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Chapter 841 Upstream of the Industrial Chain

Sister Steamed Bun's words lit up the darkness in Cai Gen's eyes.

I made a decision in an instant, I couldn't waste my time at the morning market, it would be of no use and I would still suffer.

I just wanted to say thank you and leave the team, but then I thought, why don't we discuss this with this expert now.

I have been away from big cities for four or five years, and many business models and marketing methods have changed dramatically.

If you fail to keep up with the mainstream trend, you will indeed go off track.

Although Cai Gen also feels that it is a bit nonsense to consult a steamed bun seller about professional matters, but what if there is a surprise?

"Sister, you really have a good eye. I am really responsible for this shared child.

At the current initial stage, many things have not been thought through yet. Do you think this project is reliable?"

The steamed bun sister looked at Cai Gen, half-smiling but silent.

What does it mean?

Did I ask too abruptly?

After thinking about it for a moment, Cai Gen really wanted to hit his head on something hard. He was really stupid in that little shabby shop. He didn't understand the world at all.

He took out a red ticket and handed it to the steamed bun lady.

"By the way, I also have a snack shop.

Your steamed buns are really good, I have bought them before.

Today I happened to have one hundred yuan, so I saved myself from coming here every day to buy it."

The steamed bun lady naturally took the money and started filling the steamed buns with satisfaction.

Being a good person is also very important. You don't stop with your hands and don't stop with your mouth.

"Brother, this project of yours is difficult to do.

The way we do projects now is very different from before.

If you don’t have capital participation, it will be difficult to do it.

Even if you are frustrated and have made some small achievements, you have formed a rough profit model.

If capital enters the market, you will have no ability to resist at all, and it will be all in vain.”

These few words have basically given Cai Gen's thoughts a death sentence.

It's better not to do it than to do it. If you don't do it well, it's useless.

If you do a good job, you are also making a wedding dress for others, but it is not bright.

"Sister, how can we get capital to participate?"

The steamed buns in the insulated box had been packed. The steamed bun sister returned to the house, took out another insulated box, and continued to pack the steamed buns. I don’t know if she counted them.

"Capital participation? If this was ten years ago, it would have been better.

If you have a good idea, you can still get angel investment or something with your mouth.

In the past few years, it has been a cold winter for capital, and everyone is very cautious.

Good ideas are the prerequisite, a sound team is the foundation, and a complete profit model is a necessary condition.

Then only good operating data, at least data for one financial cycle, has reference value.

A shared child like you must go online.

Make the simplest application, seven or eight hundred thousand.

Spend another three to four hundred thousand to do a simple promotion online.

Then after testing it in the market, if the effect is good, we can then raise the issue of raising money.

You don’t want to go bankrupt and devote yourself wholeheartedly, but you still want others to invest in you and use other people’s money to test the market reaction?

Are investors stupid? We are not related to you."

After Sister Mantou's on-demand broadcast, Cai Gen realized the reality.

If Xiao Tmall is not threatened with death or Tamamo is confused by the illusion, the possibility of capital participation is zero.

As for letting yourself go bankrupt and devote yourself wholeheartedly, this is actually quite simple, so let’s leave it at that for now.

There are so many famines that have not been repaid, and there are only 30,000 working capital. Hasn’t this already provided one-third?

But if you want to do what Sister Mantou said, no matter what application or promotion, you should give it a rest.

I really don't have the courage, and I can't get more than one million even by selling my kidney.

"Thank you, sister. What you said is really insightful and enlightened me.

It's really hard to do something small now.

I think this is a good thing, so let’s move forward and see how it works.

After all, it is a good thing, from every angle, it is a good thing."

The steamed buns have been packed, and the four large convenience bags are full.

Seeing that Cai Gen had not given up his enthusiasm, Sister Mantou felt that he did not look like a person who slapped his forehead on things, and her tone was a bit regretful.

"Hey, you can give it a try, who knows which cloud has rain.

When you have over 100 users, come to me and we’ll talk about it then.”

Cai Gen was stunned, what are you doing with her?

Wholesale steamed buns?

Is she an invisible rich man, a big shot in the investment world?

Hidden away, hidden in the market, or morning market?

"Sister, do you also invest?"

After Cai Gen proposed this guess, Sister Mantou obviously felt a little proud, and also a little helpless that you had discovered it.

Anyway, the mood was very good, which made Cai Gen have endless reverie.

“Hey, if I have some spare money, why don’t I put it in the bank with negative interest rates?

We have also invested in several projects in the past few years.

Most founders are not good at it. They are too eager for quick success and have poor tolerance.

I couldn't bear it, and finally I couldn't stand it.

I’m not very satisfied with the remaining ones either.”

When I went there, I thought this lady was just a century-old store, but it turned out that she was also involved in the venture capital circle?

"Sister, what projects have you invested in?"

The steamed bun lady looked at the stall next door.

Cai Gen immediately thought of the glasses guy who died of overwork, no way.

Could it be that the eldest sister invested in the bespectacled guy’s steamed bun stall?

This routine is a bit deep.

Compete with yourself, or use price?

"No way, eldest sister, did you invest in that guy?"

Sister Steamed Bun is a little depressed. She doesn’t understand why Cai Gen’s thinking is so inactive.

"No, how could such a pretentious person let me invest in him?

I just invested in his upstream."


What is the upstream of steamed buns?


Sugar triangle?

I'll go, Cai Gen thought, and then he was shocked and dumbfounded.

"Sister, you're not a wholesaler of grain and oil, are you?"

This reaction made Sister Mantou very satisfied, and she was not so stupid.

"My opponent, 70% of the grain and oil stores in this city are supplied by me.

It’s a small business with small profits, and it’s been going on for many years, so it’s not interesting.”


Cai Gen immediately thought of a fact.

Even if the next door robs his business, it will ultimately create profits for her, because the white noodles supplied upstream come from her hands.

Looking at Cai Gen's surprised expression, Sister Mantou may have felt that her reaction was not strong enough, so she continued her low-key show off of wealth.

"By the way, 80% of the rooms in this morning market are mine.

The recession is bad, the rent hasn’t increased in several years, so it’s not interesting.”

Well, Cai Gen was completely speechless.

In a sense, that tired guy with glasses is working for her in disguise, right?

I worked hard and endured huge pressure. I made money by selling steamed buns, but I also had to buy flour from her and pay her rent.

With such a big family business, are you still selling steamed buns here just to teach others occasionally?

Or is the life of rich people just so boring?

It doesn't matter what she thinks, Cai Gen has thought about it.

"Sister, when I have over 100 users, I will definitely come to you and let's talk in detail."

This chapter has been completed!
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