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DAY 219 The Earth Calendar Year 2151

 Fa Wang Luo Xuebing glanced at Yang Bin, his expression was calm and he said nothing.

Tan You also glanced at Yang Bin and said: "If it really comes from the future world, it wouldn't be surprising if the place names have changed a hundred years ago."

"It does not necessarily come from the future world." Meng Chuan, who was in charge of the interrogation, looked a little pale, frowned and said: "It may also be a parallel world... Even these so-called enemy players may be played by aliens, in the world of living beings.

This game was also created by these alien drummers. They were playing a large-scale national war game. They felt that fighting against virtual enemies was not interesting, so they dragged us humans into this game to act as enemies and accompany them.

play games."

When he said these words, Meng Chuan's eyes were fixed on the face of Fawang Luo Xuebing, trying to see something from this face.

When King Luo Xuebing heard this, he sneered and said nothing.

Zhu Changwu frowned and said: "I can feel that the world of sentient beings is a real world. This is not a game. Even if there are aliens in this world, aliens are not capable of making such a real game.


Meng Chuan was still looking at Luo Xuebing's face and said: "The ancients thousands of years ago, could they have imagined that in a few thousand years, there would be mobile phones, computers, airplanes and cars? If these things were placed thousands of years ago,

, to the people at that time, which one was not a miraculous existence?"

Zhu Changwu frowned and said nothing.

Xiao Zhi also frowned slightly.

King Luo Xuebing was still sneering.

Meng Chuan looked at French King Luo Xuebing and continued in a deep voice: "Luo Xuebing, how do you prove that you were born in the year 2123 of the Earth calendar?"

King Luo Xuebing glanced at him and said, "How do you want me to prove it?"

Meng Chuan thought for a while and said: "You can talk about the history and humanity of your century, some major global events, the situation of various countries on the earth, and the scientific progress of the earth over the years."

Upon hearing this, King Luo Xuebing sneered: "Of course I know all these things, but why should I tell you?"

Tanyou's temper was a bit irritable. He slapped the ground with a bang that cracked the stone slabs on the ground. He stood up and shouted: "How dare a prisoner be so arrogant!?"

However, King Luo Xuebing was not afraid. He looked up at Meng Chuan and sneered: "Prisoner? You killed me. I won't really die. What should I be afraid of?"

Xiao Zhi, who was sitting on the side, said calmly: "If I kill you, you will not really die. However, it is not easy for you to cultivate to your current strength. It has taken at least several months of hard work, and you are willing to give up like this."


"Of course I'm not willing to give in." King Luo Xuebing glanced at Xiao Zhi: "That's why I'm here to cooperate with you and answer a few of your questions."

"However, our Xia country has a saying that it is disrespectful to come back without reciprocating. You have asked me several questions, and I have answered them honestly. Now, I also want to ask you a few questions. Isn't it too much?"

Xiao Zhi and others looked at each other.

Meng Chuan, who was in charge of the interrogation, said in a deep voice: "What do you want to ask?"

King Luo Xuebing said: "In your world, what year is it in the earth's calendar now?"

Meng Chuan was silent for a while and then said: "It is 2021 in the Earth calendar. Where is your world? What year is it now?"

King Luo Xuebing said: "The year is 2151 in the Earth calendar."

King Luo Xuebing asked again: "What is the current population of your world?"

Meng Chuan was silent again, his eyes becoming dull. Xiao Zhi knew that this was a sign that his consciousness had returned to the real world.

It is impossible for the sentient beings group to leave all the power to a few young people to handle the interrogation. There should be people from the sentient beings group controlling it remotely.

After more than ten seconds, Meng Chuan's eyes became alert again and he said: "8 billion."

King Luo Xuebing nodded and said: "This population size is similar to what I know through history. It seems that you are quite honest and did not deceive me."

He looked at Xiao Zhi again and said, "What's your name?"

Meng Chuan, Zhu Changwu and others all looked at Xiao Zhi. This was a question for Xiao Zhi, and it was difficult for them to answer.

Xiao Zhi was silent for a few seconds and then said: "Xiao Zhi."

It's just a name, there's nothing hard to answer. Even if the other party knows it, can they still cross the border and kill me?

"Xiao Zhi, I remember you." King Luo Xuebing looked deeply at Xiao Zhi and said, "Who are you in your world to enter the Tao realm?"

"No comment." Xiao Zhi just smiled.

Dharma King Luo Xuebing asked again: "In your world, how many Taoist monks are there now?"

"Total..." Tanyou said.

"Shut up!" Meng Chuan shouted sharply.

Tan You was a little embarrassed and shut up.

King Luo Xuebing sneered: "What? Treat this as a secret and don't want to answer? Our two worlds will be at war sooner or later, and by then these will not be secrets."

Xiao Zhi heard this and said, "In that case, tell me, how many Taoist monks are there in your world?"

"I'm sorry, I have no comment." King Luo Xuebing sneered: "You don't want to say it, why should I say it?"

Before Xiao Zhi could ask any more questions, Meng Chuan suddenly said, "That's it for today. Xiao Zhi, could you please knock him out?"

Just now, the sentient beings group issued an order to take this enemy player named Luo Xuebing to a county under the jurisdiction of Beilan Road. There, there will be professional interrogation experts responsible for interrogating this young man named Luo Xuebing.

King Luo Xuebing heard this and sneered: "Knock me out? Do you want to continue to interrogate me later? I'm dreaming! Are you worthy?"

When he said this, dazzling hot flames shot out from Luo Xuebing's eyes, ears, mouth and nose!

Meng Chuan and others hurriedly retreated.

Xiao Zhi reacted the fastest, with the true energy flowing in his body, the frost knife was instantly unsheathed, blocking the jet of flames.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's face looked a little ugly.

He is stationed here just to prevent the Dharma King Luo Xuebing from suddenly acting violently and hurting others.

With a Taoist monk like him here, it would be impossible for Dharma King Luo Xuebing to get up and hurt someone under his nose.

What he didn't expect was that King Luo Xuebing suddenly became violent, not to kill people, but to kill himself!

In the blink of an eye, Fa Wang Luo Xuebing's head was burned black and twisted by the dazzling hot flames.

Xiao Zhi hurriedly grabbed Fa Wang Luo Xuebing's shoulders and poured the power of true energy into Luo Xuebing's body.

The flame burning on the head of the Dharma King was extinguished at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, at this time, the Dharma King had been burned to the point of being reduced to a human form, his energy was as thin as a thread, and he was about to die.

"It's hopeless." Xiao Zhi's face turned ugly. He slashed out with his sword and cut off the head of French King Luo Xuebing.

Since there is no hope of saving him, instead of letting the Dharma King die in vain, it is better to kill him yourself and get some national war merits.

French King Luo Xuebing died.

Including Xiao Zhi, several people's faces looked a little ugly.

This chapter has been completed!
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