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Chapter 329: Spirit Devouring Butterfly

"Poisoned!" Fang Xiangyue only took one look before making a judgment, and took out a Nine Lines Myogenic Pill and fed it to the disciple.

Jisheng Dan treats injuries, which is naturally different from poisoning, but Jiu Wen Dan is different. Even if it cannot detoxify, it can slow down the spread of toxins to the greatest extent.

Fortunately, the elixir melts instantly in the mouth, and the spiritual liquid automatically slides into the throat.

Moreover, the situation was better than Fang Xiangyue imagined. The disciple's wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the same time, black pus and blood flowed out.

"Fortunately, it's useful."

It seems that the Myogenic Pill has used its powerful healing power to force out the toxins, which is an unexpected surprise.

"Thank you, Senior Sister!" After the disciple recovered, he was pleasantly surprised and immediately thanked Fang Xiangyue gratefully.

When Fang Xiangyue fed her the elixir just now, he was too fast. He held the elixir in his palm and put it directly into her mouth. So she didn't see what kind of medicine it was, but she also knew that it must be a very precious medicine if she could interpret it so quickly.


"Nothing." Fang Xiangyue had no time to talk to her. He frowned and looked at the other disciple who was covering his arm. "Extend your hand and show it to me."

"Oh." When the disciple heard this, he quickly followed the instructions.

Fang Xiangyue took a look and saw that there was indeed a small wound on the disciple's arm, which confirmed her guess. "Take one of the eight lines of muscle growth pill I gave you before and eat it."

The difference between Eight-Line Pill and Nine-Line Pill is only one pill pattern, so the effect should still be good.

"Oh, okay." Although the disciple felt a little hurt, in view of Xiang Yue's trust, he did it without saying anything.

Fang Xiangyue said this, she must have a point, she must have encountered a difficult situation.

This elixir is originally used to save lives. If it is not used at this time, is it possible that it should be kept until death and then burned to the underworld for use?

Fortunately, as Fang Xiangyue guessed, after taking the elixir, because the second disciple's injury was not as serious as before, a small amount of black blood emerged and healed quickly.


However, before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, a whirlwind seemed to blow in the air, and countless leaves fell freely, like a big net, covering Fang Xiangyue and his party.

For some reason, facing this clearly beautiful scene of falling leaves, Fang Xiangyue felt creepy and chills ran down his spine.

So, she shouted loudly, "Everyone, open the protective aura shield."

"Yes." After hearing this, all the disciples immediately followed the instructions without any hesitation.

Afterwards, they were extremely glad to have listened to Fang Xiangyue's words.

Because, when those dead leaves fell on the aura shield, they actually turned into butterflies, and... their teeth were so sharp that they bit out small holes in the aura shield.

Although the small gap was repaired immediately, the opponent's number was too great, and if they continued to consume, they would soon be exhausted of their spiritual power.

At present, Fang Xiangyue has not yet refined the elixir that can quickly replenish spiritual power. Even if there are spiritual stones, the refining speed cannot keep up with the consumption.

The reason why Tempering Realm disciples cannot fly with swords is because the Dantian is still in a state of air mass and cannot store too much spiritual energy. Once used, it will easily cause spiritual energy overdraft.

"These are soul-devouring butterflies that mutated from dead leaf butterflies after the arrival of the pink mist. They actually have paralyzing toxins on their bodies. Although it is not fatal, it can make people incapacitated, allowing them to devour the spiritual power of their prey."

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