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Chapter 526 The water is boiling, please drink tea

After Mr. Long left Cai Gen's store, he sent Zhao Xile to the kindergarten, and then sneaked into a teahouse.

As soon as I entered the door, I narrowed my eyes and was struck by the seven bald heads in the room.

Should I shave and wax it every day?

The decoration of the teahouse is very retro, with all kinds of modern antique furniture piled together in no order, making it a mess and tasteless.

The room is very large, with a round table in the center and a screen behind the table.

On the wooden screen, there is a painting of Fuwa, which is also a set of ink paintings.

The seven bald men surrounded the city in a circle and sat in front of a round table, leaving an empty seat.

A long time ago, Zhao Erniu was sitting there, but now, Zhao Erniu is lying in the cemetery worth 90,000 yuan.

When Master Long saw Qitu, he nodded and bowed in greeting, took out a few pieces of paper from his pocket and put them on the table.

"Brothers, I did as you said and went to find Cai Gen.

I didn’t use all my words. I only used three of them. Cai Gen was tempted and told me to think about it and write to me tomorrow.”

Looking at the pieces of paper on the table, they saw that these were the sets of words that the seven of them had worked out for several days.

As the old saying goes, don't be afraid of thieves stealing, just be afraid of thieves missing you.

Qi Tu collected a lot of information for these pieces of paper.

Rigorous analysis of Cai Gen's behavior, thinking patterns, and psychological defenses, as well as the current economic situation,

It's very targeted and it seems to be really effective.

Originally, they didn't want to find Mr. Long, but wanted to start with Cai Gen's friends.

But firstly, there is no handle, and secondly, it is not very safe, and I am afraid of exposing my bottom line.

Qitu was the first to speak and asked Mr. Long,

"Cai Gen has no doubts, right? Do you trust you?"

Young Master Long naturally sat in the vacant seat and said confidently,

"Cai Gen is soft-hearted and easy to fool. He absolutely trusts me."

Liutu glared and scolded

"Get up, is that where you sit?"

Mr. Long quickly stood up, looking embarrassed.

"It's my fault, it's my fault,

Well, I did what you said, when will I get the money?"

Dabald was very gentle and said slowly,

"The money will definitely be given to you, and the account will be settled for you, when the matter is finished."

Mr. Long was a little unwilling,

"Wu Laoer squats in front of my mother's house every day. If he doesn't pay back the money, he will seize the house.

My mother has called me several times and asked me if you could give me the money first so that I am the only mother left."

Erbald took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, Mr. Wu? Don't go to the trap. I'll clear your account before the end of the year.

Who am I? I am your second uncle, little calf, if you go again, I will break your legs."

After hanging up the phone, Erbald looked at Mr. Long,

"The matter is under control. It depends on your performance. We must hurry up. Xiaonian must let Cai Gen go into the trap."

Dabald saw that Erbald was a little impatient, so he quickly took over the words,

"Xiaolong, we were optimistic about you when you were with Zhao Erniu, and you did not disappoint us.

We have known each other for many years, and we are not forcing you to do this.

It was done quickly and everything was easy to say.

If you can't handle it easily, just pretend that we didn't say anything."

Isn’t this considered forcing? It’s true that I didn’t force Young Master Long, I just made a condition to help Young Master Long pay back the money.

Mr. Long became obsessed with it himself, because those debts drove him almost crazy.

The remaining conscience made Mr. Long ask something that made him regret a little.

"I will do everything you say, but Cai Gen is a good person.

If he goes into the pit, he won't die, right?"

The seven bald men had a tacit understanding and were silent at the same time. After a long time, the big bald man finally spoke.

"Xiaolong, murder is illegal, we won't do anything illegal, don't worry.

If you are worried, we can stop here, it’s up to you.”

Young Master Long didn't hesitate, turned around and walked out, his eyes extremely firm as he left.

Seeing Mr. Long go out, Qitu looked at each other, stood up at the same time, and came behind the screen.

Behind the Fuwa screen, there are also many dolls,

Eight children stood in a row against the wall, with indifferent expressions and staring black eyes, showing no trace of popularity.

In front of the child is a large tea sea with root carvings, and a woman is patiently making tea.

Judging from the sitting position, the woman has a slender figure and is very skinny. Her long hair is pulled into a bun. She is dressed in a Chinese suit, dignified and elegant.

The facial features are very delicate, a bit like mixed race, a bit exotic, especially the big blue eyes, which are otherworldly.

The 360-degree view with no blind spots is so beautiful that if you take any photo, it will be on the cover of a magazine.

If Cai Gen were here, he would recognize it immediately. Isn't this Sister Yue summoned by Lin Wo before he died?

Is it really true that Cai Gen is here to pack it up?

Qi Tu had no intention of admiring the beauty, and was focused on the row of children.

Big Bald, who has always been very calm, said eagerly,

"Miss Moon, we have done as you said, let my grandson go!"

Moon looked at Dabald with his blue eyes. These eyes were strange to Dabald, and he was very afraid. He felt that he had nothing to hide from.

Without Mu En saying anything, a little boy in the corner jumped up to Da Bald and pulled Da Bald’s hand.

"Grandpa, let's go home. You can stew the ribs for me. Tangtang loves grandpa's stewed ribs the most.

Let’s stew grandma this time, okay?”

Big Bald looked at his black-eyed grandson, sneered and said something horrifying,

It made Dabald feel cold from the inside out, and he shook off the child's hand like an electric shock.

"You are not Tangtang. I want my grandson Tangtang. Get out of here. What the hell are you?"

Tangtang, with dark eyes, didn't care when his hand was thrown away, and slowly returned to the corner, continuing to be the background.

Moon's hands are very beautiful, neither fat nor thin, fair and gentle,

Youyoubo was boiling water, washing tea, making tea, and then poured seven cups,

"Please have tea."

Qitu's face was full of anger. He just looked at his relatives in the corner. Obediently, each of them picked up a cup of tea and poured it into his mouth without knowing the taste.

After Erbald drank the tea, he controlled his emotions and said as gently as possible,

"Miss Moon, everyone else is arresting one, but we can't arrest two just because we have twins.

It’s not fair, can you let me take one away?”

Moon didn't say anything, but the two children in the corner spoke.

It can be seen that this is a family, one boy and one girl, and they are somewhat similar to Bald Two.

"Which one of us will go back?"

"Of course grandpa wants you to go back. You are the eldest grandson and the only child."

"But, I am a woman and fell in love with a man by mistake."

"It's okay. I went to the wrong place and I won't be able to stay long."

"Yes, the fit is too bad, and it will stink within a week."

Is this human language?

Of course they were not human words. Erbald was so frightened that his face turned pale and he no longer dared to seek justice.

Moon poured a new round of tea, with the same tone and gesture,

"Please have tea."

Qi Tu was frightened, but no one dared to neglect him. He quickly picked up the teacup and drank it all in one gulp, regardless of the water being scalding.

His face was red from the heat, and he was bald and wanted to talk.

Moon's new round of water opened,

Started pouring tea again.

This chapter has been completed!
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