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Chapter 916 You must marry me

After Huang Ping and the Eight Disciples finished their performance, Master Long still didn't understand that he had no way out.

"Captain Huang, I feel that it is my duty to cooperate with you in your work.

My dog ​​is also pregnant for the third time. I should be able to survive it, but your work is more important."

It's still interesting and the ideological burden of Master Long has been solved. Huang Ping leads the team and sets out to capture the Shinto leader He Naizi, receive awards for meritorious service, and reach the pinnacle of life.

The eighth disciple was even more excited than Huang Ping. He reorganized the team and became the captain again. He had already done enough as the vice-captain.

Unlike the leader's positive thoughts, the two team members were very calm on the surface and had their own little thoughts in their hearts.

Both Guan Huilan and Yu Santiao hid their negative attitudes very well, and only had brief and silent exchanges when they looked at each other.

"Lao Yu, I must be injured this time and travel at public expense."

"Huilan, I must get injured at work this time and retire early."

"Lao Yu, I wish you a smooth retirement."

"Huilan, I wish you a safe journey."

Before going out, Huang Ping specifically told the eight disciples not to participate in the battle, but to watch over Jiudun one-on-one, so that nothing could go wrong again.

When they arrived at Taiqinggou Lake, Huang Ping and the others got out of the car with their belongings and walked onto the ice. While hiding themselves, they began to set up the agreed upon capture trap.

The Eighth Disciple also wanted to get off, but Huang Ping didn't let him go. It was obvious that he didn't want him to participate. As for the deeper meaning, everyone knew that Huang Ping was worried about the Eighth Disciple.

No matter how depressed the Eight Disciples are, they must carry out Huang Ping's orders. This is not negotiable.

Huang Ping and the others carefully arranged the arresting array and assigned tasks to Young Master Long.

The task is very simple, just lead the two women to the center of their magic circle, and that's it.

As for what excuses to make and how to do it, Huang Ping allowed Mr. Long to do whatever he wanted.

Young Master Long actually didn't care much about how to bring the two women here, but he was more concerned about how to evacuate safely after they were brought out.

After these guys really fight against each other, it will be no less than a small encounter. Where can Mr. Long hide?

Huang Ping waited for a long time, but Mr. Long didn't move, and he was a little impatient.

"Comrade Long, hurry up. Our trap has a time limit. Who is responsible for delaying the opportunity to fight?"

He does this again, and presses people with his big butt. These people are really not as easy to talk to as Cai Gen.

Mr. Long once again plucked up the courage to express his doubts.

"Well, Captain Huang, lead them to the center of the trap and complete the mission, right?"

"Yes, it's very simple."

"Then when you get to the center of the trap, you will activate the trap, right?"

"Yeah, how can we catch them if we don't activate it?"

Mr. Long looked at the trap they had set up. It was dozens of meters in diameter, and the distance between the center and the edge was twenty or thirty meters.

"Then Captain Huang, where should I be when you activate the trap?"

Yu Santiao stood in the center of the trap and pointed it out to Master Long.

"Man, you can just stand here with them. It's safer."

Well, just as he thought, Mr. Long understood that they did not consider their own safety issues at all.

"Then what should I do when you launch the trap? Will I be hurt?"

Only then did Huang Ping see that Master Long was still afraid.

It's no wonder that when the arrest plan was originally planned, Master Long's safety was not considered, and everything was focused on arresting He Naizi.

Aren't others sacrificed for the mission?

Why is this Mr. Long so stained?

The worst case scenario is to sacrifice yourself, what a big deal.

Seeing that Huang Ping was about to lose his temper, Guan Huilan felt that she should give Mr. Long some reassurance.

"Comrade Long, don't be afraid.

Although our trap is an indiscriminate attack, it is mainly about capturing people, not a sure-fire situation.

There is a high probability that you will not die, but if you are only injured, you will win the lottery.

Our unit’s workers’ compensation compensation is at least several hundred thousand, and the maximum is unlimited.

The key thing you should consider now is how to trick the two of them into the trap.

Don’t think about anything else, it’s okay, it’s really okay.”

Mr. Long took the initiative to replace Guan Huilan's words of "nothing" with "no use".

It's already this time, it's useless to think about anything else, it's really useless.

He gritted his teeth and walked towards his own cellar.

Fortunately, Long Er and Zhao Xile were already hiding. Young Master Long felt a little more at ease and thought about his mission silently.

Mr. Long imagined many possibilities, but none of them were safe.

Bait, this identity is destined to have no sense of security.

Mr. Long has been immersed in the skill of big deception for many years, and it is not too difficult.

It's just that different knowledge structures and social and cultural backgrounds will definitely have certain deviations. Who knows what kind of brain circuit is installed in He Naizi's mind?

I touched my pocket and the small notebook inside. Fortunately, I had been careful when I got out of the car and passed by Smurf. His hands were still raw, so he did it quietly.

The moment he opened the underground cellar door, Mr. Long decided to show his unknown side.

As soon as he walked into the house, a pickled cabbage bowl was thrown at him, hitting Mr. Long on the forehead. The newly healed wound started to bleed again.

He Naizi's face was flushed, and she leaned lazily on the kang, holding the white wine barrel with one hand and pointing at Mr. Long who came in with the other hand.

"where did you go?

Don't you want to serve me?

Don’t you know it’s dinner time?

Shuten's words don't count, Baqi ignores me, and you won't come back.

Who will serve me?

Don’t you men ever tell the truth?”

Mr. Long wiped the blood and pickled cabbage soup from his face and looked around the room.

There is only He Naizi, without the tall and thin old lady, and I don't know where she is. This is a major benefit. It is easier to fool one person than two.

Judging from He Naizi's state, he must have had a meal after sobering up.

Looking at the 30-pound wine barrel, less than a third is left.

I drank more than 20 pounds of 60-proof white wine in two days, and I can be considered a good drinker.

Facing He Naizi who was drunk alone, it was a great opportunity, and Master Long no longer hesitated.

With a bang, he knelt on the ground and said with tears in his eyes.

"My Queen, I fall in love with you, you must marry me."

He Naizi, who was still yelling and scolding, was shocked by what Master Long said.

What's happening here?

Why did this man ask me to marry him?

What qualifications does he have to fall in love with himself?

Why do I have to marry him?

Did you really drink too much?

Accident, surprise, shyness, humiliation, anger, and mixed emotions suddenly dispersed He Naizi's originally confused mind, and she opened her mouth not knowing what to say.

Master Long saw that the first step of the plan had been successful. It was unexpected and the effect was quite good.

Without giving He Naizi a chance to calm down, he took out the work ID of the Eight Disciples from his pocket, held it up like an engagement ring, and showed it to He Naizi.

"For you, I would rather betray the organization, betray my faith, and betray my destiny.

Even if I die, I will be with you."

Looking at Master Long's work permit, He Naizi felt her head buzzing.

This chapter has been completed!
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