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Chapter 264 Xie Qirong

On the second underground floor of the mental hospital, the long corridor is dimly lit and very quiet, dilapidated, damp, and full of garbage.

I walked to the cell at the end of the corridor, knocked on the door first, and then whispered: "Aza Aza, it's me, are you in there? I'm here to save you."

After waiting for half a minute, there was no movement.

I frowned and thought: "After all, it has been more than twenty days since the last incident. Was it that during this period he was tortured to extract a confession, or did he pass out due to lack of food and clothing?"

I made a decision to open the door and take a look.

I inserted the key into the keyhole and turned it gently. Then I pushed open the thick iron door little by little and slowly looked into the room.

"Sorry! Sorry to bother you!"

I slammed the door and immediately locked it again.

Damn, that's scary.

In the room was an old man with a skinny face and sunken eye sockets, wearing white clothes. His eyes were dull and he was sitting motionless on the edge of the bed, muttering.

"If it's not this room, it can only be this room."

I called the door once, then twice, and soon heard Azana's excited voice.

"Xiang Yunfeng! Is it you? Are you here to save me?!"

I was in a hurry, opened the door immediately, and saw Aza's current condition.

His clothes smelled sour, his face was haggard, sallow, unkempt, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Just like a hungry person who sees a bowl of meat, Aza looks very excited.

He hugged me and said excitedly: "I've been waiting! I knew you wouldn't abandon me!"

I pushed him away, gritted my teeth and said, "Stop talking nonsense, can you leave?"

"Yes, I have no problem!"

"Then follow me closely."

Arrived at the corridor.

"Come on! What are you looking at?" Aza said anxiously.

I looked at the iron door, then at the key in my hand, and was about to leave. Suddenly, a low voice with a strange tone came from inside the door.

"I heard it. Xiang Fengfeng, Xiang Fengfeng, are you here to see me?"

Maybe it was the footsteps of Aza and I running, or maybe Aza was too excited and spoke too loudly, but he was heard anyway.

Aza looked worried and urged me: "Let's go! Why are you so stunned!"

I stared at the iron door, took a deep breath, and told myself not to be afraid.

The person behind the door is my nightmare.

There was a voice in my heart telling me: "Xiang Yunfeng, this may be your last chance in this life. If you can't untie this knot, you will live in a nightmare for the rest of your life. Be brave and don't be afraid of him. He will also

I'm just a human being, there's nothing to be afraid of."

Finally, I took a deep breath, took two steps closer, and stood in front of the iron gate.

"Thank you Qirong, I am Xiang Yunfeng! Did you hear me?"

A bang on the door!

"Xiang Fengfeng! Haha! I knew it must be you! Your footsteps are the same as anyone else's!"

He suddenly sang: "Fake it clean! Pee on the pot! Cover the dustpan and knead the dough! Make a Xiang Fengfeng! With eyebrows, eyes and dimples! Xiang Fengfeng! Open the door quickly! Let me out!"

After not seeing each other for two and a half years, when I heard these nonsense words, I knew that his madness had become more serious, perhaps to the point of being incurable, so I emboldened myself and shouted through the door: "You are the fucking one."

Mianwowo! Xie Qirong, you are a brain retard! You are a retard! You are a fool! I am not afraid of you!"

When I shouted these words in front of my face, at that moment, I felt so happy and happy that I felt better than anything else I could do! It was like a heavy stone that had been in my heart for a long time fell to the ground.

So I shouted again: "Did you hear that? Xie Qirong! You are stupid!"

On the other side of the door, a low voice said:

"Xiang Fengfeng. How dare you scold me?"

I chuckled and said, "Yes, I just scolded you, what's the matter? I'm standing here, you can come out and hit me if you dare."

"You are a mentally retarded, inhumane lunatic! You deserve to be locked up here! I am leaving now, so you will die here alone!"

I waved at the door and smiled: "Goodbye!"



"Xiang Fengfeng, I'm going to kill you!"

Xie Qirong suddenly screamed like crazy and started banging on the door crazily!

This scene scared me so much that I took two steps back.

Seeing this, I chuckled and said, "Hey, hey! You still want to kill me? I'm so scared, forget it, I don't have the time, so I won't tell you anymore."

As soon as I finished speaking, I turned around and wanted to leave.

