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Chapter 17 College Life

Chapter 17 College Life

The next day, Shrek teachers and students had already left the Star Dou Forest, and it was finally time to sign in once a day again.

‘I found the character Zhao Wuji, do you want to sign in...’ the system voice in my mind appeared.


Soon, a translucent panel that only he could see appeared in front of Zhao Zilong:

‘Character Zhao Wuji, Vice President of Shrek Academy;

Age 46;

Martial Spirit: Powerful Diamond Bear (Advanced Martial Spirit);

Innate soul power: level 7;

Soul power: level 76;

Sign in with Zhao Wuji and deprive him of his level 0.5 innate soul power...'

'The deprivation is successful, the host's current innate soul power is level 3...'

Hearing that the voice of the system in his mind was gone, Zhao Zilong was a little disappointed and said: 'It's gone now...'

However, level 0.5 innate soul power is better than Li Yusong's. Li Yusong was only deprived of level 0.5 soul power.

If the innate soul power is insufficient, it is very difficult to cultivate the soul power. Just like Zhao Zilong now, although he seems to have level 32, his innate soul power is only a mere three levels. If he cannot deprive himself of more innate soul power, he will be very difficult.

They will soon be overtaken by Tang San and others, after all, these people are all geniuses.

Back in the academy, Zhao Zilong, Oscar and Xiao Wu went to the Wuhun Branch Hall in Soto City to change the soul power record.

Since Zhao Zilong had never registered a place in the Wuhun Hall, he could only lie to them that he had lost the Wuhun Manual and asked him to get a new one.

At the same time, he also received a subsidy of twenty gold soul coins, but this subsidy of gold soul coins was only given to soul masters under the age of 25, and those over the age of 25 could not receive it.

At this time, in the back mountain dozens of kilometers away from Shrek Academy, the Eight Spider Spears appeared behind Zhao Zilong. Zhao Zilong immediately felt that all functions of his body had been improved.

‘Whoosh, whoosh…’ Several slashes from the Eight Spider Spears cut off several large trees in an instant. Purple venom corroded the tree trunks, and purple smoke emitted.

'It's really what comes with the system. It's perfectly integrated into the body, just like hands and feet, and it's so sharp...' As he said that, Zhao Zilong stretched out his finger and touched the tip of the Eight Spider Spear, which was completely made of metal.


Looking at the panel in front of him: 'External Soul Bone·Eight Spider Spears, Soul Skill·Enhancing (strengthening all attributes by 50%), Soul Skill·Devouring (devouring the opponent's soul power and replenishing one's own soul power consumption 100%, and

Contains highly toxic).'

The soul skills are exactly the same as Tang San's. With the Eight Spider Spears, combined with the Tang Sect's hidden weapon techniques, not only can he defeat soul masters above level 40, but even soul masters at level 30 should be no match for him.


In the next few days, everyone practiced freely. Except for some running exercises every morning, they basically practiced by themselves the rest of the time.

After all, Shrek Academy is like this. When it first accepts students, it only accepts the group with talents at the top of the pyramid. Students with this kind of talent, people with this kind of talent, even without the guidance of a teacher, can't practice soul power.

It's also very fast.

Many Douluo fans in the previous life also had mixed opinions about Shrek Academy. However, Zhao Zilong in the previous life had a slightly disdainful view of Shrek Academy.

In the twenty years since its establishment, the school has only admitted forty-two students, and in the end only fourteen students graduated. Those who did not graduate either died at the hands of spirit beasts, dropped out of school, or had other reasons.

Materials were scarce, so the academy was not officially registered in any country, and all the students who graduated were geniuses who were famous in Douluo Continent.

With achievements, it means that Shrek Academy teaches well, and students who die or drop out are incompetent. Although there is no problem at first glance, those students who drop out or die can get better results if they go to other colleges.

Good educational resources, such as mimetic training environments, may not die, or in other words, they will have some achievements in Douluo Continent.

This reminded Zhao Zilong of those top schools in his previous life. In those top schools, teachers taught students as if they were teaching birds how to fly. First spread their wings, and then do whatever they want. If they accidentally fall to death

, it means you have poor ability, you deserve it, and you have no ability. If you can fly, it means the school has taught you well.

However, as long as he is a genius, no matter who he is, he is destined to be dazzling in the future.

Of course, this was also the view of the previous life Zhao Zilong. For the current Zhao Zilong, Shrek Academy is still a good place. At least the teachers here are strong enough. If you want to hunt soul beasts and the like, even if you have to in the future,

They can also help with hunting down ten thousand year soul beasts, not to mention that Zhao Zilong himself is now a member of Shrek.

At this time, in the academy, Tang San, besides eating, has been staying in his room to cultivate his soul power these days. Maybe it's because his soul power has dropped by one level, which makes Tang San want to recover his soul power more quickly!

As for the rest of the people, they all went to Soto City to play.

In the past few days, Zhao Zilong also 'signed in' to Flanders, depriving Flanders of his level 0.5 talent soul power, and his current talent soul power is already level 3.5; he also 'checked in' to Lu Qibin, depriving him of his level 0.5 talent soul power.

Deprived of level 0.5 soul power, the soul power is also level 32.5. Now among the five teachers at Shrek Academy, only Shao Xin is left.

However, a few days ago, Flanders ordered Shao Xin and Li Yusong to go out to purchase supplies such as rice, vegetables, flour, etc. Because Flanders is famous for being stingy, he wanted to be cheap and affordable, so he asked

You can avoid middlemen by buying directly from the vegetable farmers.

In the past, there were only three students, and Dai Mubai often went out to eat, and basically did not eat at school. But this year there are eight students, and Meng Yiran will come again in a while, that is, nine students, so the food aspect is naturally difficult.

We need to prepare more dishes. Then we will change the school rules and let them eat at school every day, so that they can make another fortune.

Zhao Zilong came back from Star Dou Forest for several days and did not see Yu Xiaogang appear. At this time in the original book, Yu Xiaogang should have come to Shrek Academy, but he has not appeared yet.

Yu Xiaogang must have also discovered that his soul power was regressing, and now he is at a loss as well!

Today, Shao Xin and Li Yusong finally came back. Zhao Zilong immediately found Shao Xin, and at this time Shao Xin reported to Flanders.

"Teacher Shao Xin, dean." After Zhao Zilong came over, he looked at the two of them and said hello.

‘I found the character Shao Xin, do you want to sign in...’ Sure enough, the system’s Yu Jieyin appeared again.

Flender looked at it and said, "Oh, Shao Xin, Emperor Long has been looking for you these days, saying he wants to taste the taste of your martial soul jelly beans, so just get him two!"

To this request, Shao Xin simply agreed: "Okay, Dean."

(End of chapter)

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