's few drops of blood had not faded yet.

I want to put chopped green onion and soy sauce in it, but if I fry it like this, I am wasting such a good frying pan.

I waited anxiously, but the time actually didn’t last long.

A ship came from upstream, riding the wind and waves in the rushing River Styx. It was very powerful and very fast.

Cai Gen saw the ship immediately, from a black spot to less than fifty meters away.

It only took less than a few seconds. What speed is this?

If you switch to a car, it would probably cost more than 200 yuan. I asked Xiaoqi out of curiosity,

"What kind of motivation do you have? This is too fierce."

Xiao Qi thought for a while and chose to answer in a way that Cai Gen could understand.

"Uncle Cai, spiritual talismans are generally used as engines here, and the power is spiritual power.

In layman's terms, it is the power of the soul. The stronger the strength, the stronger the soul power.

With the way this ship is operated, it probably won’t last long as it consumes too much money.”

It's easy to understand, each has its own skill tree, it just depends on how you click on it.

The boat that came was not big, and there were three or four people standing on the board.

Seeing Cai Gen and the others on the shore, they cheered as if they were seeing their long-lost father.

"Xiao Qi, are they so excited because of the temptation of offering a reward? This is too positive."

Xiaoqi nodded,

"Promotion means everything here. The temptation to be promoted to three levels in a row is really great.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t dare to waste their spiritual energy like this and rush this way.”

When the small wooden boat was about to arrive near Cai Gen and the others, a sudden change occurred.

Several people who were jumping on the deck suddenly fell down.

The small wooden boat relied on inertia to sail past Cai Gen and the others, and rushed downstream.

This chapter has been completed!
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