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Chapter 84 Bury the jar and return the wish

 At noon the next day, it was lunch time, and the door of a certain ward in Nanping City Hospital was closed.

"This is fifty thousand, one hundred thousand, one hundred and fifty thousand."

I took the money out of the sack and put it on the bed. I grabbed five bundles and ten thousand in each bundle, all tied neatly with paper strips.

"Master Cha, please count. There are forty bundles in total. One bundle is quite a lot. I went back and forth to five banks in the morning to take out so many."

When checking the household registration, he stared straight at it and said, "Yeah, no need to count."

Master Du was covered in bandages, but he had already taken off oxygen and electrocardiogram. He swallowed and asked me: "Why do these bundles of money look like this? Have you never seen them before? You can't use fake money to deceive us, can you?"

I was surprised and said: "Master Du, you haven't spent it before? This red one hundred is the money that was just issued two months ago? You can exchange it at the bank. At present, both kinds of one hundred can be used. What kind of fake money is this?"

I took out one and shook it vigorously: "Listen to this sound, it's new! Can fake money have such a sound?"

"That's right, Lao Du, I spent one of these red hundred bills two days ago. It seems to be the fifth set that was just issued, right? Why don't you transfer the money to our bankbook?" asked the account checker.

"My master said that when you ask for help, use cash if you can."

"Then I'll leave this matter to you two. I'll spend money to buy peace of mind."

He checked his household registration and nodded: "Don't worry, I can tell from your appearance and the fortune trend that this little money is just a drop in the bucket. You will be able to earn it back soon, and you can treat it as a loss of wealth and a chance to eliminate misfortune."

I nodded: "Just ask me if you need my cooperation."

"Don't worry about anything, we will handle it and we will finish it for you today."

I was overjoyed. I don't understand the so-called professionals doing professional things, so I won't mess with it. Anyway, I don't have to worry about anything and I can be a hands-off shopkeeper. It's really worth the money.

The ward door opened, and the doctor came to check the room. The household registration checker quickly covered the pile of money on the bed with a quilt.

Back to the hotel,
The first thing I did was to find Miniang Razhen and get my ajna pendant back.

"Did you hear me clearly? Tomorrow evening or the day after tomorrow, you go to the address I sent you and find a woman named Xiao Qinglong. She can bring you into our industry and is capable enough to be your master."

"Master, let me in. Practice depends on the individual. This is the opportunity I have won for you. From now on, you are no longer an ordinary person. As for how high the upper limit can be, it all depends on your own efforts."

I did everything I could to help her.

Sometimes fate plays tricks on people, and Mi Niang Razhen accidentally stumbles into the tomb robbing business. Xiao Qinglong is an expert in artillery. How successful she can learn depends on her talent.

"you are leaving?"

I nodded and stood up, smiled and said, "Let's go, I'm a busy man."

Back in the Wild Goose Hunting Forest, Snake Girl saw me and said angrily: "Brother Xiang, you never keep your word. You said you came to accompany me in the middle of the night last night."

"I'm delayed because of something."

"You take care of yourself alone. When I come to Nanping again, I will take you to the Miao Village in western Hunan for medical treatment."

Moisture filled her eyes, and the snake girl said with tears: "Brother Xiang, I am about to die of illness. In fact, I secretly take painkillers every day. I don't know if I can wait until you come to see me again."


"I can do it, I will be back soon" I promised her.


Driving away alone, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, I felt mixed emotions.

Give me a week to go back, and today is already the fourth day. I have been feeling stomach upset during this time, so I ate some dry bread and drank some water in the car, and then

I slept on the roadside for two hours.

After driving for more than four hours, I didn't take any side roads this time. I arrived at Changting County at around 8 p.m.

In my impression, Changting County at that time was pitch black, without a single streetlight. Most of them were small brick buildings, with some selling food and clothes along the street.

The owner of a cigarette shop in the county told me that I could reach Dingwuling Village by driving along the road north of the bus station.

On the road again, I turned on the radio, but the signal was very poor. I could only receive one station playing songs, but the songs played were suitable for the occasion.

“Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, the green grass reaches the sky.”??.

After one hour.

"Fellow, may I ask if this is Dingwuling Village?"

The old man brought a lantern and led an old scalper, and said a few words to me quickly, not all of which I couldn't understand, but he probably meant that this was Dingwuling Village.

The houses in Dingwuling are all built on the mountainside, and each family lives higher than the next.

In the dead of night, I carried my bag and sneakily found the "toad stone" in the village.

This big rock is still there, and those who want to travel can go and see it. No matter you look at it from the side or from the front, it looks very much like a big toad lying on the ground, with a face and legs.

I'm not short, but I can only reach the big toad's shoulders.

The whole small mountain village was silent. I dug a hole secretly and buried the painted clay jar in the hole. I buried it very deep because I was afraid of being discovered.

By chance? Coincidence?

As soon as I buried the jar, raindrops started falling from the sky.

As I hurriedly picked up my bag and ran back, it started to rain heavily. Because the parking place was a bit far away, my clothes got soaked.

I got into the car and turned on the wipers. Through the windshield, I suddenly saw the fat white man sitting on the toad stone. The fat white man smiled and waved to me.


The wipers wiped the car glass back and forth twice. I looked and saw that the white fat man was gone.

"Ah sneeze!"

"Damn it, did I catch a cold or have a fever?"

This old Xiali that I bought for 6,000 yuan was my last resort. I put down the seat, curled up and lay on it, listening to the sound of raindrops coming from the roof of the car.

I felt very cold. I gritted my teeth and couldn't help but shiver all over. I drove around day and night, hungry and full, but I was still sick.

"Ta-ta-ta! Ta-ta-ta!"

It was raining heavily, and I heard someone knocking on the glass outside the car, and then a flashlight shone on my face.

The door was unlocked, so the man opened the door, and I vaguely saw a skinny, shirtless boy holding an umbrella.

"Are you a foreigner?"

The skinny boy touched my forehead, quickly took it back and said, "Oh my God! Why is it so hot! You have a high fever!"

He helped me out of the car. Seeing that my feet were weak, he directly carried me back to his house.

His family lived high up, and what I still remember is the two neatly built drainage ditches on both sides of the road.

"Yazi! Who is this?"

"Mom, I saw that this man had a fever and was sick. He was playing around in the car, so I carried him back."

"Come in, Yaozi, are you serious? Why do you dare to carry anyone to your home? What if he is a bad guy?"

"Mom, I don't think he is a bad person like this. We also have Anakin at home, let's make him a bowl of ginger tea."

"I know, help him lie down quickly."

After taking a piece of metamizole and drinking a steaming bowl of ginger tea, I felt warm and comfortable, and I no longer felt nervous.

For the first time in a stranger's home, I was unsuspecting and slept soundly.

This chapter has been completed!
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