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Chapter 1762 Battle against Qingshuang Holy Lord

Facing Holy Lord Qingshuang, who was carrying the wind and snow and killing him at an incredible speed, Xiao Zhi's expression remained unchanged, and he even had a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

In terms of overall combat strength, he is definitely far inferior to the Holy Lord Qingshuang.

But as long as he doesn't want to fight with Holy Lord Qingshuang, no matter how strong Lord Qingshuang is, there is nothing he can do against him.

This is the original heaven.

Here, even if Holy Lord Qingshuang's speed were doubled or even tripled, it would still be impossible to touch the corners of his clothes.

This is Xiao Zhi’s self-confidence.

In the blink of an eye, Holy Lord Qingshuang was already in front of Xiao Zhi. Suddenly, the cold wind roared, and wherever the cold wind passed, even the space was frozen.

Xiao Zhi's figure disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already hundreds of miles away.

The figure of Lord Qingshuang suddenly stopped in mid-air, raised his slender hand, and threw out a stream of snow-white light towards where Xiao Zhi appeared.

This snow-white stream of light turned into a long ice and snow dragon in the blink of an eye, and rushed towards Xiao Zhi with its teeth and claws.

The ice and snow dragon broke through the air at a speed that was even faster than Holy Lord Qingshuang. It flew hundreds of miles in the blink of an eye and bit Xiao Zhi into its mouth with a roar.

Hundreds of miles away, the space fluctuated slightly, and Xiao Zhi's figure emerged out of thin air.

There was still a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, what the long ice and snow dragon just swallowed was just an afterimage of him left on the spot.

Again, this is the original heaven.

Here, his combat power may not be considered strong compared to that of the strongest, but his life-saving ability is at full capacity, and he is uniquely powerful!

The ice and snow dragon, whose attack failed, turned into an ice and snow spear and flew back towards the Holy Lord Qingshuang.

Xiao Zhi had no intention of intercepting the spear. He put his hands behind his back, looked at Holy Lord Qingshuang from afar, and said coldly: "Don't waste your efforts, Holy Lord Qingshuang, you can't kill me. Wait a minute."

Once Holy Lord Yuan dies, it will be your turn next."

The silver-white spear broke through the air instantly and fell back into the hands of Lord Qingshuang.

Lord Qingshuang was also looking at Xiao Zhi from a distance, his face covered with frost.

If looks could kill, Xiao Zhi would have died countless times.

After taking a deep look at Xiao Zhi, Holy Lord Qingshuang opened his red lips and said, "I'm too nervous. It's impossible for you to kill Holy Lord Daoyuan with just the few of you."

"Really?" Xiao Zhi smiled.

If the mighty Heavenly Buddha in the Buddha Kingdom of All Living Beings were replaced by him, he might not be able to kill the Holy Lord of Path Fate if he teamed up with the Sky Emperor and the Original Ancestor.

After all, the strength of Holy Lord Daoyuan lies there.

If they are unable to absolutely suppress the Holy Lord of Daoyuan in terms of strength and cannot kill the Holy Lord of Daoyuan in a short period of time, then there is a high possibility that the Holy Lord of Daoyuan will crush the Buddha Kingdom of all living beings and remove all living beings from the Buddha Kingdom.

Be liberated from the Buddha's kingdom.

But now, it is not him who is fighting against the Holy Lord of Path and Fate in the Buddha Kingdom of All Living Beings, but the Mighty Heavenly Buddha!

The mighty Buddha is much stronger than him. In addition, Emperor Kongtian and the original ancestor are three against one. When dealing with an injured Daoyuan Holy Lord, there is still a high probability that they can defeat him.

Killed by the Holy Lord Daoyuan.

"Whether we can kill Holy Lord Daoyuan, you will know later." Xiao Zhi looked at Holy Lord Qingshuang from a distance and said.

Holy Lord Qingshuang snorted coldly, and his figure floated backward, towards the wind and snow in the sky behind him.

After two consecutive attacks that failed to hurt Xiao Zhi, she had already seen that it was impossible for her to kill Xiao Zhi. In this case, there was no need to carry out such meaningless attacks.

Soon, the figure of Holy Lord Qingshuang disappeared into the wind and snow in the sky and disappeared.

Tens of thousands of miles away, in a canyon, Emperor Mengtian sat cross-legged and said to the air: "How is the battle going?"

In this battle, he never showed up, not even watching the battle from a distance.

