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Chapter 628 Insulation and Insulation

In the lightning, Cai Gen's eyes were blurred, and then he slowly adapted to the brightness.

The imagined pain did not appear, or nothing happened.

Normally Cai Gen should be familiar with Lei the moment he comes into contact with it, but his body doesn’t seem to feel anything?

Could it be that the body has been carbonized and therefore has no consciousness?

I lowered my head and glanced slightly, no!

It’s still so tattered and covered in blood holes!

Lei couldn't even stop the bleeding from his own wound, it was still bleeding.

Looking at the ground under our feet, there is no change at all. Shouldn't it turn into coke magma or something?

Are you a rubber man? An insulator?

That's not right, my surname is Cai, not Mengqi.

Cai Gen was relieved that he was fine. No matter what the reason was, it was a good thing.

Cai Gen looked around with his peripheral vision. Not far away, there were twins standing.

After seeing that they were okay, Cai Gen felt relieved again.

Is this thunder fake?

After all this hard work, it’s all for nothing?

Cai Gen started to have a brain twitch unconsciously. Could it be because the twins' faces were made of ceramic and were also insulators?

Ah, I used to be in a liberal arts class. Don't bully me for not being good at physics. This is a big joke.

The thunder, which was more than ten meters in diameter, was raging with wind and rain, and finally gradually weakened, leaving not even a single spark.

The inside of the circle where Cai Gen was standing was intact, but the affected area outside the circle was covered in scorched earth.

Even the people arranged in the four directions were scorched by the high temperature and turned completely into black people.

Cai Gen immediately stayed away from the twins beside him, and the development of things went a little awry.

The twins were indeed intact, and their thin wings were not damaged.

What's even more off-topic is that the behavior below the twins surprised Cai Gen.

Both of them released the shuttle state, retracted their four wings and arms, and turned into curtains, looking as soft and frail as they came back to the front desk.

He neatly knelt down towards Cai Gen and bowed to the ground.

"Sir, we deserve death."

"Sir, please punish us."

Sir? Cai Gen doesn’t need to look around, he must be on his own.

This reversal caught Cai Gen by surprise. The thunder was gone and the enemy was not dead yet.

There must be some misunderstanding in front of me. It is impossible to deny it. It is impossible to deny it in this life.

I'm really afraid that once the explanation is clear and the misunderstanding is eliminated, who here can defeat these two idiots?

They regard themselves as adults, and this is the best situation for now.

"Well, where did you go wrong?"

Cai Gen stabilized his mind and decided to talk to others to see where the misunderstanding was.

"Our stupid thoughts have destroyed your hidden identity."

"With our ignorant behavior, we fell into a trap and implicated you in your protection."

What is your hidden identity?

If you ask directly, you will definitely wear it. If you don’t ask, how can you put on your coat?

Cai Gen was now more anxious than waiting for thunder. He summoned Nunu's form again and quickly recovered from his injuries, otherwise he would be in trouble if he lost too much blood in a while.

"Sir, is this the Immortal Vajra Body? It recovers so quickly."

"Bing, don't be ridiculous, this is the golden body of Arhat."

Immortal vajra body?

Arhat’s golden body?

Cai Gen had some impression, but he just couldn't remember it. He seemed to have forgotten something not very important.

What else can the audience who just watched the fun do at this moment besides open their mouths and express surprise?

It is indeed a good thing that Cai Gen is fine, including the eight disciples, they all think so.

But the twins were fine too, so it was a bit difficult.

Will it cause another thunder?

It’s all done. It’s disposable tableware, not reusable. It can only be used once.

If it were introduced again, the four people in the formation would probably be cold if they couldn't bear it.

I don’t know what happened, but the twins didn’t agree with each other and even knelt down to Cai Gen. This was so weird.

No one dared to speak or move, for fear of destroying this strange scene.

The Eighth Disciple's thinking was biased. Kinnaradu knelt down. Even if he was not from Zhuhui, he was still a big shot in the West. Could it be that Cai Gen's true identity was a chess piece of the West?

Thinking of this, it's like discovering a new world, and I'm asking for credit.

"Leader, Cai Gen is a spy. He is from the west. This is all an act, just to deceive us.

Lie to us, lie to us, lie to us, what? Anyway, there must be a big plan."

The eighth disciple's voice broke the calm that everyone had maintained. It was like a brick thrown into the Pacific Ocean, and there was no reaction.

Because he couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't cope with it himself.

Cai Gen could be from the west or a spy, so what did he lie to you about?

Did I trick you into having a work lunch?

Don't be ridiculous, if it was really from the west, rat poison would have been administered long ago.

It was you who took the initiative to stick to Cai Gen, not Cai Gen who wanted to get close to you and lie to you.

Sun was too lazy to explain. In his opinion, even if Cai Gen was from the west, so what?

When the twins heard the eighth disciple's words, they raised their heads from the ground at the same time.

"Sir, do you need us to help you solve your problems?"

"Sir, everyone here needs to be silenced, right?"

Cai Gen couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it would be great if he really had such subordinates. He would always think of going in front of the leader. It was really considerate.

I really want to nod my head and silence that Smurf. This guy is a fool.


The twins quickly pressed their heads to the ground again, not daring to speak proactively.

Looking at the two obedient people, Cai Gen once thought of using it for his own use. It could fly and fight, and it was even more powerful than a drone.

How great would it be to start with drones delivering fast food in the future?

Delivery in seconds, with wall routing.

The picture is very beautiful when you think about it.

But no, who knows how that misunderstanding will be solved, and then I will definitely die miserably.

"Do you realize your mistake?"

The twins didn't dare to raise their heads and said in unison,

"We deserve death."

Cai Gen lit a cigarette and said lightly,

"Well, then go to hell."

The twins' bodies were trembling slightly, and they slowly raised their heads. Their expressionless faces met Cai Gen's, and they saw the familiar indifference in Cai Gen's eyes.

After confirming the look in his eyes, it was the way the adults in the west looked at him. It was unmistakable. He was like an ant, a piece of garbage, and a piece of cow dung.

"As commanded, we will die to apologize"

"I am compassionate, can you kindly ask your Excellency not to anger our people?"

The twins stood up at the same time, waiting for Cai Gen's answer.

Cai Gen looked into the distance with empty eyes, without a trace of emotion, as if he had lost his identity by talking to the twins again.

After understanding Cai Gen's attitude, I also confirmed Cai Gen's identity. The adults in the west will not make any promises to them.

"Fire, do you think we bloomed just now?"

"Bing, I think it's fine, what else do you want from Du Lei Baptism?"

After finishing the last two sentences, the twins simultaneously stretched out their right hands, smashed each other's face, and penetrated the other's head.

The porcelain-like face shattered all over the floor. It turned out to be a fake face made of porcelain.

This chapter has been completed!
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