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Chapter 486

Cai Gen took the things Yangzi was carrying and looked inside. They were all sauces and ready-made dishes to go with wine. Do you want to drink some?

"Yang Zai, you came just as you said you would, why are you bringing anything with you?

Just bring it with you, don’t mention bringing more, it’s not enough for two days.”

Yangzi didn't seem to be in the mood to joke,

"If I can stay at your place for two days, I'll provide the food and drinks, as long as you can drink with me."

Looking at Yangzi's thick and burly figure and the glasses on his thick eyebrows, Cai Gen was a little scared.

This product is enough to make a pound of liquor, and there is endless beer!

"Just wait a moment, this is going to be a drunken dream.

You also know that I have just recovered from a terminal illness, so I can’t drink much and am still recovering.”

Yangzi sat down at the dining table and said indifferently,

"It's okay. It's up to you whether you want to drink or not, and how much you want to drink. Just stay with me."

Cai Gen opened the pickles and placed them on the table. They were very rich and of high standard.

Sauced beef, braised crab claws, fried prawns, baked sea sand, pork head, salmon, spicy duck tongue,

There is also the only vegetarian dish, five-spice peanuts.

Look at the portions. These dishes cost less than 300 to 400 servings. The sea sand alone costs 89 to 91 servings.

"Who else will come after all these old people are here? We can't eat so much, can we?"

Yangzi is still listless,

"If you can't eat any leftovers, eat slowly, just the two of us."

Seeing that he was indeed worried, Cai Gen was not in a hurry to ask, he had to tell him anyway,

"White or beer?"

When Yangzi heard about wine, his eyes lit up a little.

"Bring them all over and I'll drink them together."

Is it necessary to be so natural? Is it because you are afraid of getting drunk slowly?

Cai Gen obediently took the liquor and a dozen beers.

First I poured him a glass of white wine, then a glass of beer.

After careful consideration, Cai Gen only poured himself a glass of beer.

"Let's drink slowly, the food is good, and we should eat more."

Yangzi raised his white wine and didn't take it seriously.

After touching Cai Gen, he drank half the glass, as if he was thirsty.

"Lao Gen, didn't I say last time that you went downstairs to do something? Did it go well? Is the child okay?"

Cai Gen felt that he should accompany him on the first cup, especially since he was still a beer and drank half a cup.

"Well, I went to do some errands. It went well. The child is fine."

Yangzi raised his glass, bumped it hard with Cai Gen, and drank the remaining half of the glass in one gulp.

"This needs to be celebrated. I've finished this cup."

I haven't eaten a bite of the food, but I have a glass of white wine. Cai Gen is a little confused about the hard food on the table.

He drank the beer and started to eat the food without rushing to pour wine for Yangzi.

"Eat some food, drink slowly, drink slowly."

Yang Zai also followed Cai Gen and took a few bites of the food. Feeling that he was not able to taste the food, he put down his chopsticks.

"Lao Gen, did you really go down? I heard Da Fei say a lot of weird things, are they all true?"

Could it be that the visit of Yangzi today has something to do with something evil? Where can I go from there in just a few sentences?

Cai Gen shook his head firmly,

"It's all made up. I'm a staunch materialist.

There have never been any bullshit, ghosts, and snakes, so don’t listen to Da Fei’s nonsense.”

Yangzi's expression was stagnant. He didn't expect Cai Gen to deny it, and he didn't admit it so readily.

It’s hard to say what I say next,

"Lao Gen, Brother Gen, please stop pretending to me. Can Da Fei tell lies to me?"

With a chuckle, Cai Gen poured the wine for Yang Zai and continued to eat the food without saying anything.

Seeing that Cai Gen was not cooperating, Yang Zai ignored him and kept to himself.

"It doesn't matter whether you admit it or not. Anyway, when Da Fei told me, I didn't believe him."

You don’t even believe it anymore, why are you still talking nonsense here? Cai Gen actually doesn’t know how to answer.

"But, if I hadn't encountered it myself, I wouldn't be able to believe it to death. This is such an evil thing. It's so evil."

Well, it’s time to get to the point. Cai Gen really wants to squat down with his wine glass and ask loudly, what’s wrong?

But Cai Gen restrained himself. You can talk as much as you like, but I won't ask or challenge you.

Yangzi is a perseverant person. If he doesn’t say everything today, it will definitely not be the end.

Whether Cai Gen cooperates or not is no longer important.

The conversation changed and we started to add steel.

"Lao Gen, actually, you had a terminal illness last time, and you felt very deeply about me. Who are you working so hard for every day?

If you are really lying there, you can’t even save your life. Does it matter whether you have money or not?”

It seems confusing, but in fact it is smoothing out the context of events.

Cai Gen understood immediately after hearing the beginning and did not interrupt.

Apart from pouring wine for Yangzi, he just ate vegetables to keep his mouth full and had no time to talk.

"Old Gen, you know my situation. When I was young, my family's conditions were better, and my grandfather saved some money.

However, times have changed, and my dad and I have not had good opportunities, so we have been resting on our laurels over the years."

This is true. He didn't say he was a prodigal, which means Yangzi hasn't drunk too much.

I think back then, twenty years ago, when Cai Gen was taking the college entrance examination, Yang Zai started studying abroad.

However, after only staying outside for three months, I came back and said that I couldn't adapt to the climate.

On one trip, I paid more than 300,000 yuan. That was 20 years ago.

At that time, housing prices in first-tier cities, near the Third Ring Road, were only over 2,000.

"When my grandfather died, he left dozens of taxis for my father.

I thought, this is enough for my generation.

It’s just that my dad is too ambitious and won’t be willing to do something in his career.

Then, when my dad retired, there were only a dozen taxis."

Well, Cai Gen didn't expose it either, he embellished it very well, so just keep listening.

"Old Gen, you know that I am no less motivated than my dad. I always want to do something great.

It proves that I am not a prodigal, no, it proves that I am also a promising young man."

His mouth wandered a little, and he told the truth. Cai Gen wanted to laugh,

Then he laughed loudly without caring about Yangzi's face.

Of course, Yangzi would not worry about Cai Gen’s smile and continued to talk about his own experience.

Although Cai Gen also knows it, if he doesn’t say it again, it seems like he won’t be able to say the following words,

"Old Gen, you know, in the past few years, delivering milk to the dairy factory was very popular.

I'm so smart, how can I give up this opportunity?

It is said that earning 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a month from a car is just like having fun, but it is 20,000 to 300,000 yuan a year.

More than a dozen taxis, each costing 80,000 yuan, were all sold.

I didn’t save any of them, so with my savings, I bought five milk trucks.”

When Yangzi said this, Cai Gen couldn't stop laughing and couldn't help but speak out,

"Well, later on the number of taxis increased to 600,000, and the dairy factory closed down.

Your milk truck is all out of service, hahaha"

Yang Zai was rushed to answer by Cai Gen. He was a little aggrieved. It was very uncomfortable to be broken. He had a small resentment on his face.

"You're still laughing, that's money. I haven't recovered in the past few years.

Now I finally have a chance to stand up, do you think I can't seize it?

You know that big pit? Now we plan to use the winding mountain road under the pit.

It has been confirmed that it will be turned into a cross-country competition venue and an artificial track, and preparations are now underway.

I relied on my soft and hard skills and my dedicated attitude to contract out the earth-moving engineering work."

This chapter has been completed!
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