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Chapter 90 The monster in the lake

The water temperature at the bottom of the lake was extremely low, and I felt my body numb with coldness after more than ten minutes in the water. Just when I thought my first underwater treasure hunt was about to end in vain, Dou Sprout suddenly signaled that I had made a discovery.

I swam over and took a look, and saw a "black hole" next to a scrap wooden boat.

The entrance of the hole was covered with black silt, and the overall shape was boxy. It didn't look like a natural formation, but looked like a hole dug deliberately in the past, and there were blisters popping up from the inside out intermittently.

Dou Yazai used a diving light to shine into the hole. The next second, I suddenly saw something vaguely "reflective" in the hole, sparkling and twinkling.

My mind immediately thought of whether there were bronze objects? Or gold objects?

Before I could express my position, Bean Sprouts had already put his hand in, and soon his whole arm was inserted into the mud hole.

Dou Sprout groped for a minute or two, and suddenly, his whole body seemed to be dragged into the hole by something! Dou Sprout's reaction was also quick! He immediately grabbed the sunken ship with his other hand!

I immediately stepped forward to help.

It was like a tug of war. We two grown men struggled for a long time to pull "that thing" out of the hole!

It turned out to be a big black catfish!

As a northerner, I have never seen such a big catfish! Visually, it is as big as a ten-year-old child! The two long fish tentacles on the fish's head are white in color, like a centenarian!

The big catfish didn't run away even after we pulled it out of the hole! It still clung to the bean sprouts and wouldn't let go! The thing I saw "twinkle" just now might be its eyeball!

You can't make a sound in the water, otherwise the bean sprouts might have called you mother!

I saw Dou Sprout pulling out his knife and stabbing it into the dorsal fin of the big catfish!

This beast was extremely ferocious, and it still refused to let go. Dou Sprout got angry and stabbed the beast more than a dozen times.

The blood was mixed with the lake water, and it was hard to tell whether it was human blood or fish blood. Then the big catfish let go and dived into the hole. Without enough time to see the injury, Dou Sprout covered his hands and motioned for me to come up quickly.

After coming up, they saw that Douyazai's wetsuit was torn and his arms were covered with blood. Brother Yu and Xiaoxuan were shocked and asked us what was going on.

I threw the gas bottle and said loudly in shock, "Let the fish bite! There is a catfish under there that is about to become sperm!"

Xiaoxuan covered her mouth in surprise, and Brother Yu quickly asked, "How big of a fish can bite a person like this!"

I said excitedly, "It's huge! It's almost as big as Xiaoxuan! It's in the fucking mud hole."

It’s hidden inside! Brother Yu, you didn’t see it! The two whiskers of that fish are white! It’s almost turning into a catfish spirit!”

Dou Yazai took off his wetsuit and went shirtless, and saw that his arm was bleeding and there was a row of fine and terrifying tooth marks. He didn't expect to encounter such a situation before he came, so he didn't bring a hemostatic bandage at all! Xiaoxuan immediately thought

Use clothes to tie Dou Sprout's arm to stop the bleeding.

"Don't move! If the bleeding doesn't stop later, you have to go to the hospital!" Xiaoxuan said.

Douyazai's eyes were red and he yelled, "Fuck it! No! I can't swallow this! I must find a way back! Either he dies or I die today!"

I said you're talking nonsense, it's important to stop the bleeding now.

Douyazai suddenly stood up and said excitedly, "Fengzi, don't forget who I am! I'm the little white dragon from Zhoushan!"

Dou Sprout was so angry that he ignored our dissuasion. He took a deep breath, put the knife on his waistband, clutched the waterproof lamp in his hand, and jumped into the cold lake with only a pair of pants.


You must know that Douyazai said before that he could do it without a gas bottle. We thought that was bragging, but we didn't expect that he really dared to do it without a gas bottle without saying anything.

I was worried that something might happen to him, so Brother Yu and I went into the water to help him.

In just a few minutes, as soon as Brother Yu and I were ready to get into the water, Bean Sprouts came up. He wiped his face and held the giant catfish's bloody mouth with both hands for us to see.

There are big catfish, but the one in Qiandao Lake is too big. I don’t know what the Guinness record is, but it feels like a record-breaking one. This thing’s scientific name is “large-mouth catfish” because the locals told us before that there might be a water in the North Lake District.

The anaconda is as thick as a tank, so we are not sure whether it was this giant largemouth catfish or the rumored anaconda that dragged our boat before.

I think it is more likely that the monster in the Qiandao Lake river is actually this beast. Children under ten years old can swallow this catfish in one bite.

The three of us worked together to drag the giant catfish that was killed by Dou Sprouts onto the boat. We glanced at it and said, "Yunfeng, do you think this thing is not afraid of people?"

"I'm not afraid at all! Boss, this thing was so fierce just now!"

He frowned and said, "As the saying goes, a dog does not live for eight years and a chicken does not live for six years. Many things will become mature if they live too long. Don't rush to call it a day.

Go look around Catfish Cave, maybe there’s something there.”

