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Chapter 2319 Lu Chen runs fast

"You brat, don't deny it. Even if you turn into ashes, I will recognize you!"

Yihuang looked over in shock, and said with an annoyed look, "I didn't expect that you actually pretended to be dead in your resting place, and even I deceived you."

While he was talking, distracted, and shocked, the vicious master had already rushed over, and smashed a pumpkin hammer directly towards Yihuang.

"Death, you all must die!"

The Wing Emperor was furious and used two things at once, dealing with two people at the same time.

He drew his sword with his right hand to resist the hammer blow from the vicious real man.

His left hand turned into a palm and struck Lu Chen with one palm.

Even though he was fighting one against two, he was very careful and measured in his actions, and he would never act haphazardly.

The Evil Master was at the same level as him and was a real threat. He devoted most of his power to the sword that faced the Evil Master.

And Lu Chen is not even an emperor, so he cannot activate the Eighth Heaven-Destroying Sword. He can only use the Seventh Heaven-Destroying Sword, which has no effect on him and poses no threat.

The last time he chased Lu Chen in the Resting Land, he just used his palms casually to beat Lu Chen so that he didn't dare to show his head, and even faked his death to fool him.

Nowadays, Lu Chen's realm is higher, but he is just the True King of Liuhe, and he can't bear his palm!

Therefore, the palm he struck at Lu Chen only used 30% of his strength.

His 30% strength cannot be underestimated. It is enough to kill a weak emperor, and it can also lock Lu Chen!

However, he never expected that Lu Chen's realm would not grow much, but his combat power would grow far beyond his imagination, threatening his life!

"Ze Tian!"

With one slash, the wind and clouds shattered, the space collapsed, and the void exploded!

The force of the sword is so heavy that it can still make the earth shake when pressed from high in the sky!

The blade is everywhere, the palm force disintegrates, breaks the air machine, and shatters the lock!

"This sword power...is not Zhanqi!"

At that moment, Yihuang sensed that the power of the blade was threatening his existence, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

At that moment, Yihuang realized that he had been tricked by Lu Chen, and he even felt regretful and wanted to hit the wall.

Unfortunately, Yihuang was one against two. He opened his bow from both sides and was attacked from both sides. He had no way to turn back and was forced to carry on.


The evil master's pumpkin hammer collided with the Wing Emperor's long sword, causing a loud bang that was deafening.

At that moment, the power of the hammer and the power of the sword collapsed together, and they barely fought to a draw.

But on Lu Chen's side, it's not as easy as a draw, but a dead hand!


The blade was like a bolt of lightning, breaking the power of the palm, cutting into the palm, and shattering the palm and arm!

It's a pity that the Wing Emperor's body-protecting essence is too strong, and it protects the torso without force, preventing the force of the knife from being shocked into the body.

If it were any other three-titled emperor, he would definitely not be able to withstand the shock of Lu Chen's sword, and his body would definitely be exploded.

At that moment, the aftermath of the battle formed by the shattering power violently impacted in all directions, and the surrounding space was shattered under the impact.

Lu Chen has fallen into weakness. Although his physical body is strong, it is still quite dangerous to be hit by the aftermath of such an emperor-level battle.

But at this moment, the damaged imperial cauldron that was knocked away by the white tiger came back, just in time to help Lu Chen block the most violent shock wave.


The damaged imperial cauldron finally fell apart and was completely shattered under the violent shock wave.

The imperial cauldron was shattered, but it withstood most of the impact for Lu Chen, so Lu Chen didn't have to worry about danger!

Despite this, Lu Chen's weak body could not withstand the aftermath, and he was still rushed hundreds of miles away.

The large black burqa that Lu Chen was wearing was nothing more than ordinary clothing. It had been torn into pieces by the shock wave, and his whole body was completely exposed.

"Lu Chen, you bastard, why don't you die soon?"

"Cao Ni Ma, how do you have the strength to activate the eighth sword that cuts the sky?"

"If the successor of Zhantian is not crowned emperor, he will never have the strength to use the Eighth Sword of Zhantian!"

"You actually broke the limits of the Tian Zhan Sect. Before becoming emperor, you were able to activate the eighth Tian Zhan Sword. You are really a pervert, and a super pervert!"

"I regret it. When you were weak, I should have strangled you in the cradle and not given you any chance to grow!"

The Winged Emperor was frightened and angry, and while yelling curses, he swung his sword with all his strength to resist the attack of the vicious real man.

After Lu Chen chopped off one of his arms with a sword, the Wing Emperor's condition declined rapidly. His combat power was no longer at its peak, and he was struggling to resist the vicious master.

Of course, the evil master is not a fool, so he took advantage of his illness to kill him, so he risked his life to attack him, hoping to take this opportunity to get rid of him.

"Emperor Yi, you have done many evil things in your life. Today, retribution has come. You will have your arm cut off and you will definitely die!"

The ferocious master laughed loudly and fought hard to kill him. He swung his two pumpkin hammers left and right, leaving the Wing Emperor in a state of disarray and being hit in many places by the hammer.

In fact, although the Evil Real Person is not missing any parts, the situation of the Evil Real Person is not much better than that of the Wing Emperor.

The evil master fought with the Winged King for a long time. He was hit by many swords and suffered serious injuries. His condition was no longer at its peak.

If he hadn't been hanging on with his strength, the evil master might have been unable to hold on long ago, or he might have fled long ago.

Therefore, after King Wing lost his arm, he was still able to carry the evil master, precisely because the evil master's strength was weak.

Otherwise, Wing Emperor would have escaped immediately without having his head blown off by the vicious real person.

"No matter what, I will not die today, but Lu Chen must die!"

Wing Emperor gritted his teeth to fight against the vicious real man, and gave Bai Hu an order, "Hu'er, I will help you heal your injuries later. Now, endure the pain and go get Lu Chen's head back from me!"

The evil master has entangled him. He can't chase Lu Chen, but he doesn't want Lu Chen to escape either.

Even if he felt sorry for Bai Hu's injury, he had no choice but to order Bai Hu to attack, and only Bai Hu could help him.

Although Bai Hu was injured and his condition was declining, he still had no problem chasing Lu Chen.

What's more, Lu Chen's aura has become weaker, which is the period of weakness, and he is very easy to kill!


Bai Hu accepted the Wing Emperor's order, endured the pain in his crotch, and rushed towards Lu Chen.

"Lu Chen, run!"

The ferocious real man who was fighting with Yi Huang couldn't help but screamed in panic when he saw that Lu Chen was still eating and drinking there and didn't even run away.

However, Lu Chen turned a deaf ear and continued to take the pill, as if he didn't know how to write the word "death".

Suddenly, a ray of extreme cold appeared, blocking the white tiger's way towards Lu Chen, forming a field of ice, slowing down the white tiger's speed.

At the same time, between heaven and earth, two sword chants sounded together, resounding in all directions.

A red sword shadow slashed down, like a volcano pressing down on top, very domineering, pressing towards the white tiger. Another sword light flashed out, faster than lightning, with will, slashing towards the white tiger!

This chapter has been completed!
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