Turn off the lights
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Chapter 690 Have a nightmare

- >>->Because the biggest stone in Cai Gen’s heart has been evacuated by Shi Huozhu’s 600,000 yuan.

Today he resolutely closed the store door and the food delivery software on his computer.

Looking back on the morning, with an uneasy mood and the annoyance of losing 300,000 yuan, I set out on the journey with Mr. Long.

Who would have expected that Cai Gen would be debt-free when he came back in the evening?

The big lights in the store were also turned off, and only the small red light next to the God of Wealth and Wealth was constantly jumping, imitating a candle.

The lights were dim, everything was silent, it was just an ordinary and peaceful night.

But for Cai Gen, such a night has not been experienced for a long time, so it is a bit strange.

Yes, this night is destined to be quiet, peaceful and beautiful.

There was no need to worry about being awakened by the alarming sound, causing his whole body to tremble with fear. Cai Gen felt extremely happy.

Lying on the solid door panel, no matter how Cai Gen turned over, there would be no creaking sound of the camp bed. After trying it many times, Cai Gen felt that his movements of turning over were very light.

Xiao Sun did not go to the attic to sleep, but chose a bench. Perhaps because he was too tired during the day, he snored softly not long after lying down.

For Cai Gen, this sound can be ignored.

But today, perhaps because he was too relaxed or perhaps too excited, Cai Gen was fascinated by Xiao Sun's snoring.

After listening to the exhalation, I wanted to wait to listen to the inhalation, over and over again. As I listened, Cai Gen fell into insomnia.

Finally, with a comfortable sleeping environment and mentality, Cai Gen actually suffered from insomnia.

This made Cai Gen very annoyed. He kept detecting the sound of turning over and counting Xiaosun's snores.

From time to time, I sit up and smoke a cigarette to pass the time of insomnia.

As a result, the more you smoke, the more energetic you become, and the more energetic you become, the more you want to smoke.

Caught in a vicious cycle of smoking and mental illness, Cai Gen almost collapsed.

Could it be that my body has adapted to the huge psychological pressure, and is it now an adjustment reaction?

It can only be said that I am too cheap.

In any case, forcing himself to adapt and sleep, Cai Gen issued an ultimatum to his body and brain.

The hard work finally paid off. Cai Gen closed his eyes due to the battle between insomnia and willpower.

What kind of state is this?

He is said to be asleep, but his brain is still conscious; he is said to be awake, but his body can no longer move.

Next, Cai Gen felt a little regretful.

Why do I have to force myself to sleep?

It’s a nightmare!

Surrounded by pitch black, the flickering miner's lamp provided an unstable light source.

Surrounded by black cinders and scalding boiling water.

My body hurts a lot, and the pain is not very deep. Only the epidermis is suffering tremendous pain.

I stretched out my hand to grab something, but couldn't grab anything.

Clenching his fists, the only thing he felt was a puddle of cooked meat.

His hands had been cooked by boiling water, and most of the tissues were separated from the bones.

He put his hands in front of his eyes in fear, and all he saw were the bloody bones and the red and white flesh.

This is where?

With the flicker of the miner's lamp, I could see clearly the surroundings. This was a closed mine, with stones and cinders falling from the roof from time to time.

He was wearing denim overalls, which were soaked in water and turned dark.

There is a piece of white cloth sewn on the chest, with three words embroidered on it:

"Zeng Tiejun"

Who is Zeng Tiejun?

Zeng Tiejun is me?

Am I Zeng Tiejun?

So who is Cai Gen?

Where am I?

what happened?

It hurts, it hurts

The pain in his body was like ocean waves, coming one after another, surging and surging, destroying Cai Gen's clear consciousness and making him unable to think completely.

Cai Gen wanted to ask for help, but his throat was very dry and he couldn't make a sound.

Cai Gen wanted to save himself, but his body was pressed down by heavy objects and he couldn't move.

The emotion of despair, like the boiling water around him, was constantly eroding Cai Gen's brain and body.

Even if I wanted to pass out, I couldn't.

I don’t know how long it took, but the flash of the miner’s lamp went out.

I don’t know how long it took before the bright light of the miner’s lamp appeared.

Someone is coming, rescue workers.

Cai Gen was so happy that he was saved. He couldn't help himself.

He tried to communicate many times but failed. Cai Gen was like a transparent person and could not attract the attention of the rescue team.

There were five rescuers. Looking at the boiling water and Cai Gen in the boiling water, they took off their gas masks and started vomiting.

I don't know what disgusting things they saw.

"Captain, how do you get this? It's boiled into pieces."

"You have to take it even if it's broken, let's fish it out."

"What should I use to fish? I agreed that I won't fish with my hands. I can't stand it."

"Third Fatty, you go up there and get a fence and a silk bag."

"Okay, captain, you guys will wait a moment."

One team member left, and the remaining people turned their backs, not wanting to look in the direction of the boiling water.

One team member took out a cigarette, probably to suppress his nausea or to divert his attention.

But as soon as he put the cigarette in his mouth, the person next to him knocked it away.

"What are you doing? Captain, let me smoke a cigarette to relieve my fatigue."

"You idiot, are you really stupid? Can there be an open fire here? Are you taking the safety regulations to heart?"

"What's going on here? No one saw you. You look so weird."

"You idiot, listen to the captain. If you don't want to end up like that, don't smoke."

Erluzi turned his head slightly and looked at Cai Gen in the boiling water with his peripheral vision. He was obviously scared and silently put the cigarette into his pocket.

"Captain, how could it become like this?"

"The gas exploded and boiled the groundwater. If someone happened to be in the water,"

"Captain, how many people are here?"

"They said there was only one person in this section of the mine, and there were five people buried on the other side."

"Why is he still acting alone?"

"Well, the living people say that this guy is the only one working, while the other five are just working as foreigners."

"Is this kid stupid? He works alone."

"It is said that he is only twenty-four years old, and he actively asked to work overtime. He wants to work more and earn subsidies."

"What's the point of money? Isn't life more important than money?"

"Working underground is all about paying for your life. Who would do it if he was afraid of death?"

The team members who took the things came back, with a large sash, a large dustpan, and several silk bags.

With the tools, the rescue team members, dedicated and serious, fished out Zeng Tiejun, trying not to leave any piece behind.

During this period, Cai Gen watched from the side until the two silk bags were filled.

Cai Gen wanted to follow, but he couldn't. It seemed like there was an iron rope pulling him, and he couldn't leave the mine that was full of boiling water.

Fortunately, after the body was taken away, Cai Gen could move.

He groped in the direction he was being pulled, and found half of a cow's horn exposed on the mine wall where the gas exploded.

It was this horn that pulled Cai Gen and refused to let him leave.

Angry, he stretched out his hand, grasped the horns, and tried to pull it out of the mine wall.

However, the moment Cai Gen touched the horns, he seemed to have fallen into a black hole.

Keep falling, keep falling.

There seems to be no end.

This chapter has been completed!
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