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Chapter 249 The Great Injustice Seed System

Chapter 249 The Great Wrong System

If you look closely, you can see that its leaves are long green strips, similar to orchid leaves, with small bell-shaped flowers hanging from them, seven in total, with different colors.

The fragrance is emanated from this plant.

"So beautiful!" Fang Xiangyue looked at it carefully for a while, and quickly remembered the introduction about this flower. She had seen it in the library at Xianhe Peak.

"Colorful lily of the valley!"

At this time, Yuan Lue's excited voice came, and at the same time, a small black figure had appeared in front of him.


Then, without waiting for Fang Xiangyue to react, he quickly jumped out, uprooted the colorful lily of the valley and swallowed it in one gulp!

Fang Xiangyue: "???"

Damn it!

This is the first time in her life that she has seen a system grabbing things from the host!

"Host, I just saw a lot of fallen bear fur on the ground. This place should be the lair of the silverback giant bear. I am about to upgrade the system and fall into a deep sleep. To avoid being in danger, you must leave here quickly."

After saying that, Yuan fell completely into silence.

"No, I said you..."

"Bang bang bang..."

Fang Xiangyue was still confused when he heard the ground shaking outside the cave, accompanied by a familiar roar.

"Fuck, that bear is really here!"

Fang Xiangyue cursed and looked around, finding that the cave had several forks.

Now she couldn't allow her to think too much, she just chose one at random and started running as fast as she could again.

She secretly complained in her heart, since she came to this world, she has never run so hard!

There was nothing she could do about it. When Yuan was in deep sleep, she relied on the system to stay close to her and was always confident. Now she was the only one left. Faced with such a fifth-level monster that could eat her alive in a matter of minutes, it would be difficult to run away or wait.

To be eaten!

"Bang bang bang..."

Hearing the footsteps getting closer and closer behind him, Fang Xiangyue felt like crying but had no tears.

Didn't she just break into the lair by mistake? Why was she chasing her...


Suddenly, Fang Xiangyue thought of something.

There are usually guardian beasts around Tiancai Dibao. The entrance to the cave just now was the lair of the silver-backed giant bear. That means that the colorful lily of the valley is probably...

"I...I'm going to fuck you with the Dogecoin system!"

After understanding the key point, Fang Xiangyue couldn't help but curse loudly.

She also said that she swallowed the whole flower even to the root!

Even so, she was still allowed to take the blame!

Just let her take the blame. She did something immoral and just put her son down and went to sleep to upgrade!

I'm so angry, what kind of cheating system is she bound to?

Although she was angry, she was now isolated and helpless, so she could only put her emotions aside for the time being and try to be calm.

However, no matter how hard she ran, her cultivation was there, and two legs could not outrun four legs. In the end, she was still caught up by the silver-backed giant bear.

"Ho ho ho..."

It stopped in front of Fang Xiangyue, its red eyes roared with rage.

Although she didn't understand it, Fang Xiangyue understood it clearly. It was asking her to return the colorful lily of the valley.

But those flowers have been swallowed up by the Dogecoin system. Where can she find another one and return it to it?

In the end, she had no choice. After thinking about it, she could only take out a banana with a painful look on her face and try to negotiate.

These natural and earthly treasures are indeed very special. At this time, the green banana also exudes a faint golden light.

The moment he saw the bigenjiao, the silver-backed giant bear's eyes lit up and his eyeballs almost glued to his face.

Seeing this, Fang Xiangyue gained a little more confidence and threw the green banana over.

The silver-backed giant bear didn't hesitate at all. He immediately twisted it with his little paws, then threw it directly into his mouth and started chewing it, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

"Just eat it. This banana is used to exchange for your flower. I will take it as your promise!"

Fang Xiangyue clapped his hands and said with a smile, "After all, I have already eaten your flower. Let's exchange it with each other like this. We don't owe anything to each other. It's just fine!"


The silver-backed giant bear, who originally had a look of interest on his face, suddenly widened his eyes after hearing this, staring at Fang Xiangyue with a mixture of scrutiny and confusion.

It was as if Xiang Xiangyue was confirming whether he really ate the flower.

Fang Xiangyue smelled the danger very sensitively and moved back quietly.

He rubbed his hands and laughed dryly, "Yes, I've already eaten it, so let's just laugh it off and forget about it. Do you think it's okay?"


Unexpectedly, the giant silver-backed bear immediately became violent after learning the truth, and without saying a word, he punched Fang Xiangyue hard.

"Wucao, you stinky bear has no martial ethics!" Fortunately, Fang Xiangyue was prepared and jumped away in time.

I caught a glimpse of a huge depression where I was just now, and my scalp felt numb.

If someone hits you like that, will your body be shattered to pieces?

"Ho ho ho!"

Obviously, the silverback giant bear didn't intend to let her go, and roared and attacked her again.

The fifth-level monster was absolutely crushing in terms of realm. Even if Fang Xiangyue wanted to run away, she was slapped away by a bear's paw after just one round.


Fang Xiangyue flew dozens of meters away and rolled into a field of flowers.

She endured the pain and got up, spit out a mouthful of fishy sweetness, and couldn't help but gritted her teeth and said, "This damn stinky bear didn't keep his word, and he really cost me a banana in vain!"

"Ho ho ho..."

At this time, the silver-backed giant bear was running towards her again.

"damn it!"

Listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer, Fang Xiangyue tried hard to crawl forward even though he could no longer stand up.

The current situation is that it is better to delay a little bit than to stay where you are and wait for death.


However, as Fang Xiangyue crawled, she soon felt something was wrong.

First, although the giant bear behind her was still roaring, there seemed to be a bit of pain in its voice, and it hadn't caught up with her yet!

Secondly, there was always a tooth-aching sound on the top of her head, similar to the friction of bamboo boards. The dangerous aura emanating from the surroundings gave her goosebumps on her back.


Fang Xiangyue swallowed hard, and finally had no choice but to stop crawling, turn around and look up.

Then, she saw a scene that made her hair stand on end.

"Ho ho ho..."


I saw that the silver-backed giant bear, which was majestic before and was as big as a small mountain, was now covered in blood and wrapped in many flowers and vines.

Its defensive power, which is comparable to low-grade spiritual energy, is like nothing in front of these flower vines. Pieces of flesh and blood are being quickly snatched away by the barbs on them, and then sent into the mouths of the giant flowers with grimaces.


Fang Xiangyue finally thought of something belatedly, his heart tightened, and he slowly raised his head.

(End of chapter)

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