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Chapter 851 Just Waiting For You Two

Seeing He Naizi agreeing so readily, Shi Huozhu felt it was unsafe and added one more by the way.

"You can only look at it in our hands, you can't take it away."

When Cai Gen heard this, he thought this was the best, and Shi Huozhu had thought it through.

"Well, yes, you can see it anytime you want, and I'll let you see it anytime. You can't take it away."

How can I rent this?

I spent money, and when you look at it in your hand, is this called a rental fee?

Is this called a visit fee?

It's obviously unreasonable and unfair.

He Naizi felt that things had not eased and she could not accept it.

"Mr. Shi, it's hard to leave my homeland.

I can't agree to this condition, so let's forget it.

Farewell to you, see you again when we are destined."

You say you want it, but if you don't give it, you grab it. Is this finally negotiated and can be rented to watch? Do you want to regret it?

I have already thought about how to spend the rental fee of more than 100,000 yuan a year. How dare you go back on it?

Why are you so willful?

Cai Gen was immediately furious. He absolutely couldn't accept it and couldn't accept it.

To directly classify He Naizi and others as bad elements who undermine the great cause of sharing children, this matter is not big or small.

According to Cai Gen's current mental state, he wants to think big, sharing children is the best.

"No, you must rent and pay, otherwise, Brother Shi, you say"

When Shi Huozhu heard this, he realized that Cai Gen was blinded by money. It turned out that he was the one who wanted to buy and sell by force.

Only then did I truly understand the importance of the project of sharing children in Cai Gen’s heart.

I really want to do it at all costs, and I want to use my big butt to overwhelm the foreigners.

He nodded cooperatively and spoke in an official tone.

"Things agreed upon cannot be changed. On behalf of the government, I also support this deal.

If you have committed fraud, you should be caught and punished as necessary.

By the way, I asked you just now, have you come here to report?

The official documents are not complete, show them to me."

This is all nonsense, you might as well just say that you want Ming Qiang to be straightforward, make so many excuses, and insult people more.

However, He Naiko couldn't go through official channels because he and Baqi were undercover.

Should we kill people and silence them?

He Naiko and Baqi exchanged a look and decided to forget it at the same time.

This Shi Huozhu is considered to be a moderate regional leader. If he alerts the behemoth behind him, his trip will be in vain. To avoid his sharp influence, he should run away first.

"Okay, let's rent it. Can't we rent it?

The money and passport are in the suitcase, and the suitcase is outside, let's go get it."

After saying that, He Naizi and Baqi walked out.

It was expected that Shi Huozhu would give in to the other party.

This is not the first time that a big butt presses on someone, he is used to bullying Changbai San.

Two foreigners are nothing.

Cai Gen was surprised. He had been so arrogant just now, but he really gave in. He felt happy for a while.

But, these two people won’t run away, right?

He sent Shi Huozhu to follow him, but it was inconsistent with his identity, and his official tone was in vain.

Cai Gen didn't know much about following him by himself. If the two of them got into a fight and hurt someone, grabbed the bone-cutting knife and ran away, there was really no way he could do anything.

While Cai Gen was hesitating, He Naizi had already led Baqi out of the waiting hall. It was too late to follow him.

"Azhu, do you think they can come back?"

With a confident look on his face, Shi Huozhu took out his work permit again and touched it carefully.

"Brother Cai, you don't understand the weight of my unit.

In this land, as long as you are in the supernatural circle, who dares not to give face?

That's you, you don't use bean buns as solid food, and you always look down on me.

If they dare not come back, I will issue a wanted warrant so that they can hide and become rats on the street."

Cai Gen nodded in cooperation. Indeed, from Shi Huozhu's point of view, we couldn't tell how arrogant their unit was.

But according to common sense, it was exactly what he said. Even if the heavens met, they were not afraid.

He Naiko and Baqi left the waiting hall and walked towards the road, hoping to stop a car and stay away from this place first.

As soon as we reached the roadside, Hula was surrounded by four or five taxi drivers.

"Sister, where are you going?"

"We're leaving in two days, come and get in my car."

"Come on, get in my car and take a ride."


The sudden enthusiasm left He Naizi at a loss. Why are these people so enthusiastic?

They knew where I was going, so they just dropped by?

He Naizi was completely confused by the enthusiasm of these drivers.

I want to leave this place quickly, but everyone is so enthusiastic, whose car should I get on?

A car light suddenly shone over, exposing the group of people to the bright light, and then a taxi quickly drove over and stopped beside He Naizi and the others.

The rear door opened immediately, and the driver inside shouted loudly.

"Hurry up and get in the car. Why did you two get out? I've been waiting for you for a long time. Hurry up."

Are you waiting for yourself?

He Naizi was vague, shouldn't he know someone?

Could it be that Shuten had made arrangements in advance?

Probably not, otherwise he would not have been unable to get off the train and would not have had the foresight to do so.

So what's going on?

I wanted to take a closer look at the driver inside, but he started shouting again.

"What are you looking at? Get in the car quickly. It's not cold. Don't leave in a hurry."

The directivity was so strong that He Naizi really didn’t know what to do. Anyway, he was in a hurry to leave and got directly into the back seat.

When Baqi saw He Naiko getting in the car, he followed suit, and closed the car door casually.

When the driver saw someone getting on the bus, he stepped on the accelerator and rushed out, leaving other drivers soliciting customers behind.

Seeing He Naizi getting into the car, the other drivers were very angry and began to curse and spit at the taillights of the car.

"Grandson, you are fooling around"

"Shengpiaoxing, my true grandson"

"What the hell, I have to treat him to breakfast tomorrow."

When He Naizi got into the car, she realized that there was already a passenger in the co-pilot. It turned out that the passenger was not specifically there to pick him up.

The driver had already driven out of the train station before he started asking questions.

"Where are you going?"

The young man in the co-pilot didn't look back at He Naizi, nor did he care about the driver's deception.


The driver suddenly slowed down and turned to look at the young man beside him.

"It's not close. It's more than eighty on the clock. You can get it by giving me one hundred. It's Chinese New Year. Brother, do you think it's okay?"

The young man was playing with his mobile phone and didn't pay much attention. He just said yes and stopped talking.

The driver was very happy after answering one question correctly. In fact, he checked the meter and found that sixty was enough.

"Beauty, where are you going?"

He Naizi's mind was a little confused. She had just gotten into the car in a hurry. She still hadn't figured out who the driver was.

"Don't you know where we are going? Don't you know why you asked us to get in the car?"


The driver was vague. Of course I didn’t know. It was just a way to steal customers.

Why is this woman so horny?

Are you still looking for trouble?

As a taxi driver, everyone is a master of crisis public relations. What kind of thorns have you not seen?

If you don't talk nicely to me, let's wait until you get a hundred yuan.

"Okay, I understand."

Thinking of this, the driver agreed vaguely, stopped talking, and drove towards Taiqinggou.

This chapter has been completed!
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