This is to better hide himself and avoid being discovered by others.

Because of this, he knew almost nothing about the current war situation, so he had no choice but to ask Yu Xiaozhi.

Soon, the voice belonging to Xiao Zhi sounded in his ears: "The Holy Lord of Tao Yuan has been dragged into the Buddha Kingdom of All Living Buddhas by the Heavenly Buddha. Now, the Heavenly Buddha is joining forces with Emperor Kongtian and the Original Ancestor to fight against the Buddhas of all living beings.

The siege and killing of Holy Lord Daoyuan in the country should not take long before there will be results."

When Emperor Meng Tian heard this, his tense expression softened slightly and he said, "It's a pity that he's not the Holy Lord Qingshuang."

The voice belonging to Xiao Zhi said: "There is no way. Only Holy Lord Daoyuan showed up at that time. The situation was a bit critical at that time. We could only do the next best thing and drag Holy Lord Daoyuan in."

Emperor Mengtian nodded and said: "It's actually not bad to be able to bring in the Holy Lord Daoyuan. We can't expect too much. Remember to tell me when the battle in the Buddhist Kingdom has a result."

"Okay." Xiao Zhi's voice said.

"Also, if you need me to take action, remember to call me." Emperor Meng Tian said.


When the figure of Holy Lord Qingshuang was hidden in the wind and snow, the wind and snow in the sky howled and continued to expand in all directions.

Xiao Zhi stared at the wind and snow in front of him, and then retreated hundreds of miles away in a flash.

He was holding the Sky Sword in his hand and thinking about something quickly in his mind.

'Holy Lord Daoyuan is trapped in the Buddha Kingdom of All Living Beings. This is a big event. For such a big event, Holy Lord Qingshuang will definitely seek help from the eternal world through the transmission channel.'

'Perhaps it won't be long before reinforcements from the Eternal Realm are sent over.'

'However, so far, the Eternal Realm has not sent the strongest person over...'

The blood-colored crack belonging to the eternal world has now been covered up by the wind and snow in the sky. Even Xiao Zhi can no longer see it or sense its existence through the wind and snow.

If something invaded from the eternal world through this bloody crack, he had no way of knowing.

Fortunately, when a powerful person invades the heaven, a prompt will appear in the sentient system.

Although this prompt from the sentient system is very vague, it does not reveal who the most powerful person is who invaded.

But Xiao Zhi has clones stationed at the bloody crack that belongs to the Yongtu Realm and the bloody crack that belongs to the Cangqing Realm.

If the system of sentient beings prompts that there is an invasion of the most powerful person, and there is no movement in the blood-colored cracks belonging to the Yongtu Realm and the bloody cracks belonging to the Cangqing Realm, then there is no doubt that the invading one must be the most powerful Holy Lord of the Eternal Realm.


Time passes by second by second.

Xiao Zhi retreated again and retreated hundreds of miles.

The bodies of the separated soul Xiao Zhi and the real Buddha Xiao Zhi turned into afterimages and retreated hundreds of miles away.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi seemed to sense something, and his expression moved slightly.

At this time, in the distance, a transparent wall like a glass wall emerged from the void, blocking a large piece of purple mist.

The purple mist rolled like a boil, and purple worms emerged from it, crawling towards the glass wall in front of them.

This glass wall is a layer of blockade and restriction set up by Xiao Zhi and Emperor Kongtian before the invasion of the Eternal Realm. It has a very strong defense.

After sensing this scene, Xiao Zhi's face darkened and he shouted: "Go, kill them all!"

Before Xiao Zhi finished speaking, the figures of the separated soul Xiao Zhi and the real Buddha Xiao Zhi disappeared into the air.

When they reappeared, they were on the other side of the glass wall.

The moment he appeared, the split soul Xiao Zhi raised one of his arms high.

In an instant, a big golden hand that covered the sky with the color of glass appeared out of thin air, easily passed through the thick glass wall, and hit the purple worms hard.

The space shook, the purple mist boiled, and each purple worm was crushed into mincemeat by the golden hand on the spot.

At this time, True Buddha Xiao Zhi also raised one of his arms high.

The storm started again, and another big golden hand glowing with glaze emerged from the sky...

To deal with these purple worms, if you use the "Devil-killing Finger", it will be like using anti-aircraft guns to hit mosquitoes. Not only is it wasteful, but you won't be able to kill a few of them.

It's different when you use the 'Escape Hand'. With one slap, you can kill countless purple worms. The efficiency of killing insects is not very high.