But what happened next made both Aza and I open our mouths at the same time.

Xie Qirong was no longer shouting or talking. All that could be heard was the constant banging of the door.

A large amount of dust and rust fell from the door beam.

On the iron door that was several inches thick, people's "palm prints" appeared one after another, and they were one after another, more and more! More and more dense!

My eyes were frightened and I stepped back step by step.

Then all I heard was "a loud bang!"

The heavy iron door fell down with a crash, hitting the ground heavily, sending up dust all over the ground.

The lighting in the basement was already dim, but among the scattered dust, a tall and slender figure could be seen looming at the door.

When I saw the bamboo pole-like figure, my legs were shaking and I was a little unsteady.

After a few seconds, the dust dispersed, and Xie Qirong, whom I had not seen for more than two years, appeared in front of me again.

At this time, I couldn't react at all.

Why is he like this now?

Xie Qirong was wearing a blue and white hospital gown, and now he has a full head of black hair!

Although one sleeve is empty, he seems to be more energetic than before, and even the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and the wrinkles on his forehead are much reduced!

If I said this man was an old man several decades older than me, no one would believe me! But he actually appeared in front of me!

Take two steps closer to me.

Xie Qirong put one hand in the pocket of the hospital gown and whistled in his mouth. He looked at me sideways and laughed in a long voice: "Xiang Fengfeng, what did you just scold me when I came out? You are scolding me once, let me listen."


He couldn't run, he couldn't walk, he didn't dare to move.

At this moment, cold sweat broke out on my forehead, my face was as white as paper, and the fear in my heart reached the extreme!

I turned my head mechanically and glanced.

Aza, who was beside me just now, disappeared without a trace at some point.

I started running immediately!

Run forward with all your might!

A series of terrifying laughter came from behind.

When I looked up, Xie Qirong was already standing in front of me.

He is half a head taller than me! This block blocked all light! The world around me fell into darkness.

He smiled and put one hand on my head.

"Hey Xiang Fengfeng, I haven't seen you for two years, you seem to have grown a little taller."

Oh shit!"


I yelled, stepped back, clenched my fists instantly, and stood still on the spot with my footwork.


Xie Qirong's hand was still stretched out in the air, and he smiled and said: "Retreat in an instant, catch the cicada in eight steps? Xiang Fengfeng, where did you learn this?"

"Want to fight me?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xie Qirong raised his head and laughed maniacally. He pointed at me and said: "Xiang Fengfeng, in my eyes, these eight steps to catch cicadas are something only children can play. Do you want to use this kind of thing to resist me? Do you know that I

What state are you in now?”

I didn't dare to speak, I just stood there and gasped.

Xie Qirong spread out his hands and said with a smile: "I am already invincible."

With excitement on his face, he said to me: "Refining Qi to transform, refining Qi to transform into spirit, and refining spirit to transform into void. Now I have broken through the last level. Even if I am standing here as a horse lamp, his

There is only one outcome, and that is to be beaten to death by me."

At this time, a loud voice suddenly came from behind.

"Who is this? What an arrogant tone!"

I turned around and saw He Weiwu, shirtless and with long flowing hair, walking over, with Aza and Qin Huiwen following closely behind him.

He Weiwu's cold eyes revealed an aura of disdain for everything.

Xie Qirong tilted his head and said with a smile: "Who are you?"

He Weiwu stopped one meter in front of him and replied coldly: "Ku Fist, He Weiwu."

"Bitter Fist?"

Xie Qirong's expression seemed to be startled. He stared wide-eyed and said, "I don't know him."

"Haha, Xie, of course you don't know me, because we are not from the same era."

He Weiwu stared at Xie Qirong and said slowly: "Only when you have to endure hardships can you become a better person. I have suffered all the hardships in this world. The bitter fist is a boxing type that only belongs to me. This punch once killed a janitor. I want to

Don’t you want to have a fight?”

Xie Qirong laughed loudly: "Have you ever killed a janitor with one punch? That's awesome! Okay! Come on!"

I know in my heart that these are top players from two eras.

He Weiwu's face was expressionless. He stepped forward with his left foot, raised his hands flat, and tensed his whole body.

Then I saw.

Under the light.

On He Weiwu's entire back, the back muscles bulged and squeezed! Eventually, a "crying face" slowly formed.

This chapter has been completed!
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