Turn off the lights
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Chapter 900

Cai Gen helped Tong Aiguo close the door and hurriedly stepped into the darkness.

I knocked over several bicycles and fell to the ground, scratching my hands.

Then I took out my mobile phone to illuminate it. I regretted closing the door too early. It would be nice to borrow some light.

What's the use of keeping these broken bicycles? Thieves don't care about them. Is it just to use them as a trap in the corridor?

After exiting the building door, I discovered that it was no longer the first unit, but actually the second unit.

Tong Aiguo didn't tell the truth. He clearly bought more than one unit.

If you think about it carefully, you are so old and you are not a normal person. If you speak the truth, that is not normal.

I drove to the store and went back to catch up on some sleep while I still had some time.

He had to come and deliver breakfast to Tong Aiguo in the morning. He was such a lively gentleman.

Seeing that the lights in his store were not turned on, Xiao Sun and Xiao Er must have fallen asleep.

Forget it, let's just spend the night in Shi Huozhu's house to avoid waking them up. Shi Huozhu isn't at home anyway.

Thinking of this, Cai Gen stopped unlocking the door.

He just said that he seemed to have forgotten something. Of course Shi Huozhu was not at home. He was thrown into the train station by himself.

Is it really okay to just go to his house to sleep and leave Shi Huozhu in the waiting hall instead?

What if he still doesn't wake up if he picks up the Stone Fire Bead?

Cai Gen was a little exhausted physically and mentally after the little adventure he just had. Most importantly, he was mentally tired.

He really didn't want to send out fans anymore, and he didn't even want to see anyone.

After a moderate ideological struggle, Cai Gen still sent a message to Shi Huozhu.

"Azhu, the client's matter is quite troublesome and it can't be completed for the time being.

There are three more trains in the middle of the night, so you hand out your fans.

I won’t go pick you up. You can take the bus back when you wake up.”

Well, after sending this message, Cai Gen lay on the big kang of Shi Huozhu's house and closed his eyes in relief. It was really thoughtful.

Shi Huozhu was half asleep and happened to go to the toilet, and then he was attracted by Cai Gen's message.


Isn’t Cai Gen coming back?

Then you are still sleeping here?

Is it really true to send out a fan?

Haha, the stone fire beads are just haha.

After using the restroom, I put my fan at the security checkpoint, walked out of the waiting hall, and took a taxi home.

I don’t need to mention how nice the rest of the house is, but the big kang that Grandma Wang decorated in the first place is such a relief to sleep on.

The more he thought about the big bed, the sleepier Shi Huozhu became. Cai Gen had been tossing him these past few days and he couldn't sleep well in the waiting hall.

Make sure you stay at home well today and get a full night's sleep.

Passing by An Xin Bento, the lights were dark inside, so everyone must be asleep.

It’s not easy for Cai Gen either. He spends the whole night either handing out fans at the train station or visiting customers to answer questions. How much money can he make?

Besides, making a few bucks is worth being so exhausted.

Feeling sad about Cai Gen's fate, he opened the door to his home.

I didn't take off my clothes or turn on the light. I just ran back secretly, so I'd better keep a low profile.

It would be wrong if Cai Gen knew that he did not send those three cars.

Climbing onto the big bed, Shi Huozhu closed his eyes with peace of mind.

It just feels a little wrong.

Why is there breathing sound around me?

Not a purring sound, but a breathing sound.

Shi Huozhu listened for a long time and was sure that it was definitely not him.

Could it be that someone has entered your home?

There were no signs of the door lock being picked. Apart from himself, Cai Gen only had the key.

He lay there not daring to move, and even Shi Huozhu's breathing slowed down.

If your combat power is not good, but your defense is just okay, pretend to sleep to see if the other party is seeking wealth or favors.

Just as Shi Huozhu pretended to snore, the phone rang.

Cai Gen didn't move. It's not his ringtone. You can continue to pretend.

Shi Huozhu didn't want to move, but the phone belonged to him, so why continue to pretend?

Moreover, the phone was extremely tenacious. It kept ringing once, twice, and three times as long as Shi Huozhu didn't answer the call.

Finally, Cai Gen couldn't pretend anymore.

"Azhu, you'd better answer the call. Your phone will run out of battery soon."

Shi Huozhu then took out the phone and saw that it was Huang Ping. He did not answer it in a hurry, but looked at Cai Gen in the darkness.

"Huh? Brother Cai, why are you at my house?

Isn’t it troublesome for the customer to finish the work in a short time?”

After being exposed as a lie, Cai Gen only felt embarrassed for a second, and then he came to his senses.

"Huh? Azhu, why did you go home? Did those three cars pull into the station early?"

Being caught as well, Shi Huozhu smiled knowingly.

Cai Gen laughed along with him. This was just a way of letting go of grudges with a smile.

After a few giggles, Shi Huozhu straightened his face and answered the phone.

"Old Huang, are you here?"

The original plan was to ask Huang Ping to bring Jiutan over. According to the time, it would be almost midnight.

"Chief Shi, something happened."

Shi Huozhu thought for a while, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Then what?"

"I'm afraid we won't be able to arrive in a short time. Let me report to you in case you are worried about waiting.

Just now, Shutun overturned the car, flipped it from the highway into a ditch, and took advantage of the chaos to run into the mountains."

"Then what?"

Huang Ping's voice sounded a little hesitant.

There's something really wrong with Shi Huozhu's attitude, it's very cold.

"Then we decided to go into the mountains to search and catch him."

Shi Huozhu nodded without any emotion.

"Okay, let's go."

After saying that, Shi Huozhu hung up the phone neatly.

"Azhu, has something happened?"

Cai Gen has actually heard it, but looking at Shi Huozhu's attitude, it's worth pondering, it's a bit unhuman.

No matter what you say, you have to be polite and polite. After all, the subordinate is injured.

"It's okay, it's just a small incident, it's not going well."

"Is your subordinate okay?"

"I don't know, I didn't say who died, it should be fine.

If you don't do things well, you deserve to die. If you cause any bad effects, you will have to be held accountable."

Cai Gen was silent. Shi Huozhu seemed to be very cold-blooded towards the people in their unit.

I don’t know if it’s the corporate culture or if this was how I was trained.

Sensing Cai Gen's incomprehension, Shi Huozhu felt that he should explain.

"Brother Cai, you don't know how well our unit treats these field personnel, comparable to military dogs.

With so many resources, nothing good can be done.

What is that? That is dereliction of duty, that is a crime.

At the critical moment, they should take the lead. This is what they should do.

There are no obligations without rights, and there are no rights without obligations.

If they couldn't catch Jiuten at first, then there's nothing wrong with anyone, it's normal.

After you catch him and let him go, it will be a big or small matter.

To put it mildly, it is collaboration with the enemy and rebellion.

To be honest, they are incompetent and useless.

Consuming so many resources and raising waste every day every year? What’s the use?

You can't fatten them and kill them for meat. The waste is not as good as pigs.

I see you here, you just gave them a good face.

Otherwise, I will drag all eight generations of Huang Ping’s ancestors out for a walk.”

Oh, what a great official authority, but this is only after restraining it.

This chapter has been completed!
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