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Chapter 448 Rational Values

Just like the Du Feifei in front of me, when he is a chess piece, he has the consciousness to be a chess piece, even if he is regarded as an abandoned piece in the end.

The benefits you deserve will not be less, and you can accept them happily. This is a true value.

"Duffy, what trained you to look at the world realistically?

Such a rule-abiding value? There must be a reason."

Du Feifei looked at the cigarette in Cai Gen's hand and swallowed.

"Lord Cai Gen, can you give me a cigarette to smoke? I have never smoked a cigarette from a living person.

The cigarettes burned in the human world have a mushy smell and a mouthful of black ash.

Now that I've landed, I'm not sure what's going on. I've never smoked in my life, so I'm a bit of a loser, so I want to give it a try."

Dizzy, don’t you smell good?

Besides, these words sound a bit familiar. When Tian Lingling died, she also said the same thing to Cai Gen. I wonder if she has been reincarnated.

Cai Gen took the cigarette case and took out a cigarette with great reluctance. It’s not that Cai Gen was stingy, there were only two cigarettes left.

"Forget it, I'll give you half. You've done your best along the way and helped me a lot. I hope this won't be your last cigarette."

After saying that, Cai Gen lit the cigarette for Du Fei Fei.

After taking a puff skillfully, Du Feifei was very intoxicated. He breathed it in for a long time before spitting it out with relief. He was enjoying it very much.

From the looks of it, he seems to be a long-time smoker, and he probably smokes those cigarettes that smell like mushy barbeque.

"Lord Cai Gen, you ask why we live so well and realistically,

That's because resources are so scarce that if the wheel of fate doesn't turn, no one will have food.

In the past, there were those who wanted to eat more and occupy more and did not follow the rules, but they were immediately killed.

Later everyone reached a consensus,

Be yourself, abide by the rules, abide by your duties, and you can survive.

If you think up random little conspiracies to take advantage, no one will survive."

I don’t know if this is what Dao Zhi Jian means. The simpler, the better, to reduce internal friction and support each other through difficulties.

From this we can see how many people the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has offended and how many grievances he has by blocking the benevolent soul from being reincarnated.

If shooting black guns can solve the problem, that great Bodhisattva will have to be beaten into a colander.

Cai Gen smoked the penultimate cigarette carefully, taking ten puffs until it felt a little hot, then threw away the cigarette butt.

Du Feifei was even more fierce and took eleven puffs before putting out the cigarette butt and taking out a handkerchief.

I carefully wrapped the cigarette butt and put it close to my body, as if I had fulfilled my last wish.

His expression suddenly became serious, he took out three yellow paper charms from his pocket and handed them to Cai Gen.

"Lord Cai Gen, I know you don't want to travel a long distance,

I will also make an exception against the rules and send you directly to the central spiritual gate.

But we can't land, we can only fly through the sky,

This is the deceleration charm. I guarantee that you will be safe and sound. This is how I repay you with a cigarette."

Looking at the yellow paper talisman, Cai Gen did not take it, thinking, this is not repaying a favor, but revenge, right?

Just give me three broken charms. What if it fails? What if it gets damp? What if it expires?

Besides, this broken talisman has neither carrying capacity nor shelf life, so who dares to use it?

Anyway, I don’t dare. I can’t use my life to test the quality of your products, right?

"Duffy, let's forget about the airdrop. We were a little full just now.

Just take two steps to eat, just put it down nearby.

You’d better keep this good thing for yourself and use it later.”

Anyone who is not a fool can tell that Cai Gen does not trust this deceleration charm and is looking for excuses to refuse.

Du Feifei is definitely not a fool. He tries his best to promote speed reducers.

"Don't worry, Mr. Cai Gen, that Xiao Qi just now must have a deceleration charm on him, that's why he dared to jump.

The production line of speed reducers is very mature, and the yield rate has always been above 80% in our world. It is considered a star product."

After saying this, Cai Gen didn't dare to use it anymore, 80%?

If a hundred people jump, twenty will die?

Cai Gen never had much confidence in his luck, so he quickly made another excuse.

"Both Xiaosun and I were seriously injured. If we get blown by the wind, it would be bad to get tetanus. It's better to be safe."

Xiao Sun has had little schooling, but Zhen Shuiyin has attended school. Can he get tetanus from a wound blown by the wind?

He came over and untied Cai Gen's bandage with concern, and said in surprise,

"Brother Cai, your healing ability has improved again. It has only been a while now and you are completely healed."

Cai Gen really wanted to kick Zhen Shuiyin out, without putting on the deceleration charm, but he had an idea.

"My little grandson has been afraid of heights since he was a child. He just airdropped. It's time for him to get sick.

What is it called? Yes, panic syncope. Yes, when you are afraid of heights, you get flustered and then faint."

Xiao Sun was about to say that he was not afraid of heights, but when he met Cai Gen's cold eyes, he swallowed his words.

Cai Gen doesn't know how to tell lies. If Xiao Sun is afraid of heights, will he fly unconscious while standing on a somersault cloud?

Du Feifei glanced at his little grandson with pity, thinking that he looked very healthy, but he was still sick, how pitiful he was.

"Okay then, I will continue to owe Master Cai Gen a favor and find the nearest place to land."

After quietly wiping away his sweat, Cai Gen finally got over this problem.

The one who really suffered from panic fainting was myself. When my feet were one meter off the ground, my calf muscles tightened.

Continuing to sit in the center of the palace, away from the doors and windows, Cai Gen sat down,

Looking at a table of delicious food, I couldn't name it, and I didn't dare to eat it. I could only feast my eyes on it.

Du Feifei saw that Cai Gen wanted to eat it, but he didn't do it, so he thought it was Cai Gen who was not vigilant enough?

I introduced the origin of each item to Cai Gen, and then took a bite myself, saying that it was safe to eat, and kept tempting Cai Gen.

Although Cai Gen is usually not particular about eating things from the same plate as a dead man, he really can't overcome the hurdle in his heart.

I took out my cell phone and looked at the time. I saw that we were arriving in half an hour. I called Xiaosun and the others and quickly discussed what to do later.

This time I didn't send Du Fei Fei away, and I wasn't afraid of her tipping off the news. She wasn't stupid either.

"Xiao Sun, Xiao Shui, let's divide the work later. There should be only two main enemies.

One will challenge Death Truth Listener to a duel, and the other will challenge Living Bodhisattva to a duel. You two can choose whatever you want, and I will support you."

Du Feifei was dumbfounded. How could he have any plan to do this?

Isn’t this asking your partner to die?

If they just choose, how can they die?

Xiaosun and Xiaoshui looked at each other and were silent for a long time without speaking.

Look, these two partners have also reacted. No one is stupid, how can they agree with such a battle plan?

Du Feifei felt that his level of observation was quite high and he understood what was going on.

Xiao Sun spoke first

"Third uncle, I think I should fight them both alone, and you and Xiaoshui will support you."

Zhen Shuiyin's face suddenly sank and she said dissatisfied,

"Brother Cai, I object. I will challenge them both, and you two will support me."

Du Feifei felt that his head was a little numb. Was he talking nonsense?

That's not a cat or a dog, that's Tingting and his master Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, open and shut up in a duel?

This chapter has been completed!
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