With a few consecutive slaps, most of the purple worms that emerged from the purple mist were killed, and even part of the purple mist was emptied.

The cold wind howled, and a spear of ice and snow flew out of the wind and snow, instantly passed through the purple mist, and was nailed to the glass wall!

The glass wall suddenly trembled violently, and spider web-like cracks appeared where the spear tip was struck.

The cracks quickly spread in all directions, and in the blink of an eye, a large glass wall was covered with cracks.

After sensing this scene, Xiao Zhi's expression changed!

He recognized this ice and snow spear as the weapon of Holy Lord Qingshuang.

What he didn't expect was that the power of this gun was so terrifying. Just one blow caused the blockade that he and Emperor Kongtian had worked so hard to put in place to become scarred.

You must know that the defensive power of the blockade and restriction that he and Kong Tian Emperor arranged in his presence is no less than the highest level of blockade and restriction set by the sentient being system.

As a result, such a powerful blockade and restriction seemed so fragile in front of Holy Lord Qingshuang, and it showed signs of collapse with just one blow.

"Repair it for me!" Xiao Zhi clenched the Sky Sword in his hand and shouted.

In an instant, under the control of Xiao Zhi's thoughts, endless power of the world rushed crazily towards the cracked glass wall.

With the injection of massive world power, the cracks on the glass wall healed and disappeared visible to the naked eye.

"You do have some tricks up your sleeve." A female voice came out coldly from the wind and snow.

This is the voice belonging to Holy Lord Qingshuang.

"But, do you think you can withstand my attack with this level of restriction?"

As soon as Lord Qingshuang's voice fell, giant beast heads made of ice and snow roared out of the wind and snow, flying through the air towards Xiao Zhi's blockade!

At the same time, branches of snow trees shot out from the wind and snow, like javelins, piercing the air and piercing the blockade in front of them.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but feel a little ugly on his face.

The area covered by the wind and snow in front of us is really too wide.

Most of this land of wind and snow has already approached his blockade.

At this moment, there were dozens of giant beast heads flying out of the wind and snow, and hundreds of snow tree branches shot out from the wind and snow!

So many attacks hit Xiao Zhi's blockade from different directions, which immediately made Xiao Zhi feel a lot of pressure.

He knew that his blockade could no longer be maintained.

But this is normal. After all, Holy Lord Qingshuang is far stronger than him. In such a head-on confrontation, he cannot be the opponent of Holy Lord Qingshuang.

All he can do now is to try his best to delay the breakthrough of this blockade for as long as possible.

Under the command of Xiao Zhi's consciousness, the split soul Xiao Zhi flashed forward for dozens of miles to the left, and then his fingers pointed out one after another like lightning, shooting out golden streams of light like lasers.

A giant beast's head was hit by dozens of golden streams of light, whimpering and exploding into a sky full of ice and snow.

Immediately afterwards, another giant beast's head was smashed.

Then the third one, the fourth one, the fifth one...

True Buddha Xiao Zhi also took action, ducked to another place, clicked with his fingers, and shot out golden streams of light one after another.

Even the original figure, Xiao Zhi, took action, holding the Sky Sword in his hand, accumulating killing moves, and slashed out black sword lights one after another.

The heads of the giant beasts were blown off one after another.

One snow tree branch after another was broken.

However, the number of attacks that emerged from the wind and snow was too great. Even if Xiao Zhi tried his best, he could only block some of them. Most of the attacks fell solidly.

On top of this blockade and restriction he arranged.

The blockade was trembling violently, various cracks appeared on it, and it became shaky.

Massive amounts of world power are rushing towards this blockade from all directions, trying to repair the cracks in the blockade and trying to strengthen this blockade.

However, every time a crack is repaired, more cracks appear in this blockade.

Another spear of ice and snow flew out from the wind and snow, breaking through the air, and with extremely terrifying power, it pierced the cracked blockade.

This shot was like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

As this spear pierced the blockade, the blockade trembled for a moment and then began to fall apart.

What collapsed was not just this one point, but a complete collapse, just like a domino being toppled.

A figure rushed out from the shattered 'glass' fragments and rushed towards Xiao Zhi like lightning!

This figure is clearly Holy Lord Qingshuang!

When Xiao Zhi's blockade and restrictions completely collapsed, Holy Lord Qingshuang actually took action against Xiao Zhi again!

This chapter has been completed!
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