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Chapter569 Reconstruction of Zaun

Like the straw that broke the camel's back, fate brought disaster to the Zaun people when they were most content.

In less than ten seconds, the slight shaking turned into a strong earthquake that made it impossible to stand. A hoarse scream came from the depths of the earth, and the death song covered up the cheers that had not yet dissipated.

In an instant, Zu An's singing turned into screams and wails like hell.

There were figures in front of him, and he didn't know who hit him. Connor, who couldn't stand still, stumbled to the ground and hit the back of his head. Suddenly, the dizzy man heard his son's voice.

"Father! Get out of here quickly!

The ground is falling!


"Earth...earthquake...why, why is this happening...everything is obviously perfect..."

The man finally struggled out of his daze and looked towards the south running toward his son.

There was the prosperous city of Zaun. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of magnificent and tall buildings collapsed. The flying dust and gravel rolled the ant-like Zaun people into pieces. The solid ground continued to sink, further away.

You can also see the yellow-green chemical poisonous gas spreading continuously.

A bottomless gap opened up in the ground in the southwest, and then began to spread in all directions, like a huge mouth of an abyss, spreading in a way that mortals could not understand, as if it was about to swallow the entire city into its belly.

"Father! Run north! Run!"


Being pulled up by his son Javid, Connor patted his head and held the anxious young man back.

Javid looked at his father with a puzzled look on his face. He didn't know why his father would stop him from escaping at such a dangerous time, but before the young man could say anything, Connor said in a hoarse voice.

"Look at the coast!! The fissure will soon spread to the north coast! Once the fissure is connected to the Zaun Strait, the seawater will pour in and directly flood Zai'an! Running north now is a dead end!"

Looking in the direction Connor was pointing, Javed quickly understood what his father meant. At this moment, he even had no idea and could only turn to his experienced father for help.

"What should we do?"

Connor gritted his teeth and pointed to the east coast.

"Run to the east coast! The terrain there is high and there are granite veins. I don't believe the subsidence can spread there!"

While the two of them were talking, the foundations of the southern city of Zuan continued to sink, with a radius of hundreds of miles. Tens of thousands of people had little chance to escape, and they followed the collapsed city and sank below the sea level.

The cracks in the ground are still spreading towards the west coast, getting faster and faster like broken egg shells.

On the Zaun, Dean Terrance, the general person in charge of the observation and blasting project, slumped on the deck and whispered an order to evacuate the strait to the northeast.

Things were completely out of control. The rough waves could capsize the ship at any time. He could only give priority to ensuring the safety of the crew.

"God, why do you want this to happen to me? Why..."

Looking at the crying Dean Terrance, other engineers lowered their heads. They knew that no matter how this disaster was caused, Dean Terrance's career was completely over.

At the same time, Lester held Janna in his arms and fell with the collapsed building. Just when he was about to hit the ground, he was lifted up by a swirling airflow and landed gently on the ground.

Along with the sound of tsunamis coming from the distance, Lester could see a white line covering the sky heading toward his location from the northwest.

At this moment, in a desperate city, Lester only felt a little noisy.

"Hundreds of years have passed, and I finally heard their calls again, just when they were about to be buried in the sea."

When she said this, Janna put her chin on the man's shoulder, her voice was very soft, like a gust of wind that could drift away at any time.

Letting Janna lean on his shoulder, Lester gently stroked Janna's smooth back. He didn't expect that the materialized Janna could have such a good touch, as smooth as satin. Fortunately, he was now in

In the time of sage, there is no idea of ​​the small head commanding the big head.

Having said that, now he is playing with the wind elf, right?

"It is the nature of most people to be ungrateful, let alone an unknown nature spirit like you."

After a moment of silence, Janna said softly.

"At least you still remember me."

Although he was a little reluctant to let go, the man still chose to let go of Janna. Lester could sense the reluctance from Janna's slow movement of raising her hand, which made the man feel a lot better.

