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Chapter 449 Making a Game

 Shehuo Wu Ugly, this organization has been passed down since then, and it may be in the fifth or sixth generation.

The dwarf, the medicine box, the tin nose, the dragon monkey, and the rich man.

I hurried back and told the boss the news I got from the godfather.

After listening, he frowned and analyzed: "We were celebrating the New Year in Xianyang, and my fake junior brother suddenly came to see me. Now it seems that we were targeted during the period before the year."

"Ah sneeze!"

"It's so cold here."

Dou Yazai was wrapped in a quilt and said: "I told you before, Uncle Xue is not a good person, but you didn't listen, eh."

"When the hell did you say that? Why don't I remember."

Tian Sanjiu threw a cigarette into his mouth without lighting it. He held the cigarette in his mouth and said with a smile: "Wang Boss, I didn't expect you to be like this. It seems that this one of the five ugly people also has a brain."

What a great person."

Tian Sanjiu continued: "These people must be hiding in the village, so we have to have someone return to the village. The medicine box should be the proprietress of the canteen. She gave us the medicine. Don't worry about the others. The key is who this tin nose is.

, to find out.”

"Boss Wang, I suggest that we divide into two groups and guard one group in the cave as a base so we can have an escape route if something happens. The other group will go back to the village. After all, hiding here is not an option."

I took the initiative to stand up and said: "Let me go then. I am familiar with the village. I will inform everyone if I find anything."

Brother Yu stood up and said, "It's not good to have too many people. It's just the two of us. I can protect you if something happens."

Tian Sanjiu turned around and said, "Old Ji, get them a jar of Lulu."

Handing the Lulu bottle to me, Master Ji said: "Xiaoxiang, hold your head. It's very easy to use this. If you pull it open and throw it out hard, it will explode. But you must be careful not to fall down."

He closed his head and eyes, rubbed his temples with both hands and said, "Be careful."

Not daring to enter the village blatantly in broad daylight, Brother Yu and I went down the mountain and before we reached Tianguangdong Village, we met a middle-aged man pushing a cart grinding chili noodles on the road.

Hunan people love to eat spicy food. At that time, there were many people in rural areas grinding chili noodles on carts.

Have you ever seen a hand-operated machine on a small cart? The villagers grind their own chili peppers and add peanuts.
Pepper and other condiments.

The chili noodles ground by this hand-cranked machine are very fragrant and much more delicious than the chili sauce bought in the supermarket, which is almost invisible now.

I gave someone 200 yuan and asked me to use your car. The person started to refuse, so I increased the money to 400 yuan.


"Grind the chili powder! Grind the chili powder."

"Brother Yu, is that what you shouted?" We put on the straw hats and masks we had in the car.

Brother Yu whispered: "No need to shout, let's just push the cart and walk. The main thing is to hide it from others."

I pushed the cart, lowered my head and said, "I know, Brother Yu, do you think the tin nose could be Tang Gui's wife?"

"Why do you suddenly think so? Is there any evidence?"

"No, isn't this just a guess? She is the most abnormal in the village, and she appears around us again and again. Sometimes I even suspect that she is pretending to be crazy."

"There is another doubt. Brother Yu, think about it. She is Tang Gui's daughter-in-law, so she naturally has the most contact with Tang Gui."

"Tang Gui is definitely dead. We suddenly saw him again a few days ago. He was probably wearing a mask made of tin nose."

"It makes sense, but I feel it may not be that simple."

"Hey, grinder of chili powder, how much does it cost to grind a pound?"

I looked back and saw a middle-aged woman holding a bowl and asking me if she was having breakfast.

I casually said one thousand and one catty.

The woman didn't react and was stunned holding the chopsticks.

Pushing the cart to the door of Tang Gui's house, I saw a man just coming out with a basket and locking the door.

This was a person from the village brigade. After a conversation, he said: "What should we do? The relatives don't care about her anymore. We can't starve her to death. We are waiting for the procedures. She will be sent to the city mental hospital in a few days."


