Yu Wenhao said seriously: "Father, I'm not afraid of my wife, but Baozi was born to Lao Yuan with all his life. She must have the decision-making power in his affairs."
Emperor Ming Yuan was unable to refute. After a while, he raised his hand and said, "Get out!"
After Yu Wenhao returned, he discussed Baozi's matter with Yuan Qingling. He could handle the matter in the East Palace, but Baozi was the grandson, and sooner or later he would have to receive imperial training, and it was not his turn to make the decision.
When the time comes, it won't be my father's turn to make a decision, and those old ministers will cry and beg with tears and runny noses.
"If this is the case, do you want to live in the palace?" Yuan Qingling was reluctant, but the matter was relatively important. She asked patiently, "Is it hard? Can Baozi bear it?"
Yu Wenhao said: "Hard work is bound to be hard. I have to go to the study at the end of the Chou hour. I start reading at Chen hour, take a break at noon, rest for half an hour, and then start class again. I finish class at You hour, and after dinner, there are evening classes. That's how it works.
If you wake up, you can only sleep for three hours at night. If you eat lunch quickly, you can sleep for more than half an hour. In total, you can probably sleep for less than four hours a day."
"Lao Wu, do you think it's appropriate?" Yuan Qingling felt uncomfortable listening to this high-intensity reading and class. It was uncomfortable to listen to it, let alone Baozi to endure it.
Yu Wenhao was not very willing to give up. He had never suffered such hardships since he was a child. However, the eldest Yu Wenjun had experienced it, but he did not teach him well. Instead, he became more ambitious.
"But my father insists on doing this..."
"Can you push?" Yuan Qingling asked.
"How about," he thought for a moment, "we ask Baozi what he means?"
"If you ask him, he will definitely disagree." Yuan Qing Ling said, after giving birth to a son, don't you know your son's character? He is very smart, and he can understand a lot of knowledge at once, and there is no need for such training.
"Let's ask!" Lao Wu made up his mind. As long as Baozi said he was unwilling, he would ask Baozi to beg the emperor's grandfather himself. The emperor's grandfather loved him and would be reluctant to make him suffer after a few words of begging. It would be better than asking his father.
Hello, Emperor.
Little did he know that when Baozi was called over to ask, Baozi didn't feel too resentful and just asked: "Then when will I be able to come back? I can't bear to leave my brother."
"After you've learned it, if you think it's good enough, sir, you can come back. Of course, if you have the ability, you can leave after learning everything that sir knows." Yu Wenhao said.
Baozi laughed, "That's not easy? I'll be back in three months."
Yu Wenhao couldn't laugh or cry, "You kid, how can you despise sir like this? They are all highly educated people, and you may not be able to finish their knowledge in this lifetime."
Baozi rolled his eyes, "That's not necessarily the case!"
Yuan Qingling said in shock: "Do you agree?"
"Learning knowledge, why don't you agree?" Baozi looked at Yuan Qingling and hesitated, "Mom, didn't you say there is no end to learning and you want us to keep learning?"
"But the imperial grandfather wants you to study like a prince, from morning to night..."
Baozi interrupted her, "If you want to learn, study hard. It doesn't matter if it's hard. The most important thing is that sir can teach me something I don't know."
Yuan Qing Ling and Lao Wu looked at each other in surprise, is Baozi serious?
"You can't make trouble and tease sir. Grandfather will be angry. You either don't learn or study hard. If you don't want to learn, mother goes to your grandfather and talks to him."
Baozi clasped his little hands behind his back and looked at her, frowning like a little adult, "Mom, I don't always make trouble. Just like Master Tang, we have never made trouble before."