"Go ahead and do what you want to do. If you don't have enough strength, come to me and draw it. I'll wait here for you to come back."

"This time, I am not doing it for the Zaun people, but just for you, Lester. I just want to protect you."

The wind elf gently pressed her cherry lips on Lester's lips. Before the man could taste the taste of the wind, the elf turned into a breeze and disappeared.

"Is this Janna's mark?"

A strange feeling appeared in my mind.

Although the elf had left, Lester could still feel Janna's position. He stretched out his right hand to try to summon the wind element. After a few seconds, a small cyclone flowed around the palm of his hand. This was the gift and gift of the wind elf.


Touching his lips, Lester's face was filled with a smile.

"Janna! Janna! Save us!"

"Alem! Aremu! Where are you! I need your help!"

A handful of elderly believers who believed in Janna finally remembered their names that they had forgotten for a long time. Holding the blue bird amulet in their hands, the Zaun people who believed in Janna called out the name of the patron saint of Zaun again and again.

Collapsed ground and buildings, raging fires, yellow-green chemical poisonous gases everywhere, and surging waves. The disaster came so unexpectedly that the technology and machinery that the Zaan people were proud of could not play any role.

We can only watch as lives disappear rapidly.

There are a total of 50,000 people living in Zuannan City, and there are 20,000 permanent residents near the west bank alone. At this moment, the sea water is pouring in, and the waves have submerged the city boundaries. Those who have survived many disasters are completely despairing.

Sitting high in the sky, Janna stared at the earth for a long time and sighed softly.

I'm afraid this will be her last time as a Zaunite god.

"Wind, please listen to my voice."

The scattered wind elements began to actively gather around Janna. Janna guided the wind elements and condensed them into powerful whirlwinds. By driving the whirlwind, Janna approached the waves spreading towards the city.

"Go, Feng'er, please stop these turbulent waves and open a way out for mankind."

Hundreds of cyclones that obeyed the orders formed a wind wall. The wind wall was like an invisible city, blocking the sea water and waves from the west side of the city, preventing them from entering.

Immediately afterwards, Janna used the wind to blow out the raging fires in the city, bringing the spreading poisonous gas high into the sky where there was no one.

An escape route to the east appeared in front of the Zaun people.

"This is the miracle of the wind! It's Garn'arem! Garn'arem, the patron saint of Zaun, is here to save us!"

"Janna! Thank you! Praise you! I will always remember your kindness! Let my descendants worship you!"

The people of Zaun who had witnessed the miracle knelt on the ground one after another, chanting and praising Janna's name. Unfortunately, no one could find where Janna was because Janna didn't want to show up.

The strong wind blocking the sea lasted for three days. During these three days, most of the Zaun people stranded in the sunken city fled. Even so, according to the accident casualty statistics of the Zaun Council, there were still 8,000 people.

Many people stayed in the ruins of the city forever and died in disasters and accidents.

Three months have passed since the catastrophe caused by the isthmus blasting, and the XC area in southern Zaun has turned into a tidal flat and reduced to urban ruins.

To this day, Zu An is still in mourning.

Dean Terrence, the general person in charge of the blasting project, resigned, and the three Zuan councilors who led the strait expansion project were forced to step down. Even within the family, there was a serious crisis of trust.

Since it was impossible to determine which project leader involved in the project caused the catastrophe, after careful investigation, the Zaun Council could only give up on pursuing responsibility. For humanitarian reasons, the eight project participants 'volunteered' to give up eight of them.

Donate 1% of the project funds to Zaun to support Zaun's reconstruction work.

Zaun, which suffered heavy casualties, had to put the Sun Gate construction plan on hold for a long time and put the task of rebuilding Zaun first.

Due to the erosion of water and the impact of strong winds, the rocks re-blocked the ground cracks connecting the strait, which relieved a lot of the burden on Zaun's reconstruction work.

Thanks to the higher terrain, the damage to the north bank of Zaun was not serious. In response to the backwash of seawater on the north bank, the Zaun Council decided to build an underground sewer by digging ditches and diverting water into the Piart River to alleviate the flood.


