No one had the time to care about Chu Mingyang. The atmosphere at the funeral was all sad, so when entering the mourning hall, the smell of death hit our faces. No matter who the person who died was, it was still sad.
All the princes were preparing for Yu Wenjun's funeral together, so they all wore white clothes here according to the rules. Yuan Qingling told Yu Wenhao that Mrs. Yao had brought something and wanted to put it in the coffin for burial, so Yu Wenhao took it.
Mrs. Yao stood in front of the porch, and the courtyard was deserted. Once upon a time, there was a lot of traffic in front of Prince Ji's mansion, and it was very prominent. Now, the courtyard is small and the people are bleak. It has been like this for a lifetime.
A touch of sadness arose in my heart for no reason, not for him, but for those years that were buried together.
However, she has never been such a sad person, but recently, she always feels that her heart is much softer.
"Mother, didn't you mean to offer incense to my father?" Meng Xing came out and pulled her sleeves, lifted up her little face, wearing sackcloth and mourning, with some cowardice and fear in her eyes.
Mrs. Yao touched Meng Xing's face and said, "Okay!"
Holding the fragrance in her hand, she stood in front of his soul. After thinking for a long time, she decided to go in and say goodbye to him.
The coffin was placed at the back of the mourning hall. It had been buried but had not been sealed, and all the burial items had not yet been put in. He was wearing a royal robe, which he wore during his lifetime. There was a small wormhole at the collar of the robe. After he was deposed,
He didn't have the right to wear it again, but he couldn't bear to throw it away. Now, his brothers put it on for him out of consideration for his dignity.
Lying in the coffin like this, his arrogance has faded, his viciousness has faded away, and he is an extremely ordinary person. His remains have been arranged well, and his pale face has been rouged, and efforts have been made to make him more decent in the end.
The Minister of Rites handed over a broken comb and said softly: "Madam, although you have reconciled with the eldest prince, since you have come to see him off, please put the broken comb in place to cut off the grudges of this life and let each of you live in peace."
Mrs. Yao nodded, took the broken comb, put half of it into the coffin, and hid the other part in her sleeve.
The grudges in this life are over, and there is no real resentment or ruthlessness.
Yu Wenjun was buried in the Prince's Mausoleum. The words on the stone tablet still read: "The eldest prince has no honor or title."
Emperor Ming Yuan fell ill.
This funeral took place for three days. He didn't eat a bite of food for three days. He even vomited after eating the soup. He was plagued by nightmares at night. In just three or four days, he lost a lot of weight.
On the morning of the morning of the court, Prince Yu Wenhao presided over the court for the first time. Looking at the empty dragon chair, the officials felt very uneasy.
The imperial doctor also came out and reported his condition to the officials. He said that the wind-cold caused by the change of weather and the stagnation of liver qi suddenly broke out, and he had to recuperate for a few days. Immediately afterwards, an imperial edict was issued. During his recuperation, the prince would supervise the country.
Regent, assisted by Prince Rui.
The news of Emperor Ming Yuan's illness was not covered up, and some people were even discussing it among the people.
During the reign of Emperor Ming Yuan, he was really diligent in his work and rarely missed the morning court due to illness. Except for the fact that he took Concubine Hu to another courtyard for the purpose of establishing a prince, he had never tried it before or since.
Now that the news came out that Emperor Ming Yuan was seriously ill and asked the prince to act as regent, people were filled with suspicion.
Chu Shoufu had already half-retired, but because Emperor Ming Yuan fell ill, he returned to the cabinet and presided over cabinet affairs.
Emperor Ming Yuan's illness came quickly and seemed to have caught everyone off guard.
Fortunately, the prince's small court is already in a decent state and can be stabilized quickly. All matters discussed remain unchanged. However, the burden of the Jingzhao Mansion has fallen on King Qi. Yu Wenhao has not been back for several days now, just hanging up his post.