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Chapter 5 A cloud in the northwest sky

 The thought of a certain possibility made my face change with fear!

I hurriedly opened the bag and shook out everything.

There are several cosmetics, hand cream, a flip phone, two women's clothes in the bag, and at the bottom of the bag, there is a folded thangka.

It is the Ming Dynasty Yama Thangka in the village.

This is Zhuzhu’s bag! You got it wrong!

Her backpack and mine are both black! The colors and styles are similar!

The difference is that the brand is different! Pick it up and take a closer look!

I just stuffed everything into my bag, picked it up and ran after it!

What a joke! What’s in my bag is so important!

There are some very valuable things that I always carry with me. The Tiancong sweat money copper coins that I got before and have not been sold, Yiji money, one knife equals five thousand, including several pieces, from the Warring States and Western Han Dynasty! to the ancient jades from the Liao and Jin Dynasties.


These are all my private collections! Together, they can be sold for at least one million yuan! There was also a ghost grass woman who sent beautiful sachets, my notes, etc.

What the hell do I want with this shitty thangka!

Following the direction Zhuzhu had left a few minutes ago, I ran and chased her out of the village.

No one was seen!

The dirt road outside Shiliu Village was empty. I only saw a row of motorcycle tire marks on the road. Maybe her cousin named Zhao Zhiping had been waiting here in advance, waiting for the crowds at night to take advantage of the chaos and succeed.

It's easy to run away later.


My face turned livid with anger and I couldn't help shouting.

"Damn it! No! I have to change my bag back!"

Lao Zhang and his wife hadn't left yet, so I ran back and got into the van directly and said, "Lao Zhang, I have something urgent! Use your car!"

What else was he going to say? I had already stepped on the accelerator, and Lao Zhang was chasing me and yelling in the rearview mirror.

I turned on the lights of the van and chased it along the main road leaving the village. I was extremely anxious! The road was dark and there was no one at all.

There was only this mountain road leading to the Waze area. After driving for about ten minutes, I suddenly saw a red dot appearing in front of me.

It seems to be the rear taillight of a motorcycle.

Pressing the accelerator to the bottom, I was sweating profusely and holding on to the steering wheel, eyes fixed on the road ahead.
A red dot!

See clearly!

There were two people on the motorcycle, a man and a woman, both wearing helmets. The woman on the back seat was carrying a black bag, which was my bag!

I slapped the horn hard!

They heard the sound of the horn, and instead of slowing down at all, the car speeded up!

The speed of the car was over 100! Zhuzhu put her arms around the man's waist and pressed her whole body against his back.

Regardless of whether the other party could hear it or not, I shook down the glass and shouted: "Zhuzhu! Stop! It's me! You got the wrong bag!"

I didn't know what kind of motorcycle the other party was riding, so I couldn't catch them. There were two big turns in a row, and the motorcycle was bending hard and very low. I was afraid that they would suddenly overturn.

I turned the steering wheel quickly and cursed: "This is a broken car! Can you go faster?"

Press the accelerator to the bottom and the engine roars to the limit.

Suddenly! I didn't notice that there was a big rock in the middle of the road! The van hit the rock, skidded to the right and ran out of the mountain road! There was a loud bang and then hit a tree!

There was no air bag, so my head hit the steering wheel. I was spinning instantly and felt like my body was falling apart.

Maybe half an hour or an hour later, after I recovered, I covered my head and kicked open the car door.

Take out your cell phone and make a call.

"Lao Zhang, the car broke down. Find a car and pick me up again."

There was an angry voice on the phone.

"What! My car broke down!"

"I've been driving it for eight years and it hasn't broken down yet! Why did it break down after you drove it for just a few minutes? What's the problem? Is it serious? I have to find someone to fix it!"

I walked over and took a look and said, "No need to repair it. It's probably scrapped. The water tank is gone and the engine has fallen off."

"Ah?! You're pretending!"

I said yes, I'm sorry, but I'll just give you a new car in return. Come pick me up quickly.

He suddenly said anxiously: "Then where are you? You should tell me where you are!"

"I don't know this either

Wherever it is, you can come out of Pomegranate Village and walk north along the mountain road. I will use double flash so you can see it when you pass by."

"Wait! I'll be there right away!"