After they left, I pushed the door open.

Tang Gui's wife ran over immediately, and I saw she was still holding a steamed bun in her hand.

We looked at each other through the crack in the door.

"Hey. Hey, have you deleted the photo?" She pressed her face against the door and smiled at me.

"Stop pretending, you're not crazy, are you? You have a tin nose."


She took a bite of the bun, chewed it, held her fingers in front of her eyes and said, "Keep your voice down. I'm Tin Nose, what do you want from me?"

Brother Yu pulled down his mask, frowned and asked, "Are you really one of the five ugly people in society?"

She was lying on the door, looking at us and whispering: "I am really one of the five ugly men in society, why are you looking for me?"

I asked doubtfully again: "Are you the third child? Is the second child a dragon or a monkey?"

"To me, the third child and the second child are dragons and monkeys."

The next second, she suddenly became excited and shook the door vigorously, causing the iron chain outside the door to jingle.

"Open the door!"

"Open the door!"

"I am Tin Nose! I am Dragon Monkey!"

"I am the Seventh Fairy! My mother is the Queen Mother! My son is the Prince of Hell!"

Tang Gui’s wife knocked on the door frantically.

I took a step back, looked at Brother Yu and shook his head.

It seems that we were wrong. From the eyes of Tang Gui's wife now, we can only see madness.

But, who could it be?

I was wondering if this tin-nosed man himself was wearing a mask, disguising himself as a certain villager?

I don’t know if this person is a boy or a girl, maybe he was that person back then, or maybe he was a descendant of that person.

Brother Yu said: "There is another way. Let's find an older local and ask him if any outsiders have settled in the village in recent years. Maybe we can find out something."

There was no good way, so I said okay, let’s try it.

We went to the village to find the old man. I had asked him about the matter before and gave him a pack of good cigarettes.

He couldn't speak Mandarin and could only speak dialects. I listened carefully and could barely understand him.

Pushing the cart back to the village entrance, sure enough.

The old man was sitting under the big tree and basking in the sun. The weather was nice and warm this morning. Besides this old man, there were several other old men.
Sitting under the tree and playing chess.

After watching them play chess for a while, I walked over and asked, "Uncle, have any outsiders settled in your village in the past few years?"

The old man yawned and spoke in a bunch of dialects with sleepy eyes. It sounded to me like there was someone there.

"Where is it? Who is it?"

He stood up shakily on crutches and walked slowly towards the bridge.

At this time, I saw a brand new taxi coming from the side road.

When he walked to the car, the old man leaned on a cane and took off his cotton hat. He placed the hat horizontally on his chest and bowed slightly to salute. This gesture made him look like a foreign gentleman.

I never expected that this old man who could only speak the county dialect would look at me with a smile and speak two sentences of English with an extremely standard accent!

After he finished speaking, he opened the door and got into the taxi with a cane.

It happened so fast that not only me, but also the other old men playing chess were stunned.

The taxi slowly backed up and wanted to turn around and leave.

"Want to leave?"

Brother Yu is very fast. He rushed forward in a dozen steps and slammed his foot! He stepped on the front hood of your taxi.

"Come down!"

"Old man!"

"Get down!" Brother Yu shouted, pointing at the windshield.

The cab door opened, and a male driver wearing a mask slowly walked over.

Without any warning, the two of them suddenly took action at the same time, hitting each other in the face!

The taxi driver stretched out his hand to block Brother Yu's high whip kick, took a step forward, made a fist with his right hand, and hit Brother Yu in the face.

Brother Yu reacted quickly. He immediately stepped back with his right foot to distance himself. He also made a fist with his right hand and punched him.

Fist bump!


Brother Yu took three steps back with surprise in his eyes!

On the other hand, the taxi driver did not take a step back. He just twisted his neck back and forth, rubbing his bones back and forth, making a popping sound.

The man twisted his neck twice, turned around, watched me take off the mask, and smiled at me.

I was stunned for a moment.

"Brother Hu?"

This chapter has been completed!
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