I agree with what you said. Some things may cause mischief if they live for too long. Just like the yellow skin in our Northeast. If it lives for a long time, it will stand up and learn to walk, and it will come out to worship the moon at night. When I was a child

I saw it with my own eyes just once on the mountain.

So Brother Yu and I went into the water again to fight back, and the result was unexpected, there was really "something" hidden!

Hidden in the Catfish Cave is a small black-glazed porcelain jar. The small jar is filled with strings of silver coins from the Republic of China.

It's so magical, there is a "silver dollar jar" in the Catfish Cave! Who can guess this! Maybe the shiny and reflective things I saw just now are the silver dollars scattered at the mouth of the jar!

After seeing the small jar, Tuotou sighed, "I didn't expect it. This is a mature and sophisticated money-keeping fish. It's a good sign. It indicates that we are about to break the situation and make a fortune."

Although this thing is not our ultimate goal, we are very happy after hearing what the leader said. To exaggerate, this thing is really like "Bean Sprout God came down to earth and killed the giant catfish in anger, and the silver dollar jar was hidden in the cave and came uninvited."

” .??.

From another perspective, the broken wooden boats at the bottom of the lake were from the Republic of China, and the silver coins were also in circulation during the Republic of China. There may be a direct connection between the two. After thinking about it, I felt that this was most likely the case.

At that time, this water area was a place where tea garden stones were resold in Chayuan Town, Chuncheng. It was next to the Xin'an River, and those wooden boats were ferries to transport tea garden stones. This place was in operation until 1959, because the water came down too fast.

There was no time to move, and they all flooded into the lake.

The next day, afternoon.

"Fengzi, fuck your chicken! Time is precious now! It's too late and the fish will stink!"

Dou Sprout found a small cart, dismantled the body of the cart, and tied the giant catfish he caught last night to the cart with a double rope.

That's right, he wants to push it to the fish market on the pier to sell it for money.

I said, well, you are a multi-millionaire after all. Is this what you lack?

Douyazai said, "Look what you said, you can't spend money indiscriminately, you just have to save it every penny from small things in daily life. Besides, this is the King Catfish of Qiandao Lake that has not been seen in a hundred years! It has great collection value and research value.

!I’ve thought about it all! No need to negotiate if it’s less than 20,000!”

"Twenty thousand? Who would want a stinky fish like you? I have other things to do, so go ahead and do it yourself!"

"Don't worry! I'm injured and my hand hurts! I

I can’t push it alone!”

While I was talking, a group of people gathered around the door of the hotel to watch the fun.

No one had ever seen such a big wild catfish, and they all pointed at us and asked where we came from. Some people expressed their intention to buy it on the spot, but when they heard the price of 20,000 yuan, they backed down.

I was afraid that there would be bad influence due to the crowd, so I ran upstairs and took my bag and followed Dou Sprout. In the bag were the Republic of China silver coins I found in the lake last night. When I came back, I smashed the porcelain jar. There were more than 300 coins in total.

Basically, they are all big heads that are three to nine years old. There are dozens of fine-haired ones, a dozen big-eared ones, and dozens of Longyang coins. These things are not rare, so I plan to sell them for cash as soon as possible.

Just like that, Douyazi went to sell fish, and I went to sell silver coins. I asked him to take a raincloth to cover it, otherwise there would definitely be a commotion on the road.

When we arrived at the fish market at around three o'clock, Dou Sprout put the trolley there and shouted, "Come and take a look! They sell big fish! They sell the rare wild catfish king of Qiandao Lake that is rare in a century!"

Soon more than a dozen people gathered around me. I squatted aside and smoked, pretending that I didn't know Dou Sprout. I was really afraid of being embarrassed.

"Holy crap! This catfish is so big! The whiskers are all white! Is it about to become a sperm? I have never seen such a big one in my entire life! Can this thing be eaten?"

Dou Sprouts replied loudly, "Of course you can eat it! My catfish king has grown so big because it absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon! I guarantee that whoever buys it can nourish the kidneys and strengthen yang with a bite of the meat! A bite of the soup can prolong life!"

"Really or not, you boast so much, how much do you want to sell it for?"

"Thirty thousand! One price!"

"It's too expensive. It's not a fish made of gold, it's just a bit bigger. Who can afford it for thirty thousand yuan? If you pay two to three hundred yuan a fish, I can take it back and try it!"

Dou Sprout was unhappy and held the pipe in his mouth, "Go to the other side. You can buy your mother for a few hundred yuan. If you can't afford it, don't make trouble with me."

"How do you talk! How do you curse!"

Douyazai's eyes widened, as if he was saying, "Why am I just scolding you? Come and practice if you don't accept it?"

I don’t blame Dou Sprout for being rude. The person who said it was worth two to three hundred yuan was just trying to get a bargain. I thought the fish was worth more than a few hundred yuan. After all, it was a lake monster that was seen once in a hundred years.

At this moment, a beautiful female voice suddenly came from the crowd of onlookers:

"I bought this big fish!"

This chapter has been completed!
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