After hanging up the phone, I thought again of the flip phone in Zhuzhu's bag.

Press and hold to turn on the phone, the screen will light up and there will be many phone numbers stored in it.

For example: "Director Li, Doctor Wang, Dean Ma, etc."

Is she really a doctor?

Scroll down, and suddenly there are several more numbers for notes.

"The ladle handle of Rongmen, Zhang Gaobao of Rongmen, the tweezers rod of Songmen, the boatman Liu of Rongmen."

My brows furrowed.

It seems that Zhuzhu has a dual identity, being a hospital doctor and a member of Lao Rongxing.

In the past, in addition to the eight major gates of Jingpi Cai Gua Gua and Jing Tuan Liu, there were four major subdivisions in the world.

The four major families were not absorbed by the giant Changchun Society, but were passed down as a side branch.

"The four families of Northwest Xuantian Yihua and Jinronglan Pavilion are not real brothers. If one person makes money, everyone will spend it."

The four major families are: Jin, Rong, Lan, and Ge.

Pay attention to the distinction. The "jin" of the four major families is different from the "jing" of the eight major families. The former is a professional liar who makes a living by cheating, while the "jingmen" of the latter refers to those fortune tellers who have real abilities.

, the kind of gentleman who is supported by people wherever he goes.

"Rong" is Lao Rongxing whom Zhuzhu joined. He is a thief and a professional pickpocket who makes a living by stealing.

The leader of an area, Lao Rongxing, is called the chief pickpocket. There are two kinds of pickpockets. The first type is called the "old lady", who steals things by his skills. Zhuzhu's index finger is as long as her middle finger, so she is the "old lady".


The second type is called "kiln smashing", which is mainly about breaking into houses and stealing things. Usually men smash kilns, not women.

The "blue" ranked third among the four families is blue, that is, a trickster who hides his cards and uses them to cheat.

Our northern sect of tomb robbers does not steal money from the living, but only makes money from the dead. From the perspective of the rules of the world, although our tomb robbers are the lowest among the eight outer sects, in terms of program, our status is
Higher than Landau's old man.

Because regardless of the northern or southern faction, they all have their own inheritance. But it is difficult to comment on the ability to make money alone.

Finally, there is the Ge family, also called the "Ge family". This refers specifically to a group of people who did business in the past. Each family is engaged in huge profit business. They can package things that cost ten cents and sell them for ten thousand yuan.

Block, this is what they are good at. For example, during the Republic of China, it was popular to sell "resurrection pills" and "diet pills" for a while, and behind it was the Ge family's businessmen.

Looking at the two notes on Zhuzhu's mobile phone, "Rongmen's general manager, Zhang Gaobai, Rongmen's tweezer pole, Rongmen's old boatman."

This is a division of positions, not what they call it.

The process is roughly like this.

Zhuzhu is the boss. After she steals something, she will not take it out herself. Instead, she will give it to the old boatman first. The old boatman is the driver who transports things back and forth. After the old boatman gets the things, he will give them to the general manager in the area.


If the item is very valuable, the owner will usually keep it for three days. If within three days, no rich and powerful people can find it through connections, it means that it is fine and needs to be sold.

Then, the boss gave the stolen item to Gaomai and asked him to sell it for money. Gaomai is a homophone of "gao sell", which means he hopes to sell it at a high price.

After the payment comes back, Gao buys the money and gives it to the tweezers. The tweezers divide the money into parts, and finally distribute the money from the sale in proportion.

So I said that Lao Rongxing is just like our northern sect's bulk workers, soil workers, artillery workers, logistics, and foremen, all of whom have strict institutional differentiation.

If Zhuzhu doesn't give the stolen things to the old boatman, it will be equivalent to a loose man in our northern faction taking the things and running away. This is absolutely not allowed.

At that moment, I directly used this mobile phone to call the mobile phone number noted by "Zong Laobangzi".

Soon, the phone on the other end was connected, and a deep male voice came.

"Xiao Zhu, have you got the stuff?"

Seeing that my child was silent, the other party was very vigilant and immediately said: "Aren't you Xiaozhu?! Who are you!"

I took a deep breath and said directly:

"Northern faction, Xiang Yunfeng."

This chapter has been completed!
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