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Chapter 52

"It's not you who forced me to death, but there are so many people who were forced to death by you."

After Cai Gen finished speaking, he felt a little regretful, as it seemed that it had no consoling effect.

When the fly heard Cai Gen's words, he drank the remaining half of the glass of wine, and his eye circles turned red.

"I actually didn't want to go. How much money can an old lady who is almost 70 years old have? They asked her to force her, and her daughter was released from the mental hospital. But, but, who would have thought that the old lady would commit suicide."

Xiaoqiang also poured a glass of white wine, took a sip, and began his daily education.

"Are you crazy about money? How dare you force people to do so? Our banks have too many non-performing loans. Who dares to go to your house to force you to pay? Who is not afraid of something happening? Who can bear it? You don't know what you are doing when you make two dollars. Is the land ready? Do you dare to do anything?"

The more Xiaoqiang talked, the more regretful the fly became, and finally he said with great righteousness,

"Forget it, I'll tear up the IOU in a moment. I don't want the money anymore. I'll just lose the interest."

Cai Gen looked at Fei Fei's black mink coat, especially the fur on the shoulders, which was very good. After thinking for a long time, he made up his mind.

"Fly, let me tell you something, don't be afraid."

What else could scare him? Fei Fei felt unsure and looked at Cai Gen in confusion.

At this time, the hostess brought the copper hot pot up. The clear soup in it was boiling and the meat slices were also served.

Cai Gen thought, let's eat first. After saying that the fly couldn't eat anymore, he also poured a glass of wine and bumped into the fly Xiaoqiang.

"It's not a big deal. Let's have a drink first. Don't take the flies to heart. If you walk a lot at night, you will inevitably encounter those things. Oh no, you often walk by the river. How can your shoes not get wet?"

When Cai Gen said this, Fei Fei's face became even worse. He reluctantly took a sip of white wine and had no intention of eating meat. He was probably still thinking about how he went to Liu Ying's mother's house that day and how he came back. He said it on the spot. What, what was done, was there any extreme behavior?

The fly's meditation did not stop Cai Gen and Xiao Qiang from eating meat.

The meat is put in one plate after another, and the hot clear soup is stirred. The mutton slices are cooked and dipped in the sauce. They are delicious, very delicious. Five plates of mutton are gone in the blink of an eye.

Although Xiaoqiang is very thin, he looks like a malnourished person, but when it comes to eating, his fighting ability is no less than that of Cai Gen, who weighs 200 pounds. His chopsticks almost never stop, flying up and down.

"Boss, five more plates of mutton."

Cai Gen's shout interrupted the fly's memory. When he saw that there was really no meat on the table, he felt very distressed and quickly said,

"Lao Gen, Brother Qiang, why don't you eat some food? I always have trouble digesting meat."

Cai Gen and Xiao Qiang shook their heads for a while, and Xiao Qiang gave the theory:

“The copper hot pot shabu-shabu dishes are not delicious.”

The theory given by Cai Gen is,

"You can go home if you eat vegetables, but you must eat meat when you go out."

The desire for meat diluted the worry of flies. When the second five plates of mutton came, he also started to eat. The result was that these five plates of mutton were wiped out much faster than the last time.

Cai Gen was only 30% full. Just when he was about to call the boss, the fly spoke first.

"Boss, let's have another bottle of Erguotou, a vegetable platter, and two plates of fat sheep."

Xiaoqiang showed dissatisfaction

"Two plates are enough for anyone. I'll kill you, boss. I'd rather have five plates. Fly, you can eat your vegetables. You can eat what you want."

The fly didn't dare to offend Xiaoqiang, so he could only nod calmly.

Cai Gen looked at the fly and his attention had turned to ordering the mutton, so he decided to talk to the fly.

"Fly, haven't you been suffering from shoulder pain recently?"

Regarding Cai Gen's topic, Fei Fei was surprised, but nodded.

"Yeah, I feel very painful at night recently and can't sleep well. What's wrong?"

Cai Gen took a sip of wine and said directly, following the strength of the wine,

"Yesterday I was in the store and saw an old lady sitting on your shoulder and looking at you bitterly."

This topic is a bit strange, Xiaoqiang was the first to refute,

"Lao Gen, don't talk nonsense. If your wife said this, would we still believe it? Do you have yin and yang eyes?"

But the fly asked Cai Gen seriously and excitedly,

"Lao Gen, tell me, what does that old lady look like?"

Cai Gen tried his best to recall,

"White hair, all black, full of wrinkles, and by the way, she also wears a pair of gold earrings. I didn't dare to take a closer look."

The fly that was already red on his face due to drinking suddenly turned white again. He kept looking at his shoulder, touching it with his hand, but there was nothing there. He said in a trembling voice,

"Lao Gen, are you sure you saw that pair of gold earrings?"

Nodding with certainty, Cai Gen immediately comforted the fly,

"Maybe I'm just passing by, don't take it seriously."

The fly put down his chopsticks, lit a cigarette, and said in despair,

"I was passing by. That was Liu Ying's mother. When I went there that day, I wanted to ask her for the pair of gold earrings. The old lady was so powerful that she scolded us all."

Having said this, it has been confirmed that the old lady is gone, but she has been following the fly, so she has the hatred in her eyes. This hatred is indeed a bit big.

When Xiaoqiang heard this, he lit a cigarette and was a little scared.

"Could it be because you asked her for earrings, so she followed you until she died? Lao Gen, have you seen it now?"

This question also touched the nerves of the fly, and he also looked at Cai Gen, hoping that he would give a negative answer.

Cai Gen shook his head,

"Now I can't see. I can only see in the reflection of the glass door in the store. I don't know why."

As if something suddenly occurred to him, the fly quickly said to Cai Gen,

"Lao Gen, you must help me. That damn old lady must be following me. She doesn't owe me much money, so why are you following me? Ask your wife to do it for me. Please, boss.

, add 2 more plates, no, add 5 more plates of mutton.”

Looking at the panicked fly, Cai Gen was helpless. They say that there are five basic principles for being a human being: keeping the right path, understanding the rules, valuing friendship, knowing what is good and what is wrong, and being able to advance and retreat. How much can the fly in front of him achieve these five principles? To be stricter, in addition to valuing friendship

, everything else is cool enough, but I just have a little emphasis on friendship with Cai Gen.

If something happens now, my wife will definitely not take care of it, because she has always disagreed with the behavior of the fly. Even if she agrees, my wife will not take care of it. Worrying about cause and effect is more important to my wife than anything else. She doesn't want to take action because she doesn't want to.

Because a little money affects my family.

After what happened to Tian Lingling, Cai Gen was also very curious about his sudden extra abilities. After thinking about it, his fear was finally defeated by curiosity.

"Fly, come to my shop tonight and let me try it. Don't forget to bring the IOU."

Fei Fei was surprised that Cai Gen was willing to help. They have known each other for such a long time. Could it be that Cai Gen is hiding his strength?

"Can you help me? Or is it your wife? Why do you bring an IOU?"

How to explain this? Cai Gen could only say vaguely,

"It's up to you whether you come or not. My shoulder doesn't hurt either."

After saying that, he continued eating meat and drinking wine.

Three people, 2 bottles of Erguotou, 20 plates of mutton, and the vegetables were not touched at all. When the bill was over 600, the flies were almost crying. It seemed that they had forgotten about the pain in their shoulders.

"Laogen, how about we AA?"

Cai Gen and Xiao Qiang didn't pay attention to the fly at all, and got into his car as soon as they got out. After waiting for 15 minutes, the driver they called came and they immediately set off back to Cai Gen's store.

This chapter has been completed!
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