The most difficult thing to rebuild is the south bank of Zaun, because the southern city of Zaun collapsed significantly during the earthquake. The city is located below sea level, and the terrain is of different heights. The fallen rock surface has a huge drop. How to survive the huge ups and downs?

Rebuilding the city on the ground and ensuring that southern Zaun no longer suffers from flooding has become the most difficult problem to solve.

Through the survey conducted by geological engineers, the Zaun Council decided to modify the drawings of the Sun Gate and move the construction location about a thousand meters to the west, so that the Sun Gate sea lock would become the first line of defense to stop the canal's backflow, and the second line of defense would be

It is composed of a cement-reinforced river embankment, and the third drainage defense line is composed of culverts.

After completing the work of isolating the water source, the Zaun Council passed discussions and announced the construction plan for the culvert.

The culvert will be built on the ruins of the original southern heavy industrial zone, connecting the Gate of the Sun to the north and the collapsed southern city of Zaun to the south. The culverts extending in all directions can include the entire city of Zaun on the north shore of Shurima, and all water will flow along it.

The gradually lowering terrain is introduced underground, and finally discharges to the East China Sea.

Under a series of decisions of the Zaun Council, the Zaun people gradually came out of their pain and started a new life in the reconstruction work.

As Lester expected, it was difficult for the Zaun people to do anything for Janna after the disaster.

Standing on a hill on the north shore of the Zaun Strait, Lester looked at the black smoke-filled south. On his left shoulder, a small bluebird was shaking its head, looking at the white-faced owl on the man's right shoulder.

"A council member proposed to build a giant statue for you, but other council members rejected it on the grounds that 'Zuan is most proud of science and technology, not gods who don't know when they will appear or disappear.'

Some of the people you saved have protested, but unfortunately, shouting at the door of the parliament is of no use."

"Lester, you should know that I am no longer the god of the Zaun people. The roots that make me up are now tied to you. This is also the reason why you can control the wind element.

If you die, or if you forget me, I will disappear completely."

Qingniao tilted his head and said nothing, but his voice was directly transmitted to Lester's mind.

"I'm really happy that you did this, but for you, this is not a good thing."

"Since I have chosen you, I will never regret it."

Janna's voice was so firm that Lester sighed secretly.

"...Thank you, Janna, thank you for trusting me so much."

The wind blowing in front of him made Lester squint his eyes, and he suddenly recalled what happened in the Magic Garden of Ionia in the past.

He still doesn't know why Janna left him.

Now that Janna has chosen him, he can ask.

"Janna, do you still remember that more than seven hundred years ago, you followed me to the Magic Garden of Ionia. At that time, Ionia was holding the Soul Blooming Festival, and the Soul Blooming Disaster was caused by demons.

I went to the spiritual realm to confront Nocturne, and when I came out, you were gone."

The blue bird suddenly flew off the shoulder and turned into Janna's elf form.

On Janna's face, Lester saw a deep apology.

"That demon launched a soul attack on you and wanted to cut off the spiritual connection between your body and soul. I tried to stop it, but unfortunately I failed. After the power was exhausted, I fell into a deep sleep."

Hearing this, Lester lay on the ground and stared at Roy hovering in the sky.

"So that's it. I thought you abandoned me. I was sad for a long time because you left me. I was planning to take you to find trouble with those captains, but now that you're gone, I lost interest."


Janna bent down and covered Lester's sight with something tall.

Lester had to admit that it was difficult to take his eyes away from the beautiful scenery, but the female elf's eyes attracted him even more at this moment.

This was some kind of true expression, and for the dull Janna, this kind of situation rarely happened.

"Until now I still don't understand, what am I in your eyes?

Is it a supernatural person? Is it a god? Is it a magical elf? Or is it the person you love? Why do you have such complicated emotions towards me?"

The unexpected question made Lester stunned for a moment. The man sat up and responded to the elf's question with action.

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