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Chapter 590

This action was a perfect show off. Xiao Sun resisted and did not do anything. He really liked to show off.


Even if you don't give him that kick, he won't live long.

Aren't you afraid of sprained ankles?"

Shi Huozhu was still posing, but he actually took out his mobile phone and took a photo with Yukimura Ichiro who was kicked to death by him.

Xiao Sun looked at his mobile phone and made a little noise,

"Azhu, why don't you call Huang Ping and the others?

What’s the use of shouting for so long with a broken earphone?”

After taking photos with all the corpses present, Shi Huozhu sighed,

"Grandpa, am I that weak in your eyes?

Where can I find a mobile phone signal? Our walkie-talkies are specially blessed.

It is said that some kind of quantum entanglement technology was used, and my father was in charge of the research and development.

It took thirteen years and cost hundreds of millions, which is comparable to the Thousand-mile Transmission Note above."

After talking, Shi Huozhu seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

The crappy earphones in front of me really don’t work well. Let alone intercom, they can’t communicate with anyone.

Could it be that my father stole it because he was guarding it? FǔBài?

I wasn't given any money to spend. Could it be that I was outside?

Thinking of this, Shi Huozhu didn't dare to think any more, and didn't dare to say anything, feeling a little abandoned.

Xiao Sun patted Shi Huozhu on the shoulder, his deep eyes seemed to understand everything.

"Azhu, as parents in the world, you should be more open-minded and try to live up to your expectations."

It was just right if I didn't say these two sentences, but after saying them, Shi Huozhu felt even worse.

Shi Huozhu comforted him scribbledly, and Xiao Sun ran towards the big bug excitedly.

The two I ate last time were not fully developed and had insufficient IQ. Now this Kinnara is considered a complete body, both in terms of IQ and strength. It is very complete and has high nutritional value.

After checking for a long time, I found that there was no golden retriever of my own. Didn’t I sneak here with my own golden retriever?

Thinking of this, Xiao Sun was afraid for a while. If there were golden retrievers, he could completely restrain himself and eat whatever he wanted.

If I didn't have Golden Retriever, I would lose my self-control function, and now I would be able to eat whatever I want for others.

He looked at Shi Huozhu gratefully. Fortunately, he didn't rush over just now, otherwise he would have died.

Without the Golden Retriever, Xiao Sun's interest is completely gone. The remaining half of the Kinnara is left to Na Qi. Whether he eats it or not won't make much difference.

The obsessive-compulsive disorder infected by Cai Gen broke out at this time. Seeing the limbs scattered on the ground, none of them humanoid, Xiao Sun was very upset.

Just like at Naiman Bridge, I started to piece it together with great enthusiasm. I even took out a roll of tape from my pocket and pieced together one human figure after another.

Shi Huozhu didn't dare to disturb him. Even though the broken limb was disgusting, he still had to help. However, after making mistakes several times, Xiao Sun's rigor couldn't stand Shi Huozhu's sloppiness.

"Azhu, just watch from the side, don't move, don't move at all."

"No, Grandpa, don't I want to help you?"

"Go away, this is my personal hobby, don't try to share my happiness."

Shi Huozhu was immediately confused. Did Cai Gen open a black shop?

So that’s why Xiao Sun developed a personal hobby of putting together corpses?

Otherwise, how did this hobby come about?

"Grandpa, let me say one last thing. The one with the black eyes blinked just now and is not dead."

All attention was focused on the black eye where Xiao Sun had his mouthpiece removed.

This one is one of those that cannot be made into a Ren shape. It only has a head, half a shoulder, and a small section of an arm. The rest of the body was destroyed by the shikigami's self-destruction.

The reason why it is still lingering in the blink of an eye is not because of its strong vitality. The life in this skin has long since died. It is the spirit that is struggling tenaciously.

When a shikigami explodes, it is not the gunpowder that explodes, but the soul, so the soul of the spirit user is also seriously injured and becomes incomplete.

If there is an ordinary person nearby at this time, the spirit envoy will definitely be transferred. Slowly cultivating and recovering slowly, there is still hope.

However, currently, there is only one Xiao Sun and Shi Huozhu, and neither of them can be used, so they are a bit out of ideas.

Xiao Sun picked up the spirit envoy's hair, looked into the black eyes for a while, and threw it to the ground as if throwing rags.

One person with black eyes is not very impressive, and it is not as scary as having more than a thousand people together.

This is the first time Shi Huozhu has seen Black Eyes. He has heard about it for a long time and has admired its name for a long time. What an evil ritual it is and how many souls it consumes to maintain such a thing.

I just didn't see how it was turned up just now, so I don't know how powerful it is.

"Are you okay? Just say a few words if it's okay."

His black eyes stared coldly at Shi Huozhu, his mouth opened and closed, and he couldn't speak except for the sound of ahhhh coming out of his throat.

"Tell me, what do you mean? If you have any last words, say them boldly."

The look in the black eyes changed from cold to angry, and the sound he made was not pleasant, he was extremely angry.

Xiao Sun kicked Shi Huozhu on the butt,

"Why are you so bad? I even pulled out my tongue, and you want him to talk about it?"

Shi Huozhu rubbed his butt and asked in confusion,

"Dark-eyed spirit envoy, isn't it said that the soul is extremely powerful?

Can’t you express your thoughts with your soul?

Like projecting ideas directly into my mind.

If you can't do this, then you're not as powerful as the file says, it's such a waste."

I was already depressed when I was seriously injured. It was really frustrating to be capsized in the gutter and still be despised by this fat man.

If you have the ability to self-destruct, you will never hesitate. Unfortunately, you can't do it because your soul is too weak.

Therefore, the spirit envoy chose the only way to resist and closed his eyes.

Xiao Sun looked at the scene and found that it was neatly organized. He took out his mobile phone and took a look. There must be something wrong with Shi Huozhu's mobile phone. There was clearly a signal.

"Third uncle, our small jumping platform for the third lap has been set up and set up. Just let Naqi eat it when it comes."

"So fast? Are you not injured?"

"No, it's a safe bet. Shi Huozhu and I are looking for it. If not, we will go to the fourth circle."

"Xiaotian and Xiaoshui are in the fourth circle. You can go to the fifth circle."

"Well, okay, Third Uncle, how are you doing there?"

"No danger, no danger. Please pay attention to safety. If it doesn't work, just drop the stone fire beads and run away. Don't let him drag you down."

"Well, third uncle, don't worry, I can carry it clearly."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Sun just met Shi Huozhu's resentful eyes and smiled.

"Oh, Ah Zhu, how could I leave you and run away alone? Don't think too much, my third uncle is joking."

Shi Huozhu definitely didn't believe that Cai Gen was joking. He said it so smoothly and had no intention of joking at all.

"Grandpa, do you usually maintain team cohesion like this?

This is so chilling.”

Xiao Sun pulled Shi Huozhu up to the small platform and walked down the third circle.

"What is cohesion or not? This needs to be seen in practice. Is it useful to say it with words?

Everything you say with your mouth is a big lie, don't take it to your heart.

When you fall, those who ask you if it hurts are all fake friends, but the ones who don’t say anything and stretch out their hands to help you are true friends.”

Shi Huozhu's eyes lit up, he was indeed a great grandfather, with unique and penetrating ideas.

This chapter has been completed!
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