The banquet was held in this farm. The food and wine were not sumptuous, but they were full of flavor. There was no complicated toasting etiquette. The newlyweds brought a group of children to toast once, and then everyone took their seats to eat.
After eating and seeing off the guests, only members of the family were left. The newlyweds knelt down to their elders one by one, including Mr. Huizong and Prince Jianzong. Both of them liked Yuan Qingling very much and gave them to him.
A big red envelope, the thickness is amazing.
After the two of them knelt, Yuan Qingling raised her head when she knelt in front of the Supreme Emperor. Her eyes were red, and she held the Supreme Emperor's hands on her knees. "Grandfather, thank you for always caring for me. If not,
You, Lao Wu and I will not have such an easy life these years."
The Supreme Emperor's lips moved, and he couldn't help but be moved, "Silly boy, if it weren't for you, my life would be dead. Don't say such stupid things, and just be good in the future."
Everyone looked at it with tears in their eyes. It was really rare for the people of the Yuan family to know that the Supreme Emperor had been loving and caring for little Ling'er all these years.
Yuan Qingzhou's chest was filled with excitement, he picked up a glass of wine and said: "Old man, I won't say anything anymore. I propose this glass to you to express my gratitude and awe. From now on, like my sister, I will also drink
You regard him as your grandfather."
"Okay, okay, bring the wine, I want to have a drink with Xiaozhou!" the Emperor hurriedly turned around and ordered.
Fang Wu got him a glass of wine and sent it over.
The Supreme Emperor said excitedly: "Come on, because of your words of grandfather, I am going to drink this cup. Come on, Xiaozhou, I will do it first as a courtesy to my grandfather!"
Yuan Qingzhou was stunned, why are these words so awkward?
But there didn't seem to be anything wrong. I guess it was the difference between ancient and modern times, so I smiled and drank.
After the Supreme Emperor finished drinking, he turned his head to look at Grandma Yuan next to him and smiled broadly, "He actually called me Grandfather and Brother Pig. Isn't it funny?"
Grandma Yuan frowned, "That's right. Regardless of your status, you are my younger brother. Anyway, as long as there is no difference in seniority, it doesn't matter, it's just the same title."
"You look down on Gu!" The Supreme Emperor also frowned, his voice full of accusations.
Grandma Yuan was startled, "No, how could I look down on you?"
The Supreme Emperor said: "You just look down on me. You speak with a sense of superiority. Do you think I don't understand anything? You are one of those intellectuals who look down on others. I am an antique, right? Every time you talk to me
It’s all very perfunctory.”
Grandma Yuan was confused, "Where do you start talking about this? I have always respected you."
The Supreme Emperor smiled faintly, showing that he was not very proud, "What about you? This is really intentional, right? That's right, I don't understand. I don't know as much as you do. I can't drive, use electrical appliances, and the TV can't even operate on its own.
Kai, it’s normal for you to look down on me, Dele. Anyway, when I see you in the future, I’ll just stay out of my way so that you don’t have to deal with me impatiently and pretend to respect me even though you clearly look down on me.”
Grandma Yuan looked at him and then at everyone who looked confused. What is this? Why are you complaining like this?
"No, listen to me..."
"Don't listen!" The Supreme Emperor turned around and lost his temper.
"..." Grandma Yuan was completely speechless.
Prince Anfeng and his wife watched from a distance, curling their lips and sneering, "Hey, this trick was used decades ago?"