When Taifu Wei saw Emperor Ming Yuan, he knelt down and cried bitterly without saying anything. Concubine Hu naturally avoided it immediately. She was not suitable for such a scene, lest she frightened the baby in her belly.
Emperor Ming Yuan personally helped the Taifu up and said: "Teacher, you don't have to be like this. Please sit down quickly. Your hands are frozen."
Emperor Ming Yuan also felt sorry for the teacher. His old face was so cold that his nose was covered with tears, and he was really embarrassed.
Taifu Wei held his wrist tightly and cried: "Your Majesty, you must not depose the prince. Please listen to the old minister and tell you slowly..."
The sky outside was gloomy, as if it was holding back an early winter rain, but Kyoto was arid, and it rarely rained on days like this, which made people feel like there was something strange in the sky.
Taifu Wei has been talking for almost an hour, starting from the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to the previous dynasty, but has not yet talked about the current situation. Emperor Ming Yuan has already woken up from his sleep. Taifu is still talking so much that stars are flying at the mouth. He has poor eyesight.
I just thought that Emperor Ming Yuan lowered his eyes to listen to the instructions, but how could he know that he had fallen asleep.
Emperor Ming Yuan came to the Royal Courtyard last night and lost his temper while chatting. He did indescribable things to Concubine Hu twice. He had not had such energy for many years. Thanks to Concubine Hu's strong body, he did not suffer from the disease.
Being tortured.
After all, it's because of my age. I was fine last night, but today I have backache and mental fatigue. The Taifu's words are like the endless stream of a river, which is very hypnotic.
When he woke up again, the Taifu was only talking about things from the Taishang Dynasty. He couldn't stand it any longer. As soon as his eyes turned, he fell down with a plop.
The emperor fainted.
The Taifu was old and could not withstand the fright of the emperor fainting. He rolled his eyes and fainted.
Gu Si and Mu Ru's father-in-law were standing outside the courtyard. Both of them were extremely sleepy after being talked about by the Taifu. Suddenly they made two clanging sounds. When they turned around, they saw that both of them had fallen down. Gu Si first thought that there was an assassin.
Throwing a concealed weapon, he shouted, "There are assassins, escort me!" He raised his sword and flew up.
The accompanying imperial doctor hurried over, but Emperor Ming Yuan was just pretending, and when he saw that the Taifu had fainted, he couldn't help but feel guilty, and asked someone to immediately send the Taifu in to rest.
The Tutor fainted and had a dream. He dreamed that Emperor Ming Yuan had passed away. Even though he was unconscious, he cried very sadly. When he woke up, he asked the imperial doctor. The imperial doctor said that the emperor was so angry that he couldn't bear the stimulation. Now he is in the hospital.
The Taifu had to go and take a look in person to feel at ease. After Gu Si's inspection, he found that there were no assassins and came back here. Hearing that the Taifu said that he wanted to see the emperor, he went to report it privately and got the approval of Emperor Mingyuan.
Then he helped him personally.
Emperor Ming Yuan was lying on the bed with his eyes closed tightly, as if he hadn't woken up yet.
Concubine Hu sat in front of the bed and waited on her, her eyes were red and she looked frightened.
The Taifu knelt on the ground, cried a few times, looked up to the sky and sighed, "The Crown Princess is guilty, the Crown Princess is guilty, the old minister should not come to persuade the Emperor, the old minister should go and persuade the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess."
Emperor Ming Yuan heard that he was crying so sadly and wanted to wake up to comfort him, but when he heard him saying later that he wanted to go find the Crown Princess, he fell into a peaceful sleep. Yes, he should go find the Crown Prince and his wife and let them know.
See the master's skills.
The Taifu acted vigorously and resolutely, so he immediately ordered someone to send him to the Prince of Chu's Mansion.
Outside the Prince of Chu's palace, a group of people gathered outside to denounce the Crown Princess's visit to Leprous Mountain. The crowd was furious and very excited.
When the prince saw this, he was worried. The prince's reputation had been ruined by the prince. What a pity, what a pity.
The Taifu was very dizzy. He was helped in by someone. The noisy sound outside was so loud that his eardrums almost burst, and his brain kept hurting.