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Chapter 788 Are the requirements high?

Zeng Tiejun held the ladle of water and howled for a while. He felt that if he didn't eat it while it was hot, he would be betraying Cai Gen's kindness and would not do anything like that.

Anyone who has endured hardship cherishes the kindness of others to them.

Even if others just do it casually and by the way, without deliberate intention, you must take it into your heart and remember it well.

The pimple soup was still warm and was no longer hot. Zeng Tiejun didn't even stop and finished it in one gulp. It was more refreshing than drinking alcohol.

After finishing the work, I just clicked my lips, and a feeling of happiness surged into my heart.

"Man, how did you make this? It still tastes like seafood. Did you add prawns?

It's so fresh and delicious, even better than what my wife makes.

It's a pity that I didn't add eggs. I remember that day, my wife specially added two eggs for me.

Alas, it’s all in vain, I didn’t eat anything.”

Cai Gen really wanted to rush over and beat Zeng Tiejun. You kid, can't you speak without sensationalism?

Do you have to make me, an almost forty-year-old man, cry to be satisfied?

What good thing are eggs?

What era is this?

Do you still take two eggs as a supplement?

What kind of life do you live?

Stabilize your emotions, Cai Gen said calmly.

"As long as it's delicious, are you full, brother?"

Zeng Tiejun may be a heavy smoker, or he may be greedy for the taste of cigars, so he lit up the cigar as soon as he finished eating.

"It's good to be full. I'll pay off what you owe me with this ladle of pimple soup."

From now on, we will settle the accounts and no one will owe anyone."

After saying this, Zeng Tiejun threw the water ladle to the ground and it turned into a discus.

This movement was very neat, as if the fall was not a water ladle, but a debt owed to him by Cai Gen.

If you say the account is settled, then the account is settled, no worries.

That's a white steel water ladle. What's the hardness and how much force is required to flatten it?

Let’s not talk about who owes whom and how. Is this guy a bit emotional?

I heard Xiao Tmall say before that everyone who has died is more emotional.

Because normal people's thinking has been disturbed and changed at the moment of death.

If you want to treat things as you did when you were alive, it will take a certain amount of years to slowly remember the thinking mode of a living person.

This Zeng Tiejun should be dead and alive again, or in a state of neither dead nor alive, which is definitely more chaotic.

Cai Gen was too generous and didn't take it seriously. It was a little pity that a very good water ladle was wasted, even though it was not his own.

"Brother, if you say we can settle the debt, we can settle it. We have all the time, and I'm not in a hurry. Tell me, why do you owe this debt?"

Zeng Tiejun seemed to have finished eating and felt a little lazy. He sat on the ground with his back against the blood cells and skillfully crossed his legs, as if he were sitting on a kang.

Since Zeng Tiejun came out, the blood cells have obviously shrunk a lot. Now they are not as big as before. It is a good place to rely on.

"The debt has been settled, so don't worry, there are many things I don't understand.

Let’s figure it out first, okay?”

If it doesn't work, then Cai Gen is a fool, and the other party wants to take the initiative to explain Cai Gen's doubts.

It was uncomfortable to lower his head and talk, especially when the clothes were still draughty. Cai Gen also sat on the ground and crossed his legs.

Just like two old ladies from the countryside, one is at the head of the kang and the other is at the top of the kang, ready to start gossiping about their family and family affairs.

"Come on, brother, you tell me and I listen. We are all reasonable people, so take your time."

When Xiao Sun and the others saw this posture, they probably couldn't take action for the time being, and they didn't need the audience to shout cheers.

Quietly moved the three kings together and checked the injuries.

If we still expect them to help if we take action, how can we pretend to be dead and paddle?

Zeng Tiejun felt that Cai Gen was ready and started his own smoothing.

"Man, do you know how I died?"

Cai Gen nodded hurriedly.

"I know, there was a gas explosion, a mine disaster, and then"

Cai Gen felt that not telling the details was not good and would be too cruel.

"Then why the gas exploded, do you know?"

This was not his major. It involved gas concentration and ventilation. Cai Gen didn't understand and could only shake his head.

"I was an orphan since I was a child and never went to school.

Even so, I also know that with current mining technology, as long as it is operated in accordance with safety regulations, the probability of encountering a gas explosion is very small.

However, I really didn't violate the safety regulations, but I just caught up. Do you think it was an accident?

When I was soaked in the water, before I died, I wondered. Logically speaking, my life was pretty tough.

When I was a child, I was thrown into a pile of firewood in the middle of winter and didn't freeze to death overnight. I didn't look like a short-lived person.

Only after I died did I realize that it was the horn on my chest that caused the accident that killed me."

Cai Gen didn't dare to interrupt, and listened carefully, as if he was about to get to a key point.

Zeng Tiejun did not continue to explain how the horns caused the accident, but turned around and talked about another thing.

"Man, do you know how you and that old man got here?

Why do you want to accompany me on my last journey?"

This is Cai Gen's biggest doubt. If he was not a relative or a friend, why could Zeng Tiejun pull him over when he was about to die?

Cai Gen also shook his head. He humbly assumed that he didn't know anything and didn't dare to interrupt his turn.

"As I said just now, I am an orphan and have never had a good life since I was a child.

I finally grew up and had nothing to rely on.

Fortunately, I met my wife. She doesn't dislike my family and just likes me as a person.

Regardless of my family's objections, I married a poor man and had a child.

I must be grateful, I must work hard, and I must let the two of them live a good life, don’t you think so?”

Cai Gen was confused. He was talking about whatever he thought of, and there was no logical sequence to connect the past and the future.

Forget it, whatever he says and hears, just treat him as insane.

"Well, that's right. It's so difficult to marry a wife now. You need a house, a car, and a bride price.

Brother, you are so lucky, you should be grateful."

Zeng Tiejun was not very happy to receive Cai Gen's approval, because he believed that what he originally thought was right, and it didn't matter whether others agreed or not.

“I don’t have much education, and I used to do odd jobs and do manual labor.

Now that I have a family and a family, the income from odd jobs is not enough, so I came to work in the well.

The more dangerous it is, the harder it is, and the more money I'm given, I'm not lazy.

I have nothing to give up, I just want to make more money so that my children can live a better life and not suffer as much as I did when I was a child.

My requirements are not high, right?"

Is this requirement high or not?

Cai Genneng felt that it was not high, but that it was to strive for a quality and dignified growth environment for the children. What was high?

But is it difficult to achieve it?

How many people who work very hard are unable to fulfill such a simple request?

Cai Gen decided not to deceive him against his will, and showed his attitude by not answering.

"You go on, what happens next?"

This chapter has been completed!
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