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Chapter 115 The oriole is behind

The night kt located on Qiandao Lake Pier Road was crowded with people around 8pm, but at this time, the private room was in a mess, with shouts of killing, smashing, and angry curses being heard all the time.

"Brother Wang! Brother Wang, tell the brothers to stop! I'm on duty today! Can you give me some face?"

"Get lost! How much is your face worth? I'll go fuck you!"

The nightclub manager received a slap on the face, and then someone shouted: "Master! Master! Beat me to death! I'll bear it if you beat him to death!"

Gao Bing kicked one person away, turned around and knocked down another person with a heavy punch, and immediately three more people rushed over with machetes and steel pipes.

I was also affected, but fortunately my steps were flexible and I could barely keep myself from getting hurt in the chaotic scene.

Just now, Gao Bing let Li Kangyang go, but it was impossible for the Zhenhai Gang to let him leave safely, otherwise this matter would be spread out. Where would Li Kangyang, the boss, lose his face? The people from the Zhenhai Gang who came over after hearing that their boss was injured became more and more popular.

More and more people came, and the situation was out of control. I guess even if Li Kangyang ordered to stop at this time, it would be impossible because both sides were jealous.

Gao Bing was like a god of war. He was unarmed and relied on a pair of iron fists to fight from the box to the corridor, and then from the corridor to the ballroom. The last time I saw someone fighting so fiercely in a group was Master Yu.

When many people saw the group fight, they all watched the excitement without taking it too seriously. Along with the rhythm of the music, they all whistled hard and made noises.

Seeing an opening, I knocked someone down from behind with a wine bottle and ran away immediately.

I ran to the bathroom, locked the door, and took out my cell phone to make a call.

"Hey! Where the hell are you!"

"Boss! There's a traffic jam on the road at this point! You have to hold on for three minutes! I'll be there soon!"

I bit my phone and rolled up my sleeves, took a deep breath, and slashed my left arm with a knife!

It hurts.

Then, I wiped the blood from my arms on my face, head, neck and clothes.

After checking the time, I went out to find Gao Bing, grabbed him, and ran away. Behind me, there was a group of people chasing us with steel pipes in their hands.

We ran all the way to the back door of kt, and Gao Bing and I hid around the corner of the fire stairs.

Gao Bing's clothes were covered with blood. He was panting and said urgently: "Brother, you should leave now! I am responsible for all my work! Don't worry about me!"

"I brought you here! How can I leave! If we want to leave, we must leave together!"

After saying that, I immediately made a silent gesture because I heard footsteps.

"Where are the people?"

"Why the hell do you even need to ask? He must have escaped through the back door! This man hurt the boss! Whoever catches him will be rewarded! Let's go! Chase him!"

The group of people rushed out from the back door, and then heard a burst of screams of crying father and mother.

Gao Bing looked puzzled and asked me what was going on. I didn't explain. After a while, there seemed to be no movement outside, so Gao Bing and I pushed the door open and went out.

As a result, we saw the group of people chasing us lying on the ground. Ma Dachao held up the bloody baseball bat and said with a smile: "Boss, the timing is just right."

"Stop talking nonsense. Leave quickly!"

Ma Dachao took seven people, plus Gao Bing and I, a total of ten people, all piled into a broken Jinbei car and ran away.

"Brother, you are injured, are you serious?" Gao Bing asked when he saw that I was covered in blood in the car.

I shook my head: "It's not a big problem, I just accidentally got chopped six or seven times."

Gao Bing sighed: "I'm sorry for causing trouble to you, brother. My temper is like this. I must avenge myself. Are these the people you are looking for?"

I nodded: "If you hadn't left just now, even if you won the fight in the end, you would probably be arrested and charged with affray."

"Brother Gao, Li Kangyang has developed a love for your talents. You must also know this. If you don't give him face and even cripple one of his hands, you are tantamount to making enemies of the entire Zhenhai."

"I'm not afraid at all."

"I know you are not afraid, but it is easy to hide from open guns and hard to guard against hidden arrows. You have to think about your future safety. This is my brother Ma Dachao. He is very safe. You can stay with him for a while and see what happens.



Gao Bing nodded and shook hands with Ma Dachao, indicating that they knew each other.

This is my purpose.

In fact, I had already guessed that Gao Bing's intention to meet Li Kangyang was impure, but I pretended not to know, and then used a trick to win people's hearts.

Li Kangyang loves talents, and so do I, but Li Kangyang and I have different ideas. I think that if a person values ​​friendship too much, he will not value money too much.

It is difficult to win over such a person simply by using money, but it may be possible in another way, such as sharing adversity with him. I also used this trick on Brother Yu back then, and it was very effective.

An hour later.

Jinbei drove all the way south and arrived at the Yaoshan Township area. Compared with the bustling Qiandao Lake at night, it was dark and very remote.

There is a river here with houses on both sides of the river. The headquarters of Ma Dachao's gang is built here. I knew it before, but this was my first time to come here.

Just listen to Ma Dachao shouting loudly: "Stand up! Everyone, cheer up! Don't be idle every day!"

"What are you looking at! Fatty! I'm talking about you! Look at how fat you are! You know how to run to the toilet and fly on planes all day long!"

Ma Dachao pointed at me and introduced loudly: "This is my boss! He is also your eldest boss! Remember! The money you eat and drink is all given by your eldest boss! Say hello to your eldest boss!"

"Hello, boss!" Everyone shouted to me in unison...

Looking at these people standing in a row in the yard, I couldn't help but shake my head.

The few people who helped in the fight just now were okay and had some fighting ability, but what kind of nonsense are these in front of me?

Either too fat or too thin, there were less than twenty people in total, and among them there was a woman with dyed red hair. She looked like she was eighteen years old, and she looked like she had just graduated from junior high school.

Seeing that I noticed this woman, Ma Dachao hurriedly introduced: "Boss, this is Xiaonian. She is the finance manager of our gang. She is responsible for our monthly income and expenses."

I whispered: "Why do you want anyone? Is she an adult?"

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and she will be an adult after the New Year. Boss, don't look at her young age, but she is also very serious and responsible in her work. Finance is the top priority of the gang. I trust her, so I give it to her.

She takes care of it."

"How much money did the gang receive from the finance department last month?" I asked.

Ma Dachao said she was not sure, so she waved the girl over.

"Xiao Nian, the boss wants to ask you how much our gang earned last month."

The girl took one look at me and immediately said: "Boss, our total income last month was 1,142.5 yuan."

"It's just that little, why do you still have fifty cents?" I asked.

Ma Dachao smiled and said: "Isn't this just the beginning? The Internet cafes and billiard halls in the nearby villages are all occupied by students, so they can't charge much. In the future, as our territory expands, our income will definitely be higher."

"Do you have a salary?" I asked her.

She nodded: "Yes, I have 900 yuan a month. Brother Dachao also helped my family repay thousands of dollars during the famine. My mother is dead and my father is a bad gambler and doesn't care about me. I just want to follow brother Dachao from now on."

Do things well."

After hearing this, I nodded: "Then work hard. If you have any problems or difficulties in the future, you can come to me. Also, don't call me Big Boss. I have a name. My name is Xiang Feng."

I called Ma Dachao aside and whispered: "Anyway, I snatched the man for you. Whether you can keep him in the future depends on your ability. This man was also a fierce general in ancient times. If your gang wants to become stronger in the future,

, cannot do without this fierce general."

Ma Dachao whispered: "I understand, the food is delivered to my mouth. If I don't know how to eat, then I might as well stop messing around. Don't worry, I have plenty of ways to keep this fierce general."

Half an hour later, I saw Gao Bing by the river. He was throwing stones into the river and making them float. When I saw this, I also picked up a small stone and made it float.

"Brother Gao, I'm very curious about your past. Your brother mentioned you in his suicide note. He said that the three of you bought a car and ran freight together. I think you are definitely not an ordinary driver."

He turned around and said, "I don't think you are an ordinary gangster. We all have some secrets."

I said: "If you are curious, I can tell you some of my secrets."

"No, some secrets are better kept."

"Brother Gao, you are so skilled, then why didn't your brother ask you for help at that time, but he couldn't think of anything and committed suicide."

He looked at the calm river and said: "We had some conflicts in the early years, which were very complicated. He couldn't talk to me."

He lit a cigarette and said calmly: "I used to be a black boxer, but then I stopped and bought a truck and started transporting goods."

As the saying goes, three hundred and sixty lines are like mountains apart. I don't know much about the "black boxing" industry, but I have heard some people talk about it. This kind of gambling industry is an alternative gambling industry derived from the rich people's relief from stress and boredom.

The real situation is more exaggerated than what is shown on TV. It is not like the martial arts style where you wear a boxing glove and you fight one round at a time. In black boxing, victory or defeat is determined by bare hands. After a round, you will be beaten to death and crippled.

Nothing but normal.

After suffering three attacks from Wuyuan's Double Ghost, there was nothing wrong with him. He was like steel and iron. His ability to withstand attacks was incredible. Therefore, Gao Bing must have experienced many tough battles before.

I asked him what he thought about martial arts and boxing.

He frowned and said, "Kickboxing and traditional martial arts are two different things. Of course there are people who know real kung fu. They both have their own merits. If I had to rank them, I would definitely say that kickboxing is more powerful in actual combat."

"Have you ever been defeated in black boxing before?"

He thought about it seriously, shook his head and said: "I have never been defeated, but I have fought against someone, and I was deeply impressed by that person. He was like a fool, he couldn't say a word, and he was taller than you and me.

On one end, the eyes are red."

This chapter has